On Wednesday December 9th at 2:41 P.M. EST this confusing and often debilitating square can misdirect you and bring you to a false or unrealistic conclusion. This can be a very low energy few days. Neptune isn’t very robust and it can make you feel under the weather, even if there’s nothing really wrong. It’s just a tiring and at times unenthusiastic energy that isn’t all that concerned with your worldly ambitions. If you do feel tired, just rest. This will pass soon and you will recover your vigor. But on Sunday Mercury will also square Neptune, so we may feel this lackadaisical attitude for a few days. Neptune can deplete our physical power because of its focus on the ethereal or spiritual side of things. Don’t overdo it. If you’re not feeling your Cheerios don’t push it . This won’t usually result in any real health issues, although if it hits your chart just so you may be prone to a minor ailment or an allergy attack. With Covid-19 still on the prowl caution is certainly called for. But remember, astrology doesn’t make you sick. It just opens the window of opportunity for something that is already amiss to rise to the surface.

This is not a good week to try and explain something that is convoluted or force an issue. The possibility for misunderstanding is strong and you may do more harm than good. Wait until this and the Mercury square Neptune pass and then state your case.

This is often a very bad day in the equity markets, and with Mercury also about to square Neptune we can expect some bad or misunderstood news. Since I believe that we are teetering on the edge of a correction in the stocks that I expect will be more prominent after the New Year, it wouldn’t surprise me if the equities took a hit this week. Between the pandemic, the economic woes so many are feeling, and the inability for Congress to come to terms with a new stimulus package you may see a pull back.