On Monday November 23rd at 11:40 P.M. EST that creative juice will be flowing, and if you have something to write or to say, the poet within you may find the right words. This can be a very pleasant aspect, and it usually will make conversations quite enjoyable. This is a good day for any creative ventures or for getting in touch with your spirit. It can be a very enlightening and joyful day, and this is Thanksgiving week, so reaching out to your old friends or closest people can be very fulfilling.

But even though this is a positive trine, it’s still Neptune at work and a word of advice is called for. Don’t accept everything you hear as the gospel. Neptune doesn’t work on the plane that the other planet do. It has its own agenda and point of view, not always based on what we call reality. Double check the facts and make sure that you really understand the bottom line. It’s easy to just assume everyone is honest and that you are hearing things correctly. But I have found that many mistakes happen under what we would call positive or easy transits. The energy flows so nicely and everyone is in such a good mood that you wouldn’t even think that someone might be using this good mood to divert attention and avoid dealing with something, either consciously or unconsciously. But with Neptune involved misdirection is possible, so be careful.