I want to wish you all the healthiest and happiest New Year.
While 2020 was a challenge, to say the least, it has taught many of us so much about what we truly value, and perhaps some humility and patience.
Here’s hoping that 2021 is so much easier and that we will have different lessons to learn, while still remembering the ones he have just experienced, so they may make us better human beings.
For those who have lost loved ones this past year I wish you comfort and the fondest of memories so you will never forget those who made your life more worth living.
Much love, peace and prosperity to you all. Mitch.

Wishing you the same. thank you for a year of sane, objective posts written with compassion for the human journey.

Happy New Year Mitch! I think of you often. I don’t know why Coast to Coast did not have you on for 2021 predictions. They have very right wing psychics that have a very different message and interpretation, just another extension of that show’s whacky conspiracy non-sense! Keep up speaking the truth as the truth will eventually set everyone free! Much love, Chriz Tokar