On Wednesday December 23rd at 9:53 A.M. EST this powerful square will give us all a few days of tension and potential animosity. As with all astrological aspects it’s how you use the energy that will make a difference. Are you blindly rushing to judgment and pushing your views on others, or are you stepping back and listening to what the other person has to say? Mars has little patience, and Pluto is a vengeful force. We give them co-rulership of Scorpio, and when they are in conflict there is a good chance of things blowing up and creating tension. But we can easily avoid it by keeping an open mind and not giving in to our anger and frustration. It’s easy to get a long when the aspects are smooth and gentle. It’s much more difficult when they are pressuring us and pushing back. But it’s during these times of stress that we learn and can test our resolve and patience. When these two planets are in conflict there is always the chance of some people seriously acting out. Violence isn’t out of the question and it would be wise to avoid dangerous situations. In your personal interactions try not to be too stubborn or unyielding. There is a compulsive side to both of these planets and neither likes to give in. If you are too aggressive you may find that the other person responds in kind. Then you would have a very tense situation on your hands. It would be better to walk away and deal with it on another day. There may be some situation on the world stage that amplifies this energy. Pay attention to what’s happening around you and step lightly.