On Thursday November 12th at 4:39 P.M. EST this all important transit completes for the last time. First, how will this affect you in your personal life? Depending on where this sits in terms of house placement and aspects to your natal chart will have much to do with the results. In general, this is a powerful conjunct that will bring up many issues of control and force us all to look at the situations we are contending with in personal relationships, career choices and financial matters. Pluto rules all trading accounts, and while it’s tempting to assume that this conjunct will mean an upward explosion of the stocks, that probably isn’t the case. We saw the DOW rise more than a thousand points a few days ago after the election results were announced and Pfizer touted their Covid-19 vaccine, and that was certainly affected by this applying aspect. But once the exuberance had waned the markets settled down rather quickly and are now trying to find their footing and the direction they need to go. With Mars about to do direct tomorrow we are in for a rather intense and corrosive series of battles on the personal and the collective stage. While you and I have little influence about what will happen in the world we do have some control over our own lives. Try to keep an open mind and don’t become obsessive about a problem or your point of view, as Pluto tends to do. Stay alert and sidestep any conflicts that aren’t worth your energy. It’s easy to get swept up in this conjunct and to lose all sense of perspective and propriety. And with tempers at a peak right now there isn’t much to be gained by shouting your opinion at someone who isn’t listening.


This has had an ongoing effect on our culture in many ways for the past 18 months. Along with Saturn, this conjunct added to the effects of the pandemic, exacerbating, as is Jupiter’s goal the infection and financial collapse. Because Jupiter rules the higher courts and Pluto is all about hidden agendas and power struggles we have seen the Republican president and Senate push through a record number of conservative judges onto the federal bench. The recent confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, the most unqualified appointment in history to the Supreme Court is a perfect example of this conjunct. Even with the passing of this aspect it will continue to be prominent in our society as we deal with the after effects of this violent swing to the right that has taken place. The fact that the majority of American’s do not agree with this policy will be tested in the next administration. Just what can a Biden presidency do to reverse some of the damage that has been perpetrated on our citizenry and what are the potential powers available when power changes hands? Those are the questions that Jupiter-Pluto brings up. Who has the power, what can we do with it, and what will the long-term effect do to our system of government? Some aspect pass quickly and we move on, while others create an atmosphere that lingers for a long time. This one will have a lasting effect on our society.


In January we are going to have another profoundly important election when the two Georgia Senate seats will be decided. The results will be nothing short of world changing one way or another. If the Democrats manage to win both seats there will be a tie in the Senate, making Kamala Harris one of the most influential people on the planet with her tie-breaking vote. If the Republicans retain one or both of those seats we may be in for a long and bitter battle if Mitch McConnell continues his obstructionist power trip and we are faced with another gridlock between the executive and the legislative branches of government like we had during much of Obama’s tenure in office. The ultimate results in either case will have historic influence on our nation and the world. The environment, health care, women’s rights, LGBTQ freedom, animal rights, economic and political reform just to name some will be decided for years to come. This is a watershed moment in history that will be looked back upon for a long time. Stay safe and conscientious in your dealings with each other.