On Thursday November 19th at 6:29 A.M. EST this rather serious aspect will set the mood for the day. This is a time to look at your relationships and your financial matters with a clear and realistic eye. You may find yourself examining some long term connections and possibly seeing the limitations that you hadn’t noticed before. This can be a very positive and productive process, though not usually a joyful or even a pleasant one. But in the end the realizations that you come to can make the relationship stronger and more enduring, or in some extreme cases, end it altogether, if that’s what is required. Saturn has little patience for superficial answers, and it will ultimately show you what must be. It’s up to you to make the changes that are presented. You can, of course ignore the information, but that will just lead to more problems and a harder reality check somewhere down the line. This is not a day for frivolous activities, but rather a time for hard work, honesty and the securing of your foundation, primarily in financial issues and personal relationships. With Venus entering Scorpio in a few days, this square offers us all a clear sense of what is and isn’t possible in our most intimate connections. If you deal with these issues in a clear and direct fashion this can be a very positive and productive few days when you can settle some things and avoid what could turn into deeper problems in the near future. Saturn isn’t your enemy. In fact, it can be your best friend. It’s just not likely to always agree with your attitude, so be willing to make alterations and this will prove to be a growth-oriented time.