On Friday November 6th at 4:12 A.M. EST because of the reversal of Mercury this aspect will complete once again. We just had this a few days ago, and the same effects will take place, only this time with Mercury going direct. This is when we will begin processing what we considered this past week. Now it’s time to begin to activate the ideas that we thought out. Stay focused and put your priorities in order. Take care of the most important ones first and then deal with the others. This can be a low energy aspect and you may not have the oomph to complete everything. With the results of the election still somewhat in doubt, this square represents that slow moving count and the call for recounts by the Trump camp. Slow and steady is what this combination wants. And that’s just what we’re getting. It will take several more days for all the votes to be counted and possibly longer before there is a consensus as to the results. Take your time and make sure your work is correct and complete. And try to have patience with others who may be having a hard time keeping up and understanding the details.