On Tuesday December 29th at 10:28 P.M. EST at 8 degrees Cancer 53 minutes the Moon is in opposition to the Sun. This is one of the most sensitive and emotional of placements. The three water signs each represent a different approach to our feelings. Pisces, being mutable and ever changing, rules all moving water including rivers and streams, and the flowing and changing of our emotions; Scorpio, the fixed water sign rules still water such as lakes and ponds, representative of our more fixed and unbending feelings; and Cancer rules the oceans, the beginning of life and its endless tides. This is the sign of ongoing life, the ebbing of the waters and the constant waves always renewing and feeling the flow of life. We give this sign rulership over motherhood, and it can at times be too passionate and overwhelm us with its depth. This is where all life began on Mother Earth and Cancers are known for their rather intense feelings. But don’t be fooled by that thinking this is a weak or easily manipulated sign. Nothing could be further from the truth. Cancer is given the symbol of a crab, with a strong outer shell and the capacity to carry its home with it wherever it goes. And that is an apt and good interpretation of what this sign implies. There is nothing fragile or weak about feeling things deeply. It can, in fact, give you strength of faith that others may envy. There is nobody you would rather have near you when you need nursing than a Cancer (although I do give Virgo a very close second). It can be overly mothering and may emote too theatrically, but that is the power behind the Moon and all it represents.
All Full Moons have the capacity to make us overreact as they bring the lunar cycle to a peak, and it’s important to keep things in a good perspective. For the next few weeks until the New Moon try not to be too dramatic or make a big deal out of a misspoken thought. It’s easy to feel too much with this energy, and if you’re not used to it, it may be a bit much to handle. Of course those of us who have a personal point in this sign, especially the Sun, Moon or Ascendant will just shrug it off and move on. If you can, embrace the depth of humanity and wallow in the warmth of Mother Ocean. You may long for its comfort as we brace the cold and isolation of the coming long winter. Because this is such a difficult year and so many are struggling just to survive, a more compassionate attitude can be the salvation for those who are reaching the end of their rope. Try to find a gentle word and let this Cancer energy give you a more sensitive and nurturing attitude. And remember, you don’t know what that other person is going through so tread lightly. ❤🙏