Here is my article from NCGR Ingress. It’s long, but there’s a lot to discuss. Enjoy. THE COMING ELECTION INGRESS NCGR Mitchell Scott Lewis

Here is my article from NCGR Ingress. It’s long, but there’s a lot to discuss. Enjoy. THE COMING ELECTION INGRESS NCGR Mitchell Scott Lewis

Here is my article from NCGR Ingress. It’s long, but there’s a lot to discuss. Enjoy.
Mitchell Scott Lewis
As we approach this all-important and historic election, our nation is divided in a way it has rarely been. Not since the Civil War or perhaps the late 60s – early 70s during the Vietnam War have we seen such discord between two factions. And no matter which side of the aisle you are on the stakes could not be higher.
When I look at elections to attempt to predict an outcome naturally I will examine the transit, progressions and solar arc directions to each candidate’s charts. However, I am even more concerned with the mood of the country and how the charts of the various candidates affect America’s chart. The office of the president is the most powerful in the world. Simply running for that office implies that there will be some intense and once-in-a-lifetime aspects in each of their charts. Therefore, comparing the transits and progressions that each is experiencing, and trying to pinpoint whose chart looks better is only one layer of information to consider, and it can be misconstrued.
We must keep in mind the atmosphere under which a political contest is ensuing. Someone might be right for the job at a given moment in history, while he or she might not be the correct choice at another time. The same holds true in personal relationships. Some couples who come for a reading have known each other for decades, but only recently have they felt the urge to pursue a relationship. I tell them that ten or twenty years ago their attempt at a coupling might have failed because they were not the same people back then. However, since then their development, personal needs, and the atmosphere they are living in has changed and the atmosphere they are living has changed. The same is true in politics, which is why we have elections every few years. The mood of the country changes and the person voted into office during the last cycle may no longer be the logical choice of the collective under current circumstances.
Although this article is too brief to examine all the astrology, there is a two-hour webinar on my website for those who wish to delve more deeply into the many charts. Here are the main points.
The most commonly used chart for America, (and the one that I personally adhere to) is the Sibley Chart on July 4th 1776 at approximately 5:12 PM in Philadelphia. In this chart we can see America’s great wealth (Venus conjunct Jupiter), her prominence in world affairs (Saturn in exaltation in Libra and accidently in its rulership in the 10th House). We also can see the duality in our nation’s personality. The four planets in Cancer tend towards a more traditional conformist mind-set with a strong attachment to the past. In addition, the Sun square Saturn is definitely an indicator of a conservative attitude. The Moon is in Aquarius, however, a very radical and progressive placement, and the Ascendant in Sagittarius is equally broad-minded and creates a more liberal outlook. Our country varies from moderately right-of-center to left-of-center. By nature we are a centrist country and if we swing too far left or right the collective tends to pull us back into the middle.
America has another aspect that is often overlooked. Mars is in 21 degrees Gemini in tight square to Neptune at 22 degrees of Virgo. This can be a confusing aspect that indicates an undercurrent of fear in how the American collective responds. Many examples of the fearful energy this square produces exist throughout our history. After Pearl Harbor we instituted a system of incarcerating people of Japanese descent into camps, even if their families had been in the country for generations, for fear they would act as saboteurs or spies. In the 1950’s Joseph McCarthy managed to convince the Senate – and much of the general population – that Communists had infiltrated our country and our government, during what became known as the McCarthy Era. Thousands of people’s lives were ruined by nothing more than innuendo. So that Mars-Neptune square should be viewed in all aspects of public and political interpretation.
Other ways that this aspect has manifested include an ongoing war (Mars) on drugs and alcohol (Neptune) that has existed for many decades. Prohibition outlawed the sale and use of alcohol from 1920 – 1933 and led to the rapid rise of organized crime. After being used as medicine in most cultures for thousands of years, Marijuana was declared illegal in 1937. There is also an ongoing and battle (Mars) over religion (Neptune) and its place in our society and political arena. The separation of church and state was one of the founding fathers most ardent principles. And yet it continues to be a matter of debate and political struggle today. The Mars-Neptune square should be a matter of consideration in most aspects of public and political interpretation in the United States.
So how do the charts of the two current candidates affect America and how has the synastry of other presidents’ charts with America’s been effective in the past?
DONALD TRUMP: Trump was born June 14th 1946 in Queens N.Y. There is some discrepancy about Trump’s birth time, but I adhere to 10:54 A.M. which gives him a 29 degree 55 minute Leo Ascendant. The fixed star Regulus is placed exactly on the ascendant with this birth time. Since the astrologers of Babylonia and Persia recognized its power, and through the continued study of astrology by the ancient Greeks, Romans, medieval Europeans and Arabic schools of thought Regulus has been considered the “King Maker” conveying great pride, a commanding persona, glory, riches and power to those born under its influence, if revenge is avoided. On the other hand, it also denotes ultimate failure, revolt, demonstrations, overthrow of heads of state, and sometimes assassination or imprisonment after a rather short duration of control. I also believe that Mars is in Trump’s 12th House, not in the 1st House. While his Leo ascendant is very flamboyant and brash he seems to act more from a place of secrecy and false bravado than with the consistency of a ruler one would expect with a 1st House Mars.
No matter what birth time you use, Trump was born with a Full Moon or lunar eclipse with the Sun at 22 degrees, 55 minutes Gemini conjunct the North Node at 20 degrees Gemini, both opposing his natal Moon at 21 degrees, 12 minutes Sagittarius. Uranus is 17 degrees Gemini conjunct his Sun, which gives him the explosive and unpredictable personality he displays. He is a contrarian who goes against virtually any form of norm and precedent, often just for the sake of shaking up the status quo, which can be a common response with a prominent Uranus in the natal chart. He also has Mercury in square to Neptune, which can manifest a several ways. I have seen it produce a person of high moral and spiritual fiber who learns early in life that truthfulness and lucidity are vital to the development of their personality. It can also imply someone with trouble acknowledging the truth that uses this aspect to purposely cloud the subject and misdirect the issues. Mr. Trump has repeatedly shown distain for expressing clarity and honesty.
As I said above, it is how the candidate connects with America’s chart that matters. Trump’s Sun, North Node and Uranus conjunction sit almost exactly on and activates the energies of America’s Mars in square to Neptune. Trump’s Moon also opposes the Mars and is in square to Neptune. Trump’s relationship with the public is based primarily on his ability to manipulate that Mars-Neptune energy to his advantage, by setting off that part of our national consciousness that responds to fear and self-doubt. Trump managed to rise to a position of power in 2016 through this influence and he has ruled throughout his presidency by sowing alarm and distrust. Trump’s Mercury square Neptune also emphasizes America’s Mars-Neptune square. He seeds division and discontent by accusing the media, the national intelligence agencies, the Democrats, immigrants, our allies and even the American people of being dishonest and constantly warns that everything is fake news. Incidentally, his Saturn-Venus conjunct sits on America’s Mercury and instills that saturnine sense of restriction and limitations that we are all quite familiar with. It also looks to the past, which is what the “Mega” campaign slogan influenced. The question is whether that influence still works in 2020.
Joe Biden was born November 20th 1942 at 8:30 A.M. in Scranton Pennsylvania. Biden is a Scorpio with four planets in that fixed water sign. Scorpios are often misunderstood in astrological circles. It is the sign of rejuvenation and rebirth, but it is also known for its ability to keep much inside and to be rather unbending in many cases. Those who study astrology know just how determined that sign can be and how difficult it is to dissuade a Scorpio from pursuing his or her agenda. Biden has been in politics for almost fifty years. He was first elected to the Senate in 1972 when he was only two months older than thirty, the minimum age to serve in that office. Joe’s determination and continuity in his career show the longevity and commitment he has to the job of governing.
Biden’s chart on top of America’s is quite unlike Trump’s. For one thing his Jupiter is conjunct America’s Mercury. His approach to the public is very different. Jupiter tends to look ahead and seek growth, whereas Trump’s Saturn tends to hold onto to past attitudes and not seek expansion. Rather than stoke fear, Biden’s Jupiter attempts to project optimism and an enthusiastic attitude about our future. That Jupiterian energy speaks to the public in a less derisive (and divisive) voice. Whether you feel that he is overly optimistic and less realistic will have much to do with your view the two candidates and where your personal attitudes fit into the scenarios. Biden’s Saturn conjuncts America’s Uranus, and that can actually limit the more progressive part of the Democratic Party. He has been called too centrist for some in the more progressive wing of the party. His Pluto is on America’s North Node, which is an indicator of power that projects into our sense of the future. We often see a great deal of nodal activity in the comparative charts of many presidents or those seeking office. Again, the question is whether these influences resonate with the American people now.
You might wonder why F.D.R. is being discussed. It is to show how the influence of the individual can have a powerful effect on the nation. Franklin Roosevelt came from a wealthy family, he had a strong political background, and he was the fifth cousin of Theodore Roosevelt. The stock market crashes of 1929 and 1931 and the Great Depression that began during Herbert Hoover’s administration all but ensured Roosevelt’s victory in 1932. F.D.R. beat Herbert Hoover by one of the biggest majorities in our history winning all but six states becoming the first Democratic president since Woodrow Wilson left office in 1921. The nation was reeling from the economic crash and most Americans blamed Hoover. However, to understand the impact and longevity of Roosevelt’s power we must look at the interaction between his chart and the chart of the nation.
First of all F.D.R.’s Moon sat on top of America’s Venus and Jupiter, which implies a deep-rooted and personal relationship with the public. Also his Mercury, the planet of communication, sits exactly on top of America’s Moon, the ruler of the public, which further increased that relationship. What F.D.R. was most known for, especially in the early years of his presidency was the “fireside chats” that he would conduct regularly on the radio, the most powerful communication device of the time. That is how the Mercury – Moon conjunct manifested. These broadcasts were meant to calm the people and expressed his optimism and faith in their ability to overcome the circumstances the depression created, and by all accounts they were extremely successful. They created a father-like atmosphere and were very effective in their purpose. But of course it wasn’t just talk. He set out from the very first day of his administration to put in place dozens of policies and laws to reboot our economy and get millions of unemployed people back to work. His Mars was only a few degrees from America’s Mars, showing a connection to that fearful Mars-Neptune square in America’s consciousness. But how he used it was greatly influenced by the other aspects in synastry, especially the Mercury and Moon connections. His Pluto was in square to America’s Moon. This lent great force to his ideals, and his determination was almost unstoppable for years. His Venus sat on America’s South Node, indicating a transcendent attitude about his work and implied a sense of a past-life connection. It was almost as if his personal wealth was a source of awe and attraction for the downtrodden masses. He never made the people feel that he was superior, but rather that he was in the struggle with them. Remember, Roosevelt was stricken with polio in his 30s and was wheelchair bound for the rest of his life. By all accounts he never used this situation for sympathy, and in fact it was rarely mentioned in the press, nor were pictures of his physical status prominently displayed. And phrases like: “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” made the public feel that he was one of them. This created a bond to the majority of American’s that never faltered and he was elected for an unprecedented four terms.
When Robert Kennedy was killed there were a number of powerful and potentially violent aspects by transits and Solar Direction. The one I wish to focus on here is Solar Directed Uranus exactly on his ascendant and in opposition to his Mars. Donald Trump has solar arc directed Uranus applying closely to his ascendant now. (Remember that four minutes of difference in a birth chart represents one degree, so I consider anything within that orb to be exact). This does not necessarily mean that Trump will die, only that there may be a sudden and powerful event in his life this year. There are many aspects to consider when studying these charts. Because of space limitations I’m only pointing out this one for your contemplation.
In 2019 and early 2020, I did a series of lectures on the East Coast focusing on the election and the economy. In those lectures and on my appearances on Coast to Coast A.M. radio in March 2020 and other podcasts and radio shows I predicted that Joe Biden will win this election by a large majority. My reasoning was multifaceted. For one thing Trump has transiting Saturn in opposition to his Venus, which means that there are restrictions being placed upon him in several areas. Venus rules the natural 2nd House of money and there is a limitation to his finances and that has been apparent in his inability to raise as much money as he did in 2016. Also the fact that his tax returns have finally been released to the public is another example of how his finances are being scrutinized in a saturnine fashion. Venus rules his 3rd House of communication and his 10th House of career. This implies that there is a restriction on his ability to communicate, which the inability to hold his massive rallies shows, and a limit to his career growth. Transiting Pluto is in opposition to his Saturn, a very difficult aspect and one that suggests an unsuccessful power struggle. Although it is a quick moving transit, on Election Day the transiting Sun is in square to his Pluto. When we are examining the effects of outer planet transits we look for an inner planet to act as the trigger setting off that more powerful aspect. This Sun square Pluto is exactly the type of aspect astrologers would look for to set off the Pluto opposite Saturn. He is also experiencing his North Node return almost exactly on Election Day showing the underlying implications of this being in some ways a final and karmic moment in his life. All of this represents pressure and power struggles that do not seem in his favor.
Joe Biden has Saturn in opposition to his Jupiter, meaning that there is a consolidation in his expansion. Sometimes this can represent limitations on growth, but when Saturn and Jupiter are used together properly they often denote great success and longevity to the project at hand. Transiting Uranus is in square to Pluto, indicating that there is a radical change in his personal power. On Election Day the transiting Sun conjuncts his Mars, a quick moving aspect implying a strong force behind him. Each of these charts shows some difficulty achieving success, however I believe that Mr. Trump’s aspects are far more damaging and indicate a change in the direction of his life, and that they will act as a barrier to his reelection.
America’s transits on Election Day are equally powerful and, in my opinion, point to a change in government. Transiting Saturn is very near the conjunct to America’s Pluto, an indication of limitations on the existing power source. The transiting North Node at twenty degrees Gemini is conjunct America’s Mars and square Neptune, our favorite harsh aspect. I believe this will bring the light of day to the fear mongering that has been pervasive these past years. The midpoint of the Capricorn stellium of Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn is in opposition to America’s Mercury ruler of the 7th house, with transiting Mercury in square to our Mercury, acting as the trigger to that powerful opposition. The truth will come out and the collective will see a number of things that have been kept hidden.
Inauguration Day has some of the most explosive and potentially violent aspects we have seen in a long time. Mars is conjunct Uranus and they square the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. My biggest fear is that no matter who is finally declared the “winner” it will further expand the chasm between the two sides and may very well set up a violent and unfixable situation that may have any number of potential outcomes. I pray that it will not come to that and that events and common sense will lead to a peaceful and healing solution.
America is beginning its Pluto Return, as many of you know. We give Pluto rulership over several issues, including hidden agendas, vengeance, the uncovering of truth and the elimination of waste in the body, the society or in anything that is worn out and needs repairs. It will complete between the years 2022-24. Its effects are already being felt and will only strengthen over the next few years. The problems we are facing are great, and there is no easy solution. But there was no easy solution in 1932, either. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the new president at the time, rose to the challenge and through bold innovation and the power of having both houses of Congress was able to rebuild our economy through many public works and through the changes in our laws that led to Social Security, the banking acts, the Tennessee Valley Authority and countless other initiatives that put millions of people back to work and ensured a modicum of support that enabled people to once again believe in our system of government to help them lead their lives with some dignity and purpose. Can we discover that strength of character once again? One can only hope.
The fear that worked to Trump’s advantage in 2016 will no longer succeed. For one thing we have real issues to be afraid of now. Covid-19, which came into our consciousness almost exactly when Biden won the nomination, continues to cripple our nation and take the lives of thousands of Americans. People have realized that empty words and condemnation against false enemies are a distraction to the real issues of the day. The virus and the economic collapse that we are contending with will not be fixed with hollow words or by directing huge amounts of public money towards the richest Americans. A new and innovative direction must be implemented or we are in for a very long and painful recovery. This isn’t 2016, and what worked four years ago will not succeed now.
I believe Biden will win this election by a large majority, but we aren’t dealing with a normal election. The imprint that each candidate’s chart places on America’s collective consciousness shows a much different approach. Trump’s continued emphasis on fear will no longer work on the majority of the electorate. Biden’s message of optimism and hope seems to be resonating more. But as I said this isn’t a typical election and we already see the possibility of underhanded attempts to disqualify the results. The coming years will not be easy for any administration. Until we complete our Pluto Return, there will be much hidden animosity and cloaked agendas. Only through a concerted effort by the collective will we have a hope of finding common ground and begin to heal the massive rift that has grown in our society.
For anyone who wishes to view a more comprehensive study of the coming election please go to my website and purchase the webinar.

Feeling depressed and scared this morning 11/4. Do you still think Biden is going to win?