On Tuesday November 10th at 4:55 P.M. EST until December 1st at 2:51 P.M. EST Mercury reenters the fixed water sign. It spent the tail end of September and most of October here as it retrograded and now it has returned to complete the issues it began back then. We will revisit some of the decisions we made in October, so stay open-minded and try to see what has been working out and what hasn’t. This is an opportunity to redirect your energy and to change course in your personal life where it is needed. Use this time to your advantage and don’t be afraid of change. We can only expand the garden and make room for new growth by uprooting that which is no longer able to survive.


As Mercury travels here until the beginning of December we will uncover many things that have been hidden. This sign is well known for its need to reveal what is buried and to bring them to light. It may be something in your unconscious or someone else’s agenda that isn’t exposed. The best way to handle this is to be as honest as you can and to push others in the same direction. You may not be able to force them to reveal their true purpose, but by prodding and staying attentive you may recognize what just doesn’t seem real or straightforward. If that person’s response isn’t authentic you might convince them to open up so you can discuss things in a realistic manner.


Because of our political situation and the recent election we can expect that there will be a number of untruths being expressed. It’s up to us as a collective to wade through the mess and try to make some sense of it all. And the power struggle associated with Scorpio and its ruler, Pluto is moving into a new and more dangerous phase. The battle for truth, Justice and the American way (forgive the allusion) is continuing with Trump and his enablers like Bill Barr and Lindsey Graham willing to tear apart the union for personal gain and power. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto in a few days and all of this energy adds up to a fight to the death. Will any in the Republican Party stand up against this push for an honest transition of power, or will we continue to widen the chasm between camps? I have little doubt that they will give up their throne without a major struggle, so Biden and his party must stay strong and forthright and be ready to face the onslaught. It’s going to be messy. In the end they will prevail. The only question is how destructive the process will be.