Those of you who have followed my work know that I don’t make a lot of predictions. I make the ones that I think are important and I work very hard to ensure that most of them are accurate. I began predicting that Joe Biden would be president more than a year ago in my lectures, interviews and newsletters, long before he won the nomination. On Coast to Coast A.M. in March 2020 I made the same prediction. I was the only prognosticator on the show to make this declaration. Nothing that is happening in our convoluted and chaotic political circus has changed my mind. Trump will not reverse the decision the American voters have made, despite the noise coming from the White House. Biden will be certified as the President elect and all the posturing will do little more than give fodder to a Saturday Night Live skit.
Let me state what’s at risk here. 
GEORGIA ON MY MIND – Just an old sweet song…
Whenever I make a major prediction I examine many charts and do comparatives, composites, solar directions and progressives. I’m not going to go through my entire process, only the highlights. As many of you know we have entered a new era with the ingress of Jupiter and Saturn into Aquarius. This alone implies that there will be big changes happening in our nation and the world over the coming year. But in order for that to occur the balance of power in the Senate must change. I believe that the Democrats will win both seats in the Peach State runoffs. I can’t imagine that the voters will spit the ticket, voting for one Democrat and one Republican, so I believe that the Senate will wind up a 50/50 split, making Kamala Harris one of the most important people in Washington D.C. with her tie-breaking vote. With Jupiter & Saturn changing signs from conservative Capricorn to more radical Aquarius I expect some big alterations in how our government works and what the near future holds for us all. If the balance of power in the Senate were to remain as is, we would be in a two-year period of more obstruction by a Republican majority, which would essentially freeze many of Biden’s plans.
Mitch McConnell has been one of the most powerful people in government for many years. McConnell was born on February 20, 1942 (time unknown). He has Venus in opposition to Pluto in his natal chart. This is one of the power points in his chart that has allowed him to hold power for such a long time. He has an early Taurus Moon in square to that opposition (degree of the Moon unknown without a birth time). With Saturn just entering Aquarius it will conjunct his Venus and oppose his Pluto just about on Inauguration Day. This will limit his power and his position, and I think will change his station in the Senate. If I’m right and the Democrats win the two Georgia seats this shift in control will allow Biden to make at least some of the changes he wishes to implement. While it won’t be as far left-leaning as many progressives would like, it will make a big difference and redirect our collective efforts.
None of this will happen if the Republicans retain control of the Senate, and I don’t see that happening.
Many astrologers have been writing about the explosive aspects that fall on January 20th. Mars will be in exact conjunct to Uranus, a very volatile and possibly violent energy that will be made even more dangerous by the close proximity of squares to that conjunct by the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. This all shows a frustrating and pent up force that will most certainly be acted out. While I see the possibility of a stage march or other public display by Trump supporters and some violence is certainly possibly, I don’t think it will disrupt the proceedings or in any way alter the inevitable Inauguration of Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris.
I have heard a number of astrologers on radio, podcasts and social media predicting several outlandish things. Some are still insisting that Trump will be reinstated in the White House. I believe that most of those who are prognosticating this are doing so because it is what they are hoping will occur because of their personal political views. That won’t happen. We all are subject to our personal beliefs and at times it can interfere with the ability to clearly foresee what will be. It behooves us all to try very hard to separate our personal attitudes from our astrological interpretations.
Some are making some chilling predictions about the coming decade stating that 2020 is nothing compared to what we will be seeing in the coming few years politically, economically, and socially. While I think we are far from out of the woods, I simply don’t agree. Here are my thoughts on that:
We are in a deep recession. I’m tempted to call it a depression, but I don’t think it fits the criteria. For one thing this is an artificial problem caused by the pandemic, and not by human created issues such as the 2008 crash, which was triggered by the corrupt housing market debacle and the fall of Lehman Brothers, both of which dissolved the foundation of our international monetary structure. Our current situation has been caused by an outside force. Once this pandemic is under control, which will happen eventually, there will be an explosion of optimism and spending that will turn our economy around and begin a huge expansion of growth. I believe the markets will be very volatile through 2021 and it will take until sometime in 2022 before we are standing on solid ground. Assuming the Democrats do win the two Georgia Senate seats Biden will hopefully initiate a huge infrastructure bill that will put millions of Americans back to work and lead to a massive period of spending. His values are quite different from how the Republicans govern. If we don’t put a foundation underneath the middle class, America will take a decade to recover from this mess. But if we stabilize the structure we can recover much more quickly. Many Americans have actually been saving money this past year, having no place to spend it. That money will begin to “burn a hole in their pockets” and we will see a turnaround in travel, shopping, movies, restaurants and many other presently depressed businesses.
As I said, 2021 will be a very erratic year for the markets. The stocks are currently way overpriced and I expect a deep “correction” that I have been predicting for about 18 months to begin soon. As I write this report the DOW is down about 600 points! We are about to experience a triple pass of Saturn in square to Uranus, one of the key aspects that set off market corrections and crashes, I think we are going to have a very unstable year. But once things settle down and we regain our footing we could easily enter into the “Roaring Twenties” similar to last century. The Influenza pandemic lasted from 1918-20. It took about 2 years before the virus settled down and, most likely mutated into a less virulent strain. We then experienced a two year worldwide depression before exuberant 1920s kicked into high gear. It will take until the end of 2021 to reach the same point, and it may take another year before we see the positive results in our day to day lives.
What about the great divide in our political make up? That isn’t going away. It needs to be addressed and defused if we are going to succeed in moving forward towards a more productive future. But that is a more difficult process. When mankind is involved logic and common sense often go out the window. Well, as the saying goes: Common sense isn’t that common.
As long as the anger, frustration and blind animosity continue, we will hit one brick wall after another. This coming year will either be the turning point that leads us out of the wilderness, or the final defeat that locks us in the desert for a generation, just like the Israelites fleeing from Egypt. Will we reach the Promised Land and find salvation, or squander a great opportunity to take control of our destiny? Only time will tell. And this Tuesday will be the first test to see if we can, like Moses, indeed part the waters and walk to our freedom. 🙏❤

THANK YOU MITCH so much for your emails and your comments re Georgia election, Inauguration Day, coming year and beyond! I listen to misc astrologers, on Coast to Coast radio show and elsewhere, who do seem to state their preferences rather than results of unbiased analysis…Coast to coast is a fox station in San Diego, and host of show will say how unbiased show is, but that is ‘lip service’ only! They seem to support trump via every guest!

So it is refreshing to get unbiased info which seems what any good astrologer would provide, as you do! These times are so volatile, that having a voice and a viewpoint to hold onto is a major benefit, @ least for me it is!
So my great THANKS, as you know!

[Surprised few others ever comment…???]

You said that Saturn square Uranus produce deep corrections in the stock market. How deep will it be?
Where did you get that information?