The New Moon falls on Monday December 14th at 11:17 A.M. EST at 23 degrees Sagittarius 08 minutes, & it’s a Solar Eclipse. This follows the Lunar Eclipse at 8 degrees Gemini and will complete the circle. A Sagittarius New Moon is a time of exuberance and expansion, and an eclipse will heighten that energy and make it all that much more important that we use this time to clear out what is in the shadows and bring it to light. Embrace it, look towards the future with zeal and excitement. It offers us much hope and optimism but, as with all Jupiter influence it must be held within realistic boundaries. Each year this New Moon falls in the holiday season as so many are celebrating their own personal December rejoicing. No matter what religion or philosophy you adhere to this is a time when we are saying goodbye to the past year in anticipation of the coming long winter and the dawdling beginning of the new. Remember, the winter solstice on December 21st is the shortest day of the year. From then on we begin our slow climb back up to spring. But we have to go through January, February, March and April (which T.S. Eliot called the cruelest month.) Because this is an eclipse, an indicator of endings and severe change, we are all closely watching as our national soap opera unfolds into its next chapter.
Many astrologers are looking at this eclipse season as a sign of the end of Trump’s besiege on American democracy. And it will be just that. But don’t assume that in a moment all will be forgiven and we will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. There is a harsh and critical decay in the underbelly of American politics and it won’t go away quickly. There are serious problems and lingering anger and distrust, and the aspects we are about to experience speak clearly of the issues we will be facing.
In our political comedy we are seeing what can only be called a ludicrous and unreal process being played out. Trump will never act in what we consider normal ways, his natal chart shows a very disruptive personality, and he will continue to stir the waters in an unsettling and vicious manner. He will never concede his loss and with so many people buying into his falsehoods about the election, Biden will be entering office with a large disadvantage. I have faith that he knows what he’s doing and while it will take some time for him to win over half this country, as the months go by he will begin to sway a lot of Americans who aren’t at the moment thrilled about his victory. The chart of Inauguration Day is very explosive and troubling. Mars is conjunct Uranus in square to the Sun, Saturn & Jupiter. This all falls quite explosively on America’s chart. We can expect some upsetting events and caution is called for. I will discuss this as we come closer to it.
This month will see six planets change signs – that in itself is enough of a disruption for the massive change that we are experiencing and need. Venus will enter Sagittarius. Jupiter & Saturn are going into Aquarius. Mercury & the Sun move into Capricorn. Mars enters Taurus. Each implies a shift in the collective consciousness, and with six (count ‘em) heavenly bodies moving onto the next level you can expect some radical and unsettling events. But there is so much more happening. Not only are we in an eclipse season, but with Jupiter and Saturn changing signs and in conjunction first in Capricorn, then in Aquarius, that implies attitude and action of some profound energy. I will of course discuss this conjunct at length later. But for now let me just wish you all a Happy New Moon and the hope that these coming eclipses will clear the shadows and bring some light into what has been a very dark year. Happy holidays and great joy to you all.

Could Mars in Taurus be considered a slow burning, indistinguishable fire, or more like a hot third degree burn that comes from a brandishing iron?