On Thursday December 17th at 12:04 A.M. EST a major shift in our consciousness will begin as this planet and Jupiter move from stoic Capricorn to more radical Aquarius. This will begin a drastic and deep-rooted change in how our culture functions. We are already sensing this change as we end the Trump era and begin the Biden administration. Don’t expect sudden changes throughout our society in a few weeks. That’s not the way things work. But we are moving forward into a fresh beginning and I hope it will be a prosperous and successful one. Saturn is in many ways the linchpin of our society. It’s the bridge between the personal and the collective and plays an outsized role in the patterns that form out culture.
We give Saturn ancient rulership of this sign, and while I do work mostly with the modern outer planet rulers, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto, I also tip my hat to the ancients and recognize that there are two kinds of Aquarians – Saturnine ones and Uranian. With Saturn entering this sign it will hold some domain over the actions of the society and I believe it implies two things.
First it will move us from the stogy confinement of Capricorn and allow us to explore new ways of putting down a fresh foundation. The past is done, although its influence will continue to affect us. The future is before us, although it too will take some time to coordinate as we evolve into this new period of our lives. With Saturn’s movement around the zodiac we can readily see the underlying need of society and the type of foundation we require for a given period.
While Aquarius is quite different from its predecessor and seeks a different atmosphere in which to make its mark, this transit of Saturn also indicates that it will put some restrictions on our more far-reaching and drastic transitions many may have had hoped for. Saturn is never in a hurry and will take its time prodding and examining things before making a move. Aquarius wants radical change, but Saturn prefers a more measured and cautious approach. There will need to be a compromise between the two. For the next two ½ years as Saturn transits this sign there will be a balance between change and status quo that may be frustrating for many of us. We aren’t about to leap into unbridled and radical actions, but we certainly are leaving behind that restrictive and repressive Capricorn energy we have all dealt with for the past few years. Have patience. We are making progress and things will begin to change, but in a more reserved and thoughtful manner. As Saturn and Jupiter transit Aquarius there will be some very significant alterations that will have a major effect down the line.
A note: For those astrologers who express the belief that a transit or series of transits will begin The Age of Aquarius here’s my opinion. An age lasts 2,000 years. We don’t enter one age and leave another; we morph slowly and steadily in the next phase of human evolution. The Age of Pisces didn’t begin in the year one, or during the life and death of Jesus. Those events raised the consciousness of a small group of people who then went out and spread their belief over centuries. Rome didn’t fall until 476, and that was a slow decaying that took almost a hundred years to complete. After its fall and the collapse of western civilization the church (Pisces) took control of much of life in Western Europe as the world continued to change as several new religions began and grew. The Eastern Empire didn’t collapse until the fall of Constantinople in 1453 and the Reformation took place approximately from 1517-1648. As radical as all of these changes were they moved slowly and took many generations to complete. That will also be how humanity looks back at the transformation into the Aquarian Age. We can’t possibly predict what events will lead us to the altered consciousness that allows us to embrace a new order and way of life. But it certainly won’t happen over a long weekend or the movement of any planet into a new sign. So have patience and enjoy that ride.