Newsletter: Dec – Jan 2021

Newsletter: Dec – Jan 2021

ISSUE # 258

December 2020 – January 2021

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.


Jupiter is conjunct Saturn. While the aspect actually completes on December 21st at zero degrees Aquarius it came within minutes of completion at 29 degrees Capricorn on December 17th. So what’s the difference between the two dates and how much does it matter that this conjunct will actually occur in both signs? First of all, Saturn rules Capricorn, perhaps the most stable and unbending of the signs, and when they conjoined in that sign Saturn had domain and the more force. Now we are seeing it happen for the second time in a week in the more radical and unpredictable sign of Aquarius. I discuss this conjunct later in the this newsletter.

Many astrologers will be writing about this conjunct. This occurs every 20 years as the orbits of these two planets interact. Historically it has the reputation of heralding ominous events and radical change. Between 1840 – 1960 every president who has won election during those years died in office. That’s 7 presidents in a row. Zachary Taylor also died in office, though he was elected in 1848 and does not fit into this pattern. Of course, Raegan was elected in 1980 and was shot in the shoulder, but survived. G.W. Bush was elected in 2000 but was not assassinated. So will this “curse” be reinstated, or has it run its course? Only time will tell. I pray that is the case.

This month will see a plethora (I love that word) of planets in ingress into different signs. Venus will enter Sagittarius. Jupiter & Saturn are going into Aquarius.  Mercury & the Sun move into Capricorn. Mars enters Taurus. This is a huge change in energy and one that will have a profound effect on our culture. In America it represents the end of one era and the beginning of another. Yes, Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 20th at noon. Nothing that Trump and his enablers try will succeed, although they will do much damage in their pursuit of a frivolous attempt at destroying democracy.

I have been warning for some time that the aspects on Inauguration Day are so severe and so potentially violent it may turn into a battle for the very soul of our nation. Many astrologers are aware of these aspects on Inauguration Day, but just to go over them quickly: Saturn and Jupiter will be in Aquarius. Mars will be conjunct Uranus and they both will be in square to Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun. This is as volatile a combination as I can imagine. While it could represent some stressful situations, it doesn’t have to manifest that way. All this energy really implies is that we are at a moment of serious change in our culture, and that is certainly the case. We are leaving one era and beginning another. That is most definitely a way of defining all this Uranian energy, and how it is implemented will be decided by the attitude applied. It’s time to open our minds and our hearts to new concepts and to move forward towards a somewhat radical and experimental approach to governing. My hope is high that we are heading into a time of healing and new ideas.



The New Moon falls on Monday December 14th at 11:17 A.M. EST at 23 degrees Sagittarius 08 minutes, & it’s a Solar Eclipse. This follows the Lunar Eclipse at 8 degrees Gemini and will complete the circle. A Sagittarius New Moon is a time of exuberance and expansion, and an eclipse will heighten that energy and make it all that much more important that we use this time to clear out what is in the shadows and bring it to light. Embrace it, look towards the future with zeal and excitement. It offers us much hope and optimism but, as with all Jupiter influence it must be held within realistic boundaries. Each year this New Moon falls in the holiday season as so many are celebrating their own personal December rejoicing. No matter what religion or philosophy you adhere to this is a time when we are saying goodbye to the past year in anticipation of the coming long winter and the dawdling beginning of the new. Remember, the winter solstice on December 21st is the shortest day of the year. From then on we begin our slow climb back up to spring. But we have to go through January, February, March and April (which T.S. Eliot called the cruelest month.) Because this is an eclipse, an indicator of endings and severe change, we are all closely watching as our national soap opera unfolds into its next chapter.

Many astrologers are looking at this eclipse season as a sign of the end of Trump’s besiege on American democracy. And it will be just that. But don’t assume that in a moment all will be forgiven and we will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. There is a harsh and critical decay in the underbelly of American politics and it won’t go away quickly. There are serious problems and lingering anger and distrust, and the aspects we are about to experience speak clearly of the issues we will be facing.

In our political comedy we are seeing what can only be called a ludicrous and unreal process being played out. Trump will never act in what we consider normal ways, his natal chart shows a very disruptive personality, and he will continue to stir the waters in an unsettling and vicious manner. He will never concede his loss and with so many people buying into his falsehoods about the election, Biden will be entering office with a large disadvantage. I have faith that he knows what he’s doing and while it will take some time for him to win over half this country, as the months go by he will begin to sway a lot of Americans who aren’t at the moment thrilled about his victory. The chart of Inauguration Day is very explosive and troubling. Mars is conjunct Uranus in square to the Sun, Saturn & Jupiter. This all falls quite explosively on America’s chart. We can expect some upsetting events and caution is called for. I will discuss this as we come closer to it.

This month will see six planets change signs – that in itself is enough of a disruption for the massive change that we are experiencing and need. Venus will enter Sagittarius. Jupiter & Saturn are going into Aquarius.  Mercury & the Sun move into Capricorn. Mars enters Taurus. Each implies a shift in the collective consciousness, and with six (count ‘em) heavenly bodies moving onto the next level you can expect some radical and unsettling events. But there is so much more happening. Not only are we in an eclipse season, but with Jupiter and Saturn changing signs and in conjunction first in Capricorn, then in Aquarius, that implies attitude and action of some profound energy. I will of course discuss this conjunct at length later. But for now let me just wish you all a Happy New Moon and the hope that these coming eclipses will clear the shadows and bring some light into what has been a very dark year. Happy holidays and great joy to you all.



On Tuesday December 15th at 11:21 A.M. EST until January 8th at 10:41 A.M. EST the planet of love and money will travel through expansive, freedom-loving Sagittarius. While it is here many people will experience the desire for more personal liberty, which can be a learning experience for a relationship, or at times a deal killer. What do you need from your significant other? Is it knowledge and new horizons, or do you seek security and an unbending continuity? In the first case this ingress could lead you to a deeper understanding of your path in life. In the second case it may lead to disappointment and a sense of instability and imbalance. But remember, just because an aspect is happening it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will manifest that way in your life. Where is this planet traveling in your chart, and what connections is it creating? Also ask yourself, what do you really need right now in your life. Perhaps you’ve been too rigid in your quest and could use a little shake up. Sagittarius is a sign that can do just that. That doesn’t mean that an ongoing relationship must end or force you to completely change your personality. It only means that there may be times when you are asked to bend a bit and try something new. This is the sign of long journeys, so maybe a trip somewhere with your partner is just what is needed.



On Thursday December 17th at 12:04 A.M. EST a major shift in our consciousness will begin as this planet and Jupiter move from stoic Capricorn to more radical Aquarius. This will begin a drastic and deep-rooted change in how our culture functions. We are already sensing this change as we end the Trump era and begin the Biden administration. Don’t expect sudden changes throughout our society in a few weeks. That’s not the way things work. But we are moving forward into a fresh beginning and I hope it will be a prosperous and successful one. Saturn is in many ways the linchpin of our society. It’s the bridge between the personal and the collective and plays an outsized role in the patterns that form out culture.

We give Saturn ancient rulership of this sign, and while I do work mostly with the modern outer planet rulers, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto, I also tip my hat to the ancients and recognize that there are two kinds of Aquarians – Saturnine ones and Uranian. With Saturn entering this sign it will hold some domain over the actions of the society and I believe it implies two things.

First it will move us from the stogy confinement of Capricorn and allow us to explore new ways of putting down a fresh foundation. The past is done, although its influence will continue to affect us. The future is before us, although it too will take some time to coordinate as we evolve into this new period of our lives. With Saturn’s movement around the zodiac we can readily see the underlying need of society and the type of foundation we require for a given period.

While Aquarius is quite different from its predecessor and seeks a different atmosphere in which to make its mark, this transit of Saturn also indicates that it will put some restrictions on our more far-reaching and drastic transitions many may have had hoped for. Saturn is never in a hurry and will take its time prodding and examining things before making a move. Aquarius wants radical change, but Saturn prefers a more measured and cautious approach. There will need to be a compromise between the two. For the next two ½ years as Saturn transits this sign there will be a balance between change and status quo that may be frustrating for many of us. We aren’t about to leap into unbridled and radical actions, but we certainly are leaving behind that restrictive and repressive Capricorn energy we have all dealt with for the past few years. Have patience. We are making progress and things will begin to change, but in a more reserved and thoughtful manner. As Saturn and Jupiter transit Aquarius there will be some very significant alterations that will have a major effect down the line.

Note: For those astrologers who express the belief that a transit or series of transits will begin The Age of Aquarius here’s my opinion. An age lasts 2,000 years. We don’t enter one age and leave another; we morph slowly and steadily in the next phase of human evolution. The Age of Pisces didn’t begin in the year one, or during the life and death of Jesus. Those events raised the consciousness of a small group of people who then went out and spread their belief over centuries. Rome didn’t fall until 476, and that was a slow decaying that took almost a hundred years to complete. After its fall and the collapse of western civilization the church (Pisces) took control of much of life in Western Europe as the world continued to change as several new religions began and grew. The Eastern Empire didn’t collapse until the fall of Constantinople in 1453 and the Reformation took place approximately from 1517-1648. As radical as all of these changes were they moved slowly and took many generations to complete. That will also be how humanity looks back at the transformation into the Aquarian Age. We can’t possibly predict what events will lead us to the altered consciousness that allows us to embrace a new order and way of life. But it certainly won’t happen over a long weekend or the movement of any planet into a new sign. So have patience and enjoy that ride.



On Saturday December 19th at 8:07 A.M. EST Jupiter will follow Saturn into this most unpredictable sign. This aspect in itself can indicate some fundamental and unexpected changes and often indicates an increase of consciousness following the year that this planet of expansion has spent in restrictive Capricorn. Certainly this past year has shown us all the power that putting our most outgoing and optimistic planet into a limiting barricade can create. We have never experienced the kind of limitations this pandemic has created, and the economic issues of such magnitude with formally secure Americans lining up for hours just to receive a box of food to feed themselves and their children. Not since the Great Depression of the 1930s have we seen anything like this. But now with Jupiter, the planet of optimism, growth and “luck” entering this most erratic and adventurous sign I have hopes that we are beginning a period of serious change and a redirection of our resources, both emotional and financial. While I still believe that we are in a deep recession and it will take time before we bottom out and begin to grow once again, with the advent of a series of vaccines and a new president we are about to enter a new phase – the post-pandemic era. This won’t happen overnight, but it’s where we are heading.

In your personal life where Jupiter is traveling and the aspects it is setting off in your chart will show you where you can use this energy to your advantage and how best to look for ways of expanding your consciousness and your bank account. Cautious is called for in investments, as we are nowhere near the end of our economic woes. But there will be opportunities that we can take advantage of and when we finally do turn the corner on this virus there will be an explosion of optimism and joy similar to what took place in the early 1920s as the “Roaring Twenties” began. I will explore all of this at length later. For now, let’s just get back on our feet, wear the damn masks, and rebuild what has decayed. Our infrastructure is disaster, our middle class has be decimated and many of us are just so worn out by it all and by being locked inside for so long it will take some time to rejuvenate our fantasies and our hope. Keep the faith. We are on our way.



On Sunday December 20th at 6:07 P.M. EST until Friday January 8th 7:00 A.M. EST the planet of thought, communication and travel will slow down to give us a few weeks of deep contemplation. It’s important that we take our time and think things through carefully while we decide on the proper path to follow. This is a time to set down boundaries and a foundation upon which to explore new ideas and set things in motion once Mercury enters Aquarius. For now take a deep breath and have patience. Things will move very quickly in a while, but this is a time to move with caution and reserve. This is the end of the current administration and not yet the beginning of the next. It’s a period of endings and cleaning up karma. It may feel sluggish to many, and your own thoughts and actions might feel restrained and frustrating, but to everything there is a season. And this is the time for reflection more than action.



On Monday December 21st at 5:02 A.M. EST we enter winter. This is the shortest day of the year and the time to say goodbye to the past and look forward to the promise of tomorrow. While this is the beginning of the cold, cruel season and this may prove to be a bad winter as we deal with the ongoing pandemic and the economic woes, we still must find hope and retain our optimism. While Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn isn’t known as the most optimistic of signs, the purpose isn’t to hurt us but to teach us. This month is the beginning of winter (though it probably already has felt like it this past week with our first nor’easter. The Sun enters radical and changeable Aquarius on January 19th, just one day before Inauguration Day. Not a surprise to astrologers. It’s just what we would expect. Funny how it all seems to work out, isn’t it?



On Monday December 21st at 1:21 P.M. EST this most important and radical aspect will complete. Jupiter wants to expand without limits. Saturn is all about restrictions and sets the boundaries in all things. When these two energies work well together we can accomplish almost anything. Controlled and focused growth can be like a laser, aimed at a single point and concentrating all the energy into a useful power. Sometimes this combination will create a tug-of-war between expansion and contraction, and if it isn’t used in a balanced manner it can create an accordion effect where we expand and then collapse over and over again. Slow and steady it the way to use this combination most successfully. Will we use it properly? Who knows? Only time will tell how well we have progressed forward. We are in a new era, as we know, with a new administration about to take power and a more progressive attitude on the horizon. Will it be everything you had hoped for? I doubt it. When is life ever everything you wish? But it certainly is a time of change and of hope.

Many astrologers know about the 20 year curse that this conjunct implies. From 1840 – 1960 the seven presidents that have been elected on each of those 20 year cycles has died in office. Zachary Taylor also died in office, but he wasn’t elected on the 20 year cycle. Each of those years this conjunct occurred in an earth sign. In 1980 Raegan was elected, but he didn’t die in office. That year the conjunct happened in Libra, an air sign. Raegan was shot in the shoulder, which is ruled by Gemini, an air sign. In 2000 that conjunct returned to an earth sign, Taurus, but G.W. Bush was not assassinated (unless they found a double to complete his term. Lol). So has the curse been upended? Or do we have reason to fret over the safety of our elected leader? Certainly the circumstances our national division has created in gives us reason to worry. But I don’t believe that astrological configuration necessarily repeats the events that occurred in the past. So I’m hopeful that we will not have to contend with a national catastrophe that would occur under those conditions.

In our personal lives this conjunct will have a very powerful effect as it forces us all to examine just how we are using our expansive powers and our realistic approach to growth. Where is this conjunct hitting your chart, and what are the aspects it is creating to your natal planets? That is a most important question you need to ask in order to make use of this very meaningful and opportunistic alignment.



On Wednesday December 23rd at 9:53 A.M. EST this powerful square will give us all a day of some tension and potential animosity. As with all astrological aspects it’s how you use the energy that will make a difference. Are you blindly rushing to judgment and pushing your views on others, or are you stepping back and listening to what the other person has to say? Mars has little patience, and Pluto is a vengeful force. We give them co-rulership of Scorpio, and when they are in conflict there is a good chance of things blowing up and creating tension. But we can easily avoid it by keeping an open mind and not giving in to our anger and frustration. It’s easy to get a long when the aspects are smooth and gentle. It’s much more difficult when they are pressuring us and pushing back. But it’s during these times of stress that we learn and can test our resolve and patience.



On Friday December 25th at 2:05 A.M. EST our thoughts and communications will be running at high speed. We call Mercury the lower octave and Uranus the higher octave of the mental energy. I like to refer to Mercury as the RAM of the computer, and Uranus as the hard drive. They are both involved in our thinking process and how we assimilate and use information and knowledge. When they work well together it’s like having a fine tuned computer that moves quickly and efficiently and allows you to access the information without problems. That is the concept behind this aspect. Because this is a positive trine we can use this energy more proactively and should be able to absorb the data and use it to our advantage. This is a very good day for all sorts of communications. If you have something important to discuss you can get right to it without the usual hemming and hawing. Your ideas are clear, you have the capacity to express them directly and the other person will be able to assimilate what you are talking about. Because this falls on Christmas it can help spread the joy of the holiday through all forms of communication; phone calls, emails, even a much needed text. And while many of us will not be having our usual huge family get together, this is still very much a day of deep expression and often a time to connect with those we have perhaps lost touch with, or may only reach out to at certain times of the year. I often talk to my oldest friends around the holidays and we are able to reestablish the love and connection that has kept us in each other’s lives for decades. So collect your thoughts and share them with your closest peeps. You may find that there is much to talk about and you will feel much fulfillment by just saying how much you love each other.



On Sunday December 27th at 10:25 P.M. EST we all have a chance to make changes without the usual pushback from the world. This is an opportunity to make alterations and to try new things. A trine is imminently useable and more malleable than a conjunct, square or opposition. The hard aspects tend to force themselves on us. The easier sextile and trine just give us the power to use the energy proactively. All aspects offer us an opportunity for change and growth; it’s just that the trines make it so much easier to make adjustments without the usual stress. Try your best to use this and think about what you really wish to change. You just might be able to set yourself on the path that will lead you there. If you have been thinking about making some changes, whether they are as simple as redecorating a room, or as deep as a major change in your life’s direction you can implement them more readily now and begin the process. You obviously won’t be able to complete huge alterations in a day, but sometimes a simple spark will set you on your path. That is what we have to work with today.



On Tuesday December 29th at 10:28 P.M. EST at 8 degrees Cancer 53 minutes the Sun is in opposition to the Moon. This is one of the most sensitive and emotional of placements. The three water signs each represent a different approach to our feelings. Pisces, being mutable and ever changing rules all moving water including rivers and streams; Scorpio, the fixed water sign rules still water such as lakes and ponds, and Cancer rules the oceans, the beginning of life. We give this sign rulership over motherhood and it can at times be too passionate and overwhelm us with its depth. This is where all life began on Mother Earth and Cancerians are known for their rather intense feelings. But don’t be fooled by that. It is given the symbol of a crab, with a strong outer shell and the capacity to carry its home with it wherever it goes. And that is an apt and good interpretation of what this sign implies. There is nothing fragile or weak about feeling things deeply. It can, in fact, give you strength of faith that others may envy. There is nobody you would rather have near you when you need nursing than a Cancer (although I do give Virgo a very close second). It can be overly mothering and may emote too theatrically, but that is the power behind the Moon and all it represents.

All Full Moons have the capacity to make us overreact as they bring the lunar cycle to a peak, and it’s important to keep things in a good perspective. For the next few weeks until the New Moon try not to be too dramatic or make a big deal out of a misspoken thought. It is easy to feel too much with this energy, and if you’re not used to it, it may be a bit much to handle. Of course those of us who have a personal point in this sign, especially the Sun, Moon or Ascendant will just shrug it off and move on. If you can, embrace the depth of humanity and wallow in the warmth of Mother Ocean. You may long for its comfort as we brace the cold and isolation of the coming winter.



On Wednesday December 30th at 5:19 A.M. EST romance will be confusing as we deal with this square for a few days. This can be a time of great spiritual enlightenment and the flowing of creative juices, or a time when you aren’t quite sure which end is up. If you’re working in the arts this can be a spark of poetic genius, but mostly it will be the latter. In your most personal and intimate relationships don’t expect clarity. Even the best of efforts may prove to be distracting and you might not be able to put things in a proper light. That’s okay as long as you don’t make any important decisions or try to rationalize a difficult situation. Don’t try to work out your problems or make long range plans. Leave it alone for the time being. Sit in front of the fire (if you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace) and have a cup of hot cider or brandy as you watch Miracle on 34th Street and cheer on a young Natalie Wood as she hunts for the meaning of Christmas. Write a song or just listen to the music of your youth. This aspect can bring up a lot of emotions and help open your heart so you can embrace the past and allow yourself to be moved by the season and those you miss. It’s not a time to deal with reality. It’s a time to meander through the ethereal world and touch the souls of your nearest and dearest.



On Monday January 4th at 7:58 P.M. EST conversations will be black or white. This combination can be extreme and unyielding. (I have it in my natal chart! And there are times when I can in fact act just that way.) Be careful how you approach things. If you have something important to discuss you should be aware of how you go about it. Pluto will certainly dig deeply into the subject and bring things to light. It is a relentless energy that doesn’t usually take “no” for an answer. How you go about it is most important. If you keep an eye on your ultimate goal and don’t get distracted by an unbending attitude you will have the ability to reach your objectives.



On Wednesday January 6th at 5:27 P.M. EST until March 3rd at 10:30 P.M. EST the god of war will travel through this earth sign and begin to move closer to Uranus, which will complete on Inauguration Day. This placement is often like a slow-burn where there is an undercurrent of tension that is neither resolved nor expunged. It just lays there and festers. We are being asked to examine our values and see just what we really need from a situation. Certainly we are experiencing this in our political situation as we get ready to end one administration and begin another. This is also true in your personal life. Are there things that you have held onto for too long that should be changed? Is there a better set of values that more truly express your inner feelings? If so Mars will push you to explore possibilities you may not have felt ready to look at. Don’t be afraid. This is a time to set out on a new path and reset your priories.

While Mars is in Taurus you may find that issues of money and values can stir up some anger. If there is a financial problem or disagreement it would be wise to remember that Mars is, after all, the god of war and you should approach any issues gingerly and wait until you understand the entire situation before overreacting. Often things can be worked out without too much difficulty, but if you start to rant and rave you may create a toxic atmosphere and make it very hard to resolve the situation. Use astrology to your benefit; don’t expect it to use you. That isn’t the way free-will astrology works. Take responsibility for your decisions and actions and you will usually make the right choices.



On Friday January 8th at 7:00 A.M. EST until March 15th at 6:26 P.M. EDT Mercury joins Jupiter & Saturn in this complicated sign. It will conjoin both of those planets over the next few days, and this will be a time when our minds will be focused and expansive and likely fluctuate between the two. With Saturn conjunct Jupiter now as well that is the underlying theme for this month. In your thoughts and communications you will be apt to seek structure and expansion and as long as you allow yourself the room to move and make decisions based on what is called for at the moment this can be a very positive week. Mercury will also square Uranus on Tuesday completing not only this trilogy of aspects but also the lunar cycle and set us up for the coming New Moon. Aquarius is the sign of genius, and while Mercury is traveling here there will be moments of great enlightenment and new wondrous thoughts. If you can allow those ideas to germinate you may be surprised by what you uncover.



On Saturday January 9th at 10:17 P.M. EST we are beginning a few days when Mercury will aspect Saturn, Jupiter & Uranus in order. Today we will all have a day of contemplation and critical reasoning. This isn’t a day to rush to judgment, but a time to take things slowly and think them through. If you have important decisions to make, this aspect can help you. If there is a deep conversation that you need to have with someone you should be able to settle in and discuss things with an open mind. It may be a prodding and somewhat laborious conversation, but you will get to the heart of the matter and can make some important headway. In a few days when Mercury conjuncts Jupiter you can lighten things up and possibly laugh about what seemed so heavy only a few days before. Remember, the conjunct of Saturn and Jupiter is a powerful configuration and as the inner planets aspect both we are being given an opportunity to see the expansive and the restrictive side of things. They are both active and you should try to learn from each.



On Monday January 11th at 12:19 P.M. EST the energy shifts quite a bit. This is a moment of enthusiasm and optimism. This can be a wonderful aspect for all forms of communication and for travel. If you have something to discuss, this would be a good day for it. No matter what the issue is Jupiter will look for a solution and the most positive way of approach the subject. If you had an important conversation the other day when Mercury was conjunct Saturn, now might be a good time to revisit the situation and smooth things over. Just try to keep everything in a realistic perspective. Jupiter can easily blow things out of proportion and you may wind up making promises you can’t or don’t want to keep once this passes. But for the most part this will be a day of eagerness and zeal, so take advantage of it and enjoy yourself.



On Tuesday January 12th at 10:00 A.M. EST we will be nervous and irritable. Where the conjunct of Mercury to Jupiter yesterday was optimistic and outgoing, this is a shift in the energy. People may be a bit more tense and sharp-tongued. Thoughts and ideas will come quickly and because this is a square they will not be as easily managed as we may wish. Certainly we will all be feeling the speed with which our minds are moving. And if you can control it this could prove to be a very exciting and innovative time. But try to remember to think before you speak. Arguments are common under this aspect and self-control may not be easy. It’s also important to pay close attention to what you’re doing. Accidents are possible mostly because of the speed of this energy. If you’re driving you must use caution. Even if you’re walking down the street, especially if it’s icy you could slip and turn a perfectly good day into a mess. A little caution will go a long way and there is no reason why you can’t avoid mishaps. Just keep your eyes open and your mind focused on what’s happening around you and you will be fine. This is on the Dark of the Moon, which represents the end of things, so it’s most important that you don’t overreact and put an end to something that isn’t really ready. An argument on a Dark Moon can sometimes end a friendship or project that didn’t have to turn out that way.



The next New Moon falls on Wednesday January 13th at 12:00 A.M. EST at 23 degrees Capricorn 13 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

December 14th 11:17 A.M. – 10:35 P.M.

December 17th 12:34 A.M. – 1:27 A.M.

December 19th 3:45 A.M. – 7:39 A.M.

December 21st 5:25 A.M. – 5:32 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

December 23rd 5:51 P.M. – December 24th 5:55 A.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

December 26th  6:32 A.M. –  6:33 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

December 28th 10:01 P.M. – December 29th 5:28 A.M.

December 31st  8:45 A.M. – 1:58 P.M.

January 2nd 5:00 P.M. – 8:13 P.M.

January 4th 4:34 P.M. – January 5th 12:42 A.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

January 7th 12:55 A.M. – 3:53 A.M.

January 8th 8:59 P.M. – January 9th 6:15 A.M.

January 10th 1:29 P.M. – January 11th 8:30 A.M.

January 13th 2:22 A.M. – 11:44 A.M.

January 14th 4:28 A.M. – January 15th 5:17 P.M. ***Moon is void 13 hours

January 17th 10:44P.M. – January 18th 2:07 A.M.

December 2020

New York City

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Will anything happen on January 6th to further upset the Biden Presidency? I see how 11 Republican Senators and multiple House Republicans plan on contesting the election results.
What is your take as this makes me very nervous.
Will Trump ever disappear or lose any influence so we can heal and get on with it??