On Tuesday November 17th at 3:07 A.M. EST nerves will be frayed and many people will be prone to speak without the usual filters in place. There will be tension, and arguments are quite possible. What’s really happening is that thoughts are coming too quickly for many to assimilate. Words, ideas and opinions are dropping like gumballs on your tongue and if you aren’t paying attention you could say something you will regret. But it isn’t all bad. Mercury is the lower octave of the mind, while Uranus is the higher level. I like to say that Mercury rules the RAM of the computer, while Uranus is the hard drive. When they are in aspect there is a brilliance being emitted which, if it can be handled properly and directed into productive purpose, can result in genius. Try to find ways of projecting this energy, wherever it falls in your houses and by aspect to your chart. If you do, you may have an epiphany or come up with a new and clever way of dealing with your problems. They say that the line between genius and insanity is a fine one, and I have found that to be quite accurate. I knew musicians who were on a level of proficiency most could not even imagine. Yet some of them could barely take care of the minor issues of life. Some wound up living on the street, others departed this earth early, either through drugs or illness. But some went on to great careers as they learned to control the power behind this combination. Let’s all try to do the same. Stay vigilant and take a breath before you act.


We can expect some surprises in the public arena over the coming weeks. Expect some revelations on the world stage as people are less careful about what they say and to whom. We have already seen a few examples of this – according to the Washington Post Lindsey Graham asked the Georgia Secretary of State, a Republican, to find a way to invalidate legal ballots. Secretary Brad Raffensperger was apparently outraged by his own party’s attitude and made the conversation public knowledge, something one could expect with this Mercury-Uranus opposition. There will be more revelations and an even deeper attempt to lie, misdirect and generally create confusion in this period of transition from one administration to another. We are heading towards two eclipses; the first will be a Full Moon on November 30th in Gemini. More secrets will be revealed and the truth about what is happening will come to the surface. This is also true in our own lives, so try not to be caught unaware. Expect the truth to be uncovered. The best way to deal with this is to face up to it in advance so you won’t be embarrassed. Lindsey Graham should hire a good astrologer.