I don’t know about you but I find it hard to believe that after all the wailing and moaning it’s almost Election Day. Then again I find it rather difficult to accept that this is 2020. To me it’s still somewhere around the mid 80’s and the subway costs 75 cents, not $2.75. But here we are. The long grueling nightmare is almost over.

So what about the election? A number of people have asked me to reiterate my prediction and perhaps add a brief explanation. Biden will win, and by a large enough majority to make it ludicrous for Trump to contest the results. That doesn’t mean that he won’t. He has done so many ridiculous, nonsensical things I wouldn’t put anything past him. But it won’t work. Not only will he lose reelection, but I believe with Mercury going direct on Election Day that we will know the results much earlier than most expect. I don’t think it will be a long drawn out recount or nail-biter. I do expect him to pursue some court battles, and to make a big show of rejecting the results for some time, but my feeling is that on Tuesday we will know what happened in Florida, Texas, Georgia, Maine and enough of the so-called battleground states that it will be a done deal.

We have been torn apart by this process for so long, no matter who wins the collective we will breathe a sigh of relief. Rather than try to encapsulate my work that led me to my prediction I’m going to post an article I recently did on the election for the NYC NCGR magazine “The Ingress”. I will put it on FB and my website. It’s rather long and many people may not have the patience to read through it. I know there are times on FB when if I see a post has the words: …see more… I scroll right past it. So I don’t blame you. But if you’re interested please take a few minutes and read through. And for those with real patience (are you Capricorns listening?) there is my webinar available on my website

So get some sleep so you can stay awake Tuesday night drinking and shouting at the TV, and have faith. This is almost over. And the times they are a’changin’.

I see you can buy past articles from NY_NCGR The Ingress, but was unable to find your article. Any way to buy this or should we wait until you post it on your website?

I began a new series of images in Dec. 2019 that have led me to this day. Many of these images come from dreams and messages I hear in the night. The most recent was that I need to paint Biden as Moses. The title was

Believe In Dreams Every Night or B.I.D.E.N.
The stories are in several papers and the journey has been amazing.

I was born in Canada and competition was not the key to daily living.
Kind cooperation and caring resulting in a childhood graced with love and support from the community.
I believe this country is being tested and it is time to show the true Mettle/ Strength of our character. I am an American now and focus on the words we live by in our name. UNITED States.

Been waiting to receive this email, as followup and confirmation of previous emails claiming Trump would not be reelected! With all the vote suppression, and other trump chaos [claiming win Tuesday?], knowing of previous prediction, it felt maybe things would change, ie trump would win…

Reading this and your other recent emails, I feel very comforted by this email! Enough is enough!

[Surprised more folks don’t comment….]