November – December 2020
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
As we head towards the end of 2020 and enter into the great unknown of 2021, so much remains unknown. The election will be confirmed and Joe Biden will take his place as the 46th president of the United States, (or, if you prefer, the Divided States). The damage that has done will not suddenly vanish. I have faith in Biden and his team, and assuming he is well and can do the work he was hired to do, I believe he will make some major strides towards healing at least some of the wounds that fester.
The pandemic is raging – at the current rate the death numbers will soon approach those of the 1918 Influenza. What have we learned in a century? Apparently not much. There is hope that the vaccines being rapidly employed may be able to contain this pathogen sooner rather than later. But that will depend on many issues, including the ability to get it to the public, and their willingness to take it.
The economy is in freefall and I still expect a serious downturn around late January early February. But once Covid-19 is contained we will see a huge boost in the stocks and the economy will explode on the upside. Timing is everything, and it’s at least as important to either understand how it works or hire someone with the brains and experience to take advantage of it.
World politics and partnerships are shattered. Biden is well versed in these matters, and while the exiting administration refuses to offer the slightest help in transition, once they are out of the way the new president will begin to reverse many of the destructive policies that are now in place.
So all in all I’m more optimistic than pessimistic. All with a cautionary bend, but I see that down the line we will recover from our current woes and could even head into a Roaring Twenties similar to what took place after the First World War and the Influenza almost broke the back of humanity. If we do, will we be better able to make use of the growth it implies and avoid the second Great Depression that could easily follow such a boom period? Only time will tell. Though I do think that Biden and future presidents should employ at least one good mundane astrologer to help them see further down the line. I happen to know one who is available, if they ask.
The New Moon falls on Sunday November 15th at 12:07 A.M. EST at 23 degrees Scorpio 18 minutes. While all New Moons offer us an opportunity for a new beginning none is as adamant about it as Scorpio. This sign represents our ability to rejuvenate and to eliminate what is no longer valid. It doesn’t come without a price, and often Scorpio (or Pluto) energy seems rather harsh and unyielding, but that’s what is sometimes required if you are going about making serious and transformative changes. There is nothing superficial about this sign. It digs deeply into any subject, and with Mars having just gone direct you can expect some opportunities for change to present themselves. The information that is about to come out this coming month will be very revealing and could lead us on a new path. As always, this can occur on a personal and a collective level. And it can be positive or negative depending on how the information is absorbed. The election drama is drawing to a close as Trump finally realizes that his time in the Oval Office is just about over. Despite all the fears many have expressed, he is not going to start a coup or usurp our government. For one thing, the military, the courts and even the Republicans in Congress will not allow it. He will reluctantly step off to the side and we will see the transition to a new era the same as happened with all presidential elections since the beginning of our nation. But his followers, who refuse to accept the results spurred on by Trump’s own hyper conspiracy theories, don’t seem to be ready to settle down. And that may be a cause for real concern. I do believe that once the economy regains its footing and many of them are back to work, they will have other things to focus on, like raising a family and paying their bills. Idle hands do devil’s work, as they say.
This is a time to celebrate the very essence of what America means. Even with a divide as wide as ours we can still find a balance however fragile between what was and what will be. Those of you who follow my writings know that I am no Pollyanna and I recognize the potential for a prolonged and bitter era in America. But I am guardedly optimistic that we are about to turn a corner as we prepare to leave this most troubling year and enter 2021. December will see another set of eclipses (actually the Full Moon eclipse falls on November 30th) and they could herald a troubling episode in this drama. Covid-19 is not going away quickly, and it will still be some time before we have anything resembling normalcy and we can begin to put our economy and our lifestyle back on track, but even with the severe new wave that is happening there is an underlying sense that we are close to starting a new chapter. With vigilance, common sense and a more pragmatic outlook to dealing with the problem that should come with a new administration, it’s just a matter of time. Remain careful and don’t let your guard down, and we will get through this challenge together.
So Happy New Moon to you all. Look for ways of changing your attitude and your approach to your issues and don’t be afraid of what is to be. The difference between success and failure is sometimes just a matter of perspective. Remember, you are older than you have ever been before, but younger than you will ever be again. So embrace it all and let’s move forward towards a better day.
On Sunday November 15th at 2:43 P.M. EST & Monday November 16th at 12:33 A.M. EST respectively these two squares complete. Because of the recent Jupiter – Pluto conjunct the inner planets will aspect both in rapid succession. Coming on the heels of the Scorpio New Moon these aspects will add even more the transition that is happening in our consciousness at the moment. With Venus involved you can expect some relationship drama and you may see some issues you thought had been resolved being brought to the surface once more and possibly blow out of proportion. If so, you may have to make some difficult decisions as you deal with them once and for all.
On Tuesday November 17th at 3:07 A.M. EST nerves will be frayed and many people will be prone to speak without the usual filters in place. There will be tension, and arguments are quite possible. What’s really happening is that thoughts are coming too quickly for many to assimilate. Words, ideas and opinions are dropping like gumballs on your tongue and if you aren’t paying attention you could say something you will regret. But it isn’t all bad. Mercury is the lower octave of the mind, while Uranus is the higher level. I like to say that Mercury rules the RAM of the computer, while Uranus is the hard drive. When they are in aspect there is a brilliance being emitted which, if it can be handled properly and directed into productive purpose, can result in genius. Try to find ways of projecting this energy, wherever it falls in your houses and by aspect to your chart. If you do, you may have an epiphany or come up with a new and clever way of dealing with your problems. They say that the line between genius and insanity is a fine one, and I have found that to be quite accurate. I knew musicians who were on a level of proficiency most could not even imagine. Yet some of them could barely take care of the minor issues of life. Some wound up living on the street, others departed this earth early, either through drugs or illness. But some went on to great careers as they learned to control the power behind this combination. Let’s all try to do the same. Stay vigilant and take a breath before you act.
We can expect some surprises in the public arena over the coming weeks. Expect some revelations on the world stage as people are less careful about what they say and to whom. We have already seen a few examples of this – according to the Washington Post Lindsey Graham asked the Georgia Secretary of State, a Republican, to find a way to invalidate legal ballots. Secretary Brad Raffensperger was apparently outraged by his own party’s attitude and made the conversation public knowledge, something one could expect with this Mercury-Uranus opposition. There will be more revelations and an even deeper attempt to lie, misdirect and generally create confusion in this period of transition from one administration to another. We are heading towards two eclipses; the first will be a Full Moon on November 30th in Gemini. More secrets will be revealed and the truth about what is happening will come to the surface. This is also true in our own lives, so try not to be caught unaware. Expect the truth to be uncovered. The best way to deal with this is to face up to it in advance so you won’t be embarrassed. Lindsey Graham should hire a good astrologer.
On Thursday November 19th at 2:18 A.M. EST a very down to earth and realistic attitude will prevail. This is a good day for paperwork, putting things in order and for focusing on your responsibilities. It’s not a party time, but a calm and honest talk may be just what you need. You will be able to get to the bottom of things without much strife, and this is an opportunity to reach out to those around you and perhaps straighten out anything that has been confusing. With Venus in square to Saturn today as well, there could be a few issues in a relationship that requires your attention. Face them directly and be honest with each other and yourself. If you are, you can avoid any misunderstandings and possibly settle a few things that may be festering in the unconscious.
On Thursday November 19th at 6:29 A.M. EST this rather serious aspect will set the mood for the day. This is a time to look at your relationships and your financial matters with a clear and realistic eye. You may find yourself examining some long term connections and possibly seeing the limitations that you hadn’t noticed before. This can be a very positive and productive process, though not usually a joyful or even a pleasant one. But in the end the realizations that you come to can make the relationship stronger and more enduring, or in some extreme cases, end it altogether, if that’s what is required. Saturn has little patience for superficial answers, and it will ultimately show you what must be. It’s up to you to make the changes that are presented. You can, of course ignore the information, but that will just lead to more problems and a harder reality check somewhere down the line. This is not a day for frivolous activities, but rather a time for hard work, honesty and the securing of your foundation, primarily in financial issues and personal relationships. With Venus entering Scorpio in a few days, this square offers us all a clear sense of what is and isn’t possible in our most intimate connections. If you deal with these issues in a clear and direct fashion this can be a very positive and productive few days when you can settle some things and avoid what could turn into deeper problems in the near future. Saturn isn’t your enemy. In fact, it can be your best friend. It’s just not likely to always agree with your attitude, so be willing to make alterations and this will prove to be a growth-oriented time.
On Saturday November 21st at 8:22 A.M. EST we will all begin a period when we must look at our closest relationships with a deeper sense of what we truly need from them. This can be a very passionate placement, and often those born with Venus in this fixed water sign can express a very intense emotional side. Feelings will run deep, and you may experience something more intense than you have in a long time. While it is transiting here we all will feel a bit of that. Where this planet is traveling in your own chart, and what aspects it will set off will decide how you respond to it. Scorpio energy can often only see things in black or white. “Is You is or is You Ain’t My Baby”. That’s the title of an old blues song that I’m sure was written by someone with a lot of Scorpio in their chart. LOL Just don’t overreact to small slights. It’s easy to become a bit obsessive and not be able to let go of things. If something is really important then take it into consideration as you examine how the relationship is going. But if it’s a minor issue, try to ignore it. Look at your close connections with a clear eye and be willing to make the changes required to strengthen the tie. If it becomes apparent that you simply can’t continue on the path you are on, and change doesn’t seem to be possible, it may be time to let it go. But only after you have realistically examined your options. It’s always hard to lose a friend or loved one, but there are some who become so toxic that remaining in the situation will only drag you down. You shouldn’t make that decisions lightly, and I believe in trying to fix what is fixable. But as the old saying goes – doing some over and over and expecting different results is a definition of insanity. (BTW, that quote is NOT from Albert Einstein, as many have claimed.) So embrace the passion this placement can create, and take the hand of your friend and dive deeply into the emotional waters. Just be make sure you have taken in enough air to surface once again.
On Saturday November 21st at 3:40 P.M. EST we enter the mutable fire sign. Sagittarius is well known for its outgoing, exuberant and expansive attitude. It’s the sign most likely to blow things out of proportion, and Sags can find it difficult to maintain a balanced and restrictive set of boundaries. But it’s also the sign that can be most forgiving and able to rejuvenate its sense of optimism and faith. Remember, this sign rules the 9th house, ruler of religion, philosophy and the higher mind. And in ancient astrology Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius also ruled Pisces, the sign of deep faith and service to others. This sign has little regard for any restrictions or limitations, and as I often say, it’s interesting that while Christmas falls in the sign of Capricorn, the majority of the shopping, decorating and partying period occurs while the Sun is in transit to joyful, exuberant and over-indulgent Sagittarius. This is the time to enjoy, celebrate and over-indulge. Just try to stay within realistic limits.
On Monday November 23rd at 11:40 P.M. EST that creative juice will be flowing and if you have something to write or to say the poet within you may find the right words. This can be a very pleasant aspect, and it usually will make conversations quite enjoyable. This is a good day for any creative ventures or for getting in touch with your spirit. It can be a very enlightening and joyful day, and this is Thanksgiving week, so reaching out to your old friends or closest people can be very fulfilling.
But even though this is a positive trine, it’s still Neptune at work and a word of advice is called for. Don’t accept everything you hear as the gospel. Neptune doesn’t work on the plane that the other planet do. It has its own agenda and point of view, not always based on what we call reality. Double check the facts and make sure that you really understand the bottom line. It’s easy to just assume everyone is honest and that you are hearing things correctly. But I have found that many mistakes happen under what we would call positive or easy transits. The energy flows so nicely and everyone is in such a good mood that you wouldn’t even think that someone might be using this good mood to divert attention and avoid dealing with something. But with Neptune involved misdirection is possible, so be careful.
On Friday November 27th at 12:11 P.M. EST you can expect some sudden and erratic behavior in personal relationships. This is a combination that often creates upsetting events and can at times lead to radical changes in the definition of a relationship. But remember, astrology aspects aren’t there to hurt us, only to teach us what the energy of the planets entails. Uranus has a well-earned reputation for radical and disruptive events. Its purpose in mythology and astrology is to upset the status quo and force us to view our situation from a new and often misunderstood perspective. But many professional astrologers recognize, from years of study and seeing the results of these transits that what Uranus really wants is to free us from the attitudes, situations, relationships and circumstances that have become deadened and counter-productive. The problem is that most of us tend to cling to the tried & true and have a fear, often deep-seeded of new or innovative ways of looking at the world. The more intensely one holds on to the status quo under a Uranus transit the more disturbing and upsetting the resulting events will be. If you can let go of that which is no long serving you and embrace change, these aspects will be fairly easy and less disruptive. So the influence of this opposition, while it may be hard to accept, might just be pointing out to you something that has held back your personal growth for some time. This will also be obvious in the financial markets, and I wouldn’t be surprised by a sudden big movement in the stocks. Which way they will go has to do with what the underlying factors are. If the stocks are unrealistically rising in the midst of this raging pandemic, they will drop precipitously. If they have been severely hurt in recent weeks and are over sold, they may suddenly leap up to compensate. In Wall Street terms, this is a time to buy volatility.
On Saturday November 28th at 7:36 P.M. EST this turnaround of energy will affect us in more subtle and internal ways than the reversal of many of the planets. This is a time to try your best to stay focused on the most important issues in your life. When Neptune is activated it’s very easy to make mistakes, misunderstand things or just be so confused that you aren’t sure what the right decisions are. Obviously this will be more pronounced if Neptune is hitting your chart, but in the world events and problems that we are all sharing, particularly when it comes to health issues, infections or miscommunication, we need to be extremely conscious of what’s really going on. With the pandemic in its worst phase since the beginning, with more than 100,000 new cases diagnosed almost every day, the rampaging virus has its sights set on our species like a hungry tiger at a sheep’s picnic. Don’t take chances. Use caution and common sense and do what you must to protect you and your loved ones.
Neptune doesn’t give a hoot about the material world, except in how it affects the ethereal or spiritual. But it does have a prominent place in artistic endeavors and can be quite effective in the ultimate monetary results, especially in an artist’s career. It’s also quite prominent in the financial markets, usually in a negative fashion. When Neptune is in conflict with Saturn we often see the beginnings of a bubble that will come tumbling down when Saturn next aspects Uranus or Pluto. So, while this planet isn’t really about money or possessions, it can make things so unrealistic that it will sometimes lead the individual or the collective astray.
On Saturday November 28th at 9:51 P.M. EST this very positive and enthusiastic sextile will give us a day of some pleasant thoughts and communications. With Neptune turning around today there are some things that may be going on in the unconscious that require your attention. With this combination of planets you should be able to look them over without fear and make some decisions that are far-sighted and positive.
On Monday November 30th at 4:30 A.M. EST at 8 degrees Gemini 38 minutes the Sun is in opposition to the Moon and it’s a lunar eclipse. Eclipses are tricky. They can bring out some issues that you hadn’t been expecting, and depending upon how it hits your chart it may create some problems or redirect your attention in unexpected ways. The Gemini Full Moons are always about communication, and eclipses do just what the word implies – they eclipse, or block out the light. This is the reason for the misdirection they can cause. And with everything so up in the air right now with a virtually non-existent transition from the outgoing administration to the new one, this will be a very confusing and muddled affair. Trump isn’t capable of dealing with reality or admitting his loss. So not he will muddy the waters and stir up all the unconscious anger and frustration in his followers that are mirrored in his own psyche. But we knew that was going to be the case. It’s just that this aspect will exacerbate the situation and make it that much more difficult to move things forward.
Keep your eyes and ears open. With the Gemini energy blocked it will be hard to push through to the truth in our personal lives as well as in the collective. The simpler you keep things the easier it will be to set the record straight. Break down the barriers of mistrust that con artists and conspiracy theorists are constantly throwing at us through social media. Don’t accept everything you hear at face value. Do a little homework and look behind the curtain. You may find that the monster you fear is only a sad little man or woman who has lost their way. And always try to find the compassion when expressing your views. You may be 100% right, but if you present your ideas too harshly even those who may be open to hearing them could turn away.
On Monday November 30th at 2:01 P.M. EST we will all be realistic and focused. This is a good day to get your work done, put things in order or have an important conversation. This is a good day for talking things out and resolving any issues that have been unfinished. It’s not a day for frivolous activities, but a calm brunch or Zoom chat may prove enlightening. Look over your paperwork, clean up your desk, and aim your attention at the most vital projects. If you use this properly it can be a productive and useful aspect. If you ignore it you won’t have any serious difficulties, but you will be missing an opportunity to tie up some loose ends.
On Tuesday December 1st at 2:51 P.M. EST Mercury joins the Sun in the mutable fire sign. Sags do love to talk, and they are very capable of blowing things out of proportion. With the planet of thought and communication about to travel through this expansive sign you need to keep your boundaries in place and think before you speak. Don’t make promises you can’t or may not want to fulfill. And when you discuss things do try to keep them in a proper perspective. A Sagittarius will tell you that two hundred people showed up at their book signing. When pressed on it, it turns out there were 25, but it was a small room so the crowd looked much bigger.
This sign looks very far ahead, often miles down the road, or years in advance. But sometimes Sagittarius can’t see what right in front of them. I have many Sag friends, and I love them all very much. Of course, I have the Moon and ascendant in this sign, so there is an affinity. Many times I have searched for something only to give up, and then open the drawer right next to my chair and find it sitting right on top. I have looked for my glasses several times through the years in vain, and then looked in the mirror and – what do you know, there they are on top of my head.
On Saturday December 5th at 11:53 P.M. EST this creative aspect will give us all a chance to find the inner poet and allow them a voice. This can be a very positive day, especially for those in the arts. But there is creativity in all fields. I’ve known some business people who are incredibly creative in how they view their work and the solutions they come up with that you or I may never have considered. This is a day for free-spirited romance and singing love songs. Don’t waste your time on the mundane day-to-day or worry too much about the obligations you haven’t completed. There will be time enough for that tomorrow. Now take a long walk with someone you care about, or your dog, or your soul. It doesn’t matter. We are never truly alone. Those we love are always in our hearts. And this is a chance to be reminded of that. Even if you aren’t terribly creative, you may find your muse and write something sweet and caring to someone who needs to hear it.
On Wednesday December 9th at 2:41 P.M. EST this confusing and often debilitating square can misdirect you and bring you to a false or unrealistic conclusion. This can be a very low energy few days. Neptune isn’t very robust and it can make you feel under the weather, even if there’s nothing really wrong. It’s just a tiring and at times unenthusiastic energy that isn’t all that concerned with your worldly ambitions. If you do feel tired, just rest. This will pass soon and you will recover your vigor. But on Sunday Mercury will also square Neptune, so we may feel this lackadaisical attitude for a few days. Neptune can deplete our physical power because of its focus on the ethereal or spiritual side of things. Don’t overdo it. If you’re tired, just rest. This won’t usually result in any real health issues, although if it hits your chart just so you may be prone to a minor ailment or an allergy attack. With Covid-19 still on the prowl caution is certainly called for. But remember, astrology doesn’t make you sick. It just opens the window of opportunity for something that is already amiss to rise to the surface.
This is often a very bad day in the equity markets, and with Mercury also about to square Neptune we can expect some bad or misunderstood news. Since I believe that we are teetering on the edge of a correction in the stocks that I expect will be more prominent after the New Year, it wouldn’t surprise me if the equities took a hit this week. Between the pandemic, the economic woes so many are feeling, and the inability for Congress to come to terms with a new stimulus package you may see a pull back.
On Friday December 11th at 1:01 A.M. EST a jolt of energy will come along that may help us as we navigate the Sun square Neptune from Wednesday, and the Mercury square Neptune coming this Sunday. Those are both low energy transits that can often produce feelings of lethargy and exhaustion. This trine isn’t as powerful, but it will be a few hours of higher octane fuel. And while this completes early in the morning and may not have as much impact as we would like, it still should be a welcome pick-me-up. It’s up to you to focus on it. If you have gone to bed early and sleep through this, then you probably won’t be affected all that much. But you will still have a little more oomph in the morning so take advantage of it.
On Sunday December 13th at 6:38 A.M. EST the fog will lay thick this morning and it may be difficult to get out of bed. This is the end of the week long Neptune aspects and with this occurring right on the Dark of the Moon I suspect that many will feel very tired and you might not even feel like getting out of bed. Don’t fret. Unless there is something wrong with you this probably is just a passing short period of weariness and fatigue. Neptune is the bearer of infections, allergies, and breakdowns in the body. So if you have been exposed to a pathogen it may make itself known now. Extra care is called for all week, but that is really true throughout the winter. Vitamin C, B, D, Zinc, Pro-biotics, and plenty of rest will help keep you healthy. And wear a damn mask!
Communications will be muddled today. It may be difficult to understand each other, so go that extra mile and explain yourself carefully and succinctly. Any reason for a misunderstanding could certainly become an issue. Also be very careful while traveling. This is an aspect well-known for mistakes, misreading directions, getting on the wrong highway, or just being so distracted that you wind up in a mess. If you’re really tired and don’t feel up to being behind the wheel of a car, take the bus, a train or, if possible, delay the trip altogether until another day.
The next New Moon falls on Monday December 14th at 11:17 A.M. EST at 23 degrees Sagittarius 08 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition.
All times are Eastern Time:
November 15th 6:13 A.M. – 10:47 A.M.
November 17th 2:55 A.M. – 11:35 A.M.
November 19th 11:30 A.M. – 3:25 P.M.
November 20th 7:49 P.M. – November 21st 11:06 P.M. ***Moon is void 28 hours
November 24th 5:44 A.M. – 10:05 A.M.
November 26th 6:46 P.M. – 10:43 P.M.
November 29th 7:48 A.M. – 11:16 A.M.
November 30th 11:22 P.M. – December 1st 10:33 P.M. ***Moon is void 23 hours
December 4th 5:29 A.M. – 7:53 A.M.
December 5th 5:28 P.M. – December 6th 2:46 P.M. ***Moon is void 21 hours
December 8th 5:35 P.M. – 7:01 P.M.
December 10th 7:56 P.M. – 8:59 P.M.
December 12th 8:58 P.M. – 9:39 P.M.
December 14th 11:17 A.M. – 10:35 P.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours
December 17th 12:34 A.M. – 1:27 A.M.
December 19th 3:45A.M. – 7:39 A..M.
November 2020
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