With Mercury in the last degree of Scorpio before entering Libra it’s a fitting day for Amy Barrett, the least qualified jurist in history to be confirmed to the Supreme Court. To call this a disaster for America barely scraps the surface. This will change our nation in so many ways. For one thing it is an immediate and catastrophic threat to our personal freedom. As most of you know there is a case being brought in front of the court challenging the constitutionality of the ACA (Obamacare) next week. If the vote does go as it seems it might, there will be no end to the misery and destruction that will result. In the middle of a pandemic to strike down a law that protects the most vulnerable from destructive financial ruin is inhuman. If by some miracle SCOTUS doesn’t end this lifeline for 20 million citizens we are still in for the fight of our lives on so many issues the majority have fought for, for decades.

But this isn’t the end of the matter. It is the beginning. This is the point where the Democrats either stop being wimps and begin to fight the schoolyard bullies, or it is truly the end of justice in this country. I believe that when (not if) Biden wins this election the real battle for our souls begins. After so many years of underhanded power plays it’s time to finally realize that this Republican Party has no sense of fairness or honor, and no desire to improve your lives,

This is all about America’s Pluto Return, something I and many other astrologers have been writing about for a long time. If you thought that aspect was going to occur without the most serious fight and the dirtiest tricks you simply do not understand the nature of that planet. There are no accidents. RBG was destined to leave us when she did in order to challenge our resolve to seek the path of our salvation. We just could not continue to go along pretending that things were okay and that we could allow the destructive path of a minority ruled regime to control our lives. We are going to see some radical and transformative changes in our government and how we do business. There will be an expansion on the court. There is simply no other solution to the theft of judiciary power the Republicans have accomplished. There should be an end of the Electoral College, the end of lifetime judicial appointments, the end of gerrymandering, the end of voter suppression, and the beginning of the democracy that America has always had the potential to be; One person – one vote. We must limit the unprecedented financial imbalance and fully recognize that in the richest nation the world has ever seen we are still fighting a Dickensian battle for a scrap of bread and a meager abode. That there are a few dozen people who own more than the rest of all humanity and have no intentions of relinquishing the smallest of crumbs.

We are a centrist country and will not flourish if we are too far to the left or to the right. And we are now being pulled so far in one direction if we do not upend that disproportionate slant much of our foundation will dissolve. Change does not happen without struggle. And it seems that people will only demand those changes when it hurts too much not to. This is your war, America. The war you were made to struggle with from your very inception. We are fighting for the rights that our founding fathers, no matter their many flaws, philosophically believed in. Will you stand up and fight the inevitable battles or will you hide behind the façade of normalcy, accepting your ever shrinking power and equity for your personal religious or philosophical comfort, all in the name of your 401K? It’s up to you. But if you don’t stand up and demand alterations in our system don’t turn around in a year or two and bemoan the life changing decisions that this court will make putting you and your loved ones at risk for a second-class citizenry or worse.

Good on you, Mitchell. You are speaking core difficult truth regarding our nation and our planetary helpers. Never give up!

Dear Mitchell –

So well said you totally captured the moment in the history of our nation! I never underestimated Pluto as I saw what it did to my very own life when I had transits. I have been dreading the USA Pluto return for a very long time …….

Keep your posts coming they are very much needed at a time like this I check your site everyday.

Be well, be safe but most importantly be strong!!!

BJ Gabriel