To answer all the questions that are coming in, here’s my latest thoughts on the election.
Biden will win, but by a very small majority. He should prevail in Wisconsin and Michigan, but may lose Pennsylvania. He took Arizona and just might squeak by in Georgia. But even if he does get elected it will be a hollow victory.
The dream of carrying a majority in Congress has faded. Mitch McConnell will still control the Senate as majority leader, and the Republicans are picking up a few seats in the House. We are facing a classic roadblock or logjam. Remember Obama’s second term? There will be little stimulus money, no infrastructure bill, no government reform, no anti-gerrymandering legislation, no equitable financial reform, questionable environmental support, and the courts will remain radically right-wing.
While I will applaud the eviction of Trump, America is a wreck. These are sad times. There are so many people in the country who obviously don’t want change or progression. They were quite content with a malcontent running the show. And the worst part of it all is that those who back Trump and his party (I can’t in good conscience call it the Republican Party. It stopped being that in 2017) will be the ones who are hurt the most by the inequalities and backward thinking that will be the results.
Again I remind you all that America is starting to go through its Pluto return. And I can tell you firsthand what a Pluto transit can do. I’ve been living with it in opposition to my 22 degree Cancer Sun for the past few years. It has changed me, forced me to look at some issues and parts of my personality that need revision. It has created power struggles and stress, while also giving me more opportunities for power than I have had in many years. In the end it is ripping the cover off and forcing me to examine what’s underneath. And that is exactly what is happening to America. We obviously needed a Trump presidency or we would just have gone along as if nothing was wrong, when there is so much amiss in our country. To ignore it would only have further decayed our foundation.
But because this Pluto Return doesn’t complete until the end of 2023 we have a long way to go. There are no shortcuts in life or astrology. We must go through whatever the aspect implies and complete the lesson or rue the day when future transits come along. So hold on and find the faith you will need. We have a long haul ahead of us and until a large majority finally recognizes what must be done we are in for some very shaky times. The economy is a disaster and will get worse in 2021. The pandemic is not suddenly going away without some serious measures. Racism, health care, poverty, a loss of world dominance, a widening chasm between the tribes and so many other issues will continue to erode our structure.
If we face the reality of what Pluto is trying to tell us we can build a stronger and more resilient nation. If we ignore it we will crumble like so many empires in the past. And for the very same reason. Empires usually collapse first from within, not from outside forces. And that wouldn’t be good for any of us.

Thank you much for this much needed post. Here in South Carolina we live in such natural beauty…we swim with the dolphins and live amongst the trees, its truly a magical place. We are devastated by Lindsey Grahams win, very few in Charleston thought he would win , though he lives here. We lost Joe Cunningham who protected our coast from drilling… now we’re back to nuclear waste dumping and the killing of our sea life. I’m a Bernie supporter because for me its simple…we all deserve a better life. I voted for Biden because of the atrocities commited by Trump and his party. The most difficult realization is how divided we are,… Americans plotting to kill other Americans? Where does this mentality come from? Moscow Mitch won a state in disrepair… no stimulus, no health care …maybe everyone is so tranqulized on pharmaceuticals … My 80 year old father told his your brother who voted for Trump” a Mexican vote for Trump is like a roach voting for raid!” I fear this is the fall of the Empire… I’m a happy Sagittarius moon, 10/21 thinking this way is difficult. I’m sorry to hear that things have been chaotic for you…
I will keep you in my prayers.
Thank you for your generosity, a sane wise voice is such a gift to us all. Stay safe my friend!