On Tuesday December 1st at 2:51 P.M. EST until December 20th at 6:07 P.M. EST Mercury joins the Sun in the mutable fire sign. This is the most optimistic and outgoing of the signs and with Mercury, the planet of communication traveling here for the next three weeks we will all feel more sociable and wish to express our enthusiasm. Sags do love to talk, and they are very communicative and affable. They are capable of blowing things out of proportion and with the planet of thought and communication about to travel through this expansive sign you need to keep your boundaries in place and think before you speak. Don’t make promises you can’t or may not want to fulfill. And when you discuss things do try to keep them in a proper perspective. A Sagittarius will tell you that two hundred people showed up at their book signing. When pressed on it, it turns out there were 25, but it was a small room so the crowd looked much bigger. But generally this will be a time of broad and expansive conversations that can reach new heights of understanding. I’m hopeful that this transit may allow for some compromises in some collective issues including a much needed stimulus package and some bipartisan ideas that must be advanced.

This sign looks very far ahead, often miles down the road, or years in advance. But sometimes Sagittarius can’t see what right in front of them. I have many Sag friends, and I love them all very much. Of course, I have the Moon and ascendant in this sign, so there is an affinity. Many times I have searched for something only to give up, and then open the drawer right next to my chair and find it sitting right on top. I have looked for my glasses several times through the years in vain, and then looked in the mirror and – what do you know, there they are on top of my head. So don’t ignore what’s right in front of you. Often that is where you will find the solution to your problem. And do try to keep things in perspective. We have just been through a long period of misconceptions, exaggerations and outright lies. Now is the time to find an honest and sincere voice. Mercury in Sagittarius will seek the truth and will ferret it out. As long as things are kept within realistic boundaries we can use this aspect to move our agendas forward and reach closer to our goals, both personally and collectively. This is a really good transit for the holiday season. It will make us all more gregarious and able to let some stuff roll off our backs, where the same concerns may have been taken too seriously while Mercury was in Scorpio. Smile, send nice emails and keep in touch with your people, even if you haven’t spoken in some time.