On Friday November 27th at 12:11 P.M. EST you can expect some sudden and erratic behavior in personal relationships. This is a combination that often creates upsetting events and can at times lead to radical changes in the definition of a relationship. But remember, astrology aspects aren’t there to hurt us, only to teach us what the energy of the planets entails. Uranus has a well-earned reputation for radical and disruptive events. Its purpose in mythology and astrology is to upset the status quo and force us to view our situation from a new and often misunderstood perspective. But many professional astrologers recognize, from years of study and seeing the results of these transits, that what Uranus really wants is to free us from the attitudes, situations, relationships and circumstances that have become deadened and counter-productive. The problem is that most of us tend to cling to the tried & true and have a fear, often deep-seeded of new or innovative ways of looking at the world. The more intensely one holds on to the status quo under a Uranus transit the more disturbing and upsetting the resulting events will be. If you can let go of that which is no long serving you and embrace change, these aspects will be fairly easy and less disruptive. So the influence of this opposition, while it may be hard to accept, might just be pointing out to you something that has held back your personal growth for some time.

This will also be obvious in the financial markets, and I wouldn’t be surprised by a sudden big movement in the stocks. In Wall Street terms, this is a time to buy volatility. Which way they will go has to do with what the underlying factors are. If the stocks are unrealistically rising in the midst of this raging pandemic and deepening economic instability they could drop precipitously. If they have been showing movement in recent weeks that is based on real optimism because of the potential these vaccines hold and belief in the future and are not over-bought, they may continue to leap up even further. In any cast this won’t be a boring day.