On Thursday October 22nd at 7:00 P.M. EDT we enter the fixed water sign. This is a time of change. The weather is an outward manifestation of that change, but what is going on within us all both personally and collectively is more important. Scorpio and its ruler Pluto have domain over the 8th house in the zodiac. That is where we rejuvenate our energy and make transformative changes. This is Scorpio’s true power and its most effective role in our development. Look for ways to improve yourself and to redirect your steps so you are certain to be on the path that best represents your inner needs and goals. In your personal life you may find that some things you have taken for granted need to be altered in order to remain pertinent. Don’t be afraid of those changes. Embrace them and open your heart and mind to new ways of seeing.

Of course we are on a societal road that is also leading to serious changes. The coming election and its aftermath will put us all in a new direction. And the alterations that are being put into place by the outgoing administration will be deep and long lasting. They will not be easily reversed nor will this be a quick fix. But the fact that our elections always fall in the middle of Scorpio show just how important they are and how every few years we have an opportunity to make a huge difference in the direction our nation and the world will take.

So, former VP Biden being a Scorpio, any thoughts on whether this might give him an extra boost, or is it not that easy to say, and just too dependent on everything else that might be going on in his personal chart?

P.S. In case you hadn’t looked, Joe also has Mercury, Venus and Mars in Scorpio, so it’s seems like the Sun being there now SHOULD lend strength, yeah? Any thoughts, when/if you have time, on all that being in his 12th house? Thanks, Tracie