On Monday November 30th at 4:30 A.M. EST at 8 degrees Gemini 38 minutes the Sun is in opposition to the Moon and it’s a lunar eclipse. Eclipses are tricky. They can bring out some issues that you hadn’t been expecting, and depending upon how it hits your chart it may create problems or just redirect your attention in unforeseen ways. The Gemini Full Moons are always about communication, and eclipses do just what the word implies – they eclipse, or block out the light. This is the reason for the misdirection they can cause. And with everything so up in the air right now with a convoluted transition from the outgoing administration to the new one, this will be a very befuddling and muddled affair. Muddying the waters will stir up all the unconscious anger and frustration we are all feeling. But we knew that was going to be the case. It’s just that this aspect will exacerbate the situation and make it that much more difficult to move things forward. With Neptune just having gone direct it will be even messier to see the path open before us. But we will find our footing and begin the transformation. This aspect falls exactly on America’s Uranus and change is upon us no matter who may try to prevent it. We are heading towards the ingress of Jupiter & Saturn into Aquarius in December, which will do much to push us into a new direction, so hold on and have faith. Change is in the air and eclipse seasons always imply the end of one era and the beginning of another. Some are subtle and cautionary. Others are bold and dynamic. This will be the latter.

Keep your eyes and ears open. With the Gemini energy temporarily blocked it will be hard to push through to the truth in our personal lives as well as in the collective. But as this eclipse fades many things will come out of the shadows and the truth will become obvious. The simpler you keep things the easier it will be to set the record straight. Break down the barriers of mistrust that are separating us. Don’t accept everything you hear at face value. Do a little homework and look behind the curtain. You may find that the monster you fear is only a sad little boy or girl who has lost their way. And always try to find the compassion when expressing your views. You may be 100% right, but if you present your ideas too harshly even those who may be open to hearing them could turn away. Gemini wants to communicate. Let it.