October – November 2020
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
This New Moon at 23 degrees Libra is in close square to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. There will be some difficult lessons to learn this month. While I still believe that all New Moons offer us an opportunity to begin anew with a fresh start, the aspects that first complete in the lunar cycle set the atmosphere for the month. We are engaged in a serious power struggle over the direction of our nation, and no matter what the outcome of this election that struggle will continue for a long time past this November, and even past the years of the next administration. I am not a Pollyanna and don’t expect a rainbow and birds chirping in peaceful harmony just because there is a shift in the energy. But I do still look for the brightest way of realistically seeing a situation and I have some hope that the majority of people do as well. Many of us are also in a struggle within our own lives. The shutdown, the economic woes and the effects these are having on most of us are very apparent and restrictive, as one would expect under intense Saturn energy. So go into this lunar cycle with your eyes open and stay clear and honest about your situation. You can do that and still be optimistic as long as your expectations aren’t impractical or too idealistic.
So, here we are finally at the cusp of the election and a completion to this insanely divisive period in our nation’s history. That doesn’t mean that I believe we are about to fix the chasm that has grown like a cancer between the two parties. That will take a generation to heal, if in fact it truly can be. But if he is elected, as I believe, Joe Biden can go a long way towards smoothing over the rough edges, and, in my opinion, once Donald Trump is out of the White House something resembling normalcy may begin to appear. One can only hope. There is still this split in our culture and it won’t be healed by a presidential election. Only time and results will do that. So no matter what your politics are and who you are cheering for, if you’re rooting for the American people and our way of life you should hope that we can make some positive and productive changes in the next few months.
The New Moon falls on Friday October 16th at 3:31 P.M. EDT at 23 degrees Libra 53 minutes. We all know that Libra is about relationships, balance and finding common ground. This is an opportunity for us all to seek a peaceful solution to our problems. While we may be able to accomplish that in some small ways, it’s a little unrealistic to assume that a passing aspect such as a New Moon is sufficient to alter our existence completely or to heal all the wounds we have acquired in the past year. But each October we are given the chance to make some concessions and explore ways to reach out to each other. Remember, Libra lives for relationships and it is one of the driving forces of this sign. And all New Moons are a chance to make new beginnings and to initiate a push in certain directions. This is a time to interact with others. New relationships may bring a fresh attitude and an expansive view of the world. Ongoing ones can be redirected and find original and innovated means of expression. But remember, in order to plant new seeds you must uproot what is decaying and refresh the soil so nutrients will be available for new life to take hold. Don’t be so attached to the past that you can’t see the future.
Libra also rules the lower courts. When there is a lot of energy traveling through this sign there are often issues of minor legal matters that should be settled before the Sun moves into Scorpio. It would be wise to try and resolve them as soon as possible. You don’t want them lingering, especially while Mercury is in retrograde. It’s better to get any little issues out of the way so we can focus on the bigger ones. Remember the scales of justice are supposed to be balanced. But of course that isn’t always true. We are currently dealing with the highest court in the land and the ongoing battle to stack the federal courts and the Supreme Court with an extremely unbalanced right-wing majority and agenda. The higher courts are Jupiter’s (and Sagittarius’) domain. Jupiter tends to look far down the line, while Venus (Libra’s ruler) is usually more concerned with the immediate. And that’s the difference between the lower courts and the higher ones. The decisions that are made on a federal level have a long term effect on our society. With Jupiter still in conservative Capricorn it’s the last chance this administration has to turn the benches all the way to the right. But once Jupiter and Saturn enter Aquarius there will be a major shift in the collective’s attitude and we will see some radical ideas floated, such as adding justices to the court, limiting the length of service so it’s no longer a lifetime appointment, or even changing the way cases are brought before this body.
In any case, we are certainly in a moment of severe power struggles, as America’s Pluto Return implies, and no matter what happens on November 3rd the fight will continue for a long time to come. We as individuals can’t do much to alter the path of history except of course, to vote. “Everyone thinks about changing the world. No one thinks about changing themselves.” Leo Tolstoy. So use this New Moon to settle your personal situations and to clean up any unfinished issues, including legal matters. It’s also time to approach your intimate relationships in a new way and see which ones are still valid and which have outlived their usefulness. I hope you all find a great love with Venus ruled Libra on your side.
On Sunday October 18th at 9:58 A.M. EDT this difficult and demanding square will make us all very aware of our limitations and our obligations. This is a moment to be honest and face the music in all situations. Saturn, where we got the name Satan in the middle Ages, isn’t the devil. It can bring difficult circumstances and seems to test our resolve to accept limits to our resources forcing us to rely on our own ingenuity and patience. In many ways it’s your best friend. But you have to look at it from the right perspective. Saturn transits often create delays that force us to slow down and think things through a second time. Sometimes these delays allow us to avoid serious consequences, though you may not realize it at the time. So don’t judge the outcome until all the facts are in.. Saturn will often delay results as I said, but in the long run it will give you what you have earned. This is not a day to party or act in frivolous and wasteful ways. It’s a time to concentrate on responsibilities and to look at the long term possibilities. This is a low energy transit and one that isn’t terribly enthusiastic. But if used properly it can be very effective and help direct your efforts where they can do the most good.
On Sunday October 18th at 10:49 A.M. EDT this unrealistic opposition follows the very realistic Sun square Saturn. This will be a day of shifting moods and attitudes. Keep an open mind. You may find that your opinion changes rather abruptly as these planetary influences shift. This is a difficult day to deal with personal relationships. What seems to be real may just be an illusion. But of course love is often just an image we visualize, but today with the Sun in square to Saturn as well it may be that you are looking for something in another person that is just impossible for them to give. Perhaps you are really looking for a change to occur within you. This reaction isn’t limited to romantic partners. It can also display in friendships and business relationships. I would suggest that you wait a day or two before making your decision about someone. Once the smoke clears from this Neptune transit and the pressure of Saturn lifts you may see things in a completely different light. This can also be a very bad few days for financial matters, especially if this sets off your chart. While your intuition may be heightened and you might pick the winning scratch-off ticket, issues involving investments, business decisions or other more realistic financial matters may be cloudy.
On Monday October 19th at 1:38 A.M. EDT we have another of the Mars squares we’ve been dealing with these past few weeks. Today we have a plethora of transits that each has its own persona. I will discuss them separately, but in fact they are all of a piece and will interact creating a complex atmosphere.
This Mars square Jupiter is very energetic and can manifest is different ways. First of all it tends to increase our sense of optimism and enthusiasm. People often feel a jolt of vigor and power, especially if this hits sensitive points in your chart. You may feel almost omnipotent for a short time and believe that you can take on a great deal. That may be true, but once this passes that energy will dissipate rather quickly. Enjoy it while you can, but don’t make long range plans or make too many promises based on this fleeting aspect. There is also a possibility that any difficulties you are having may be exacerbated. Mars is, after all, the god of war and Jupiter tends to exacerbate anything it comes in contact with. If there’s an ongoing dispute it could be blow completely out of proportion. But if you keep things in perspective and don’t let them get out of hand this can be a very useful and positive day. Because this completes in the wee small hours of the morning its effects will be felt more strongly Sunday night. But Monday morning will begin with this and the Venus trine Jupiter still effective.
On Monday October 19th at 3:35 A.M. EDT this very pleasant combination of the lower and higher benefic planets gives us an underlying sense of good feelings and a desire to interact. With Venus in trine to Jupiter today this can be a nice day for all social activities, as long as you keep the Mars square Jupiter in place and don’t let your ego get in the way you should be able to enjoy this. Enjoy the long walk in the park or the socially distant brunch, but leave the politics outside. A social breakfast or perhaps a phone call to a distant friend will be most enjoyable.
On Monday October 19th at 10:53 P.M. EDT this rather explosive transit will begin to build in the afternoon and peak late at night. This is a day to watch what you say and to avoid any conflict you can sidestep. It’s definitely an argument waiting to happen and if you walk into it with your eyes closed you will likely regret your actions. We will all be feeling tense and disputes will be rampant. Emotions are high and thoughts, ideas and words will come quickly and without the usual filters, so you may not have the time to reason something out before reacting to it. This is a guttural and impulsive energy that knows no boundaries and many of us will speak first and think later. That of course can lead to some problems. Do what you can to stop your tongue before it lashes out. You need to be careful about your communications and how you interact with others. Remember, how you say something is often as important as what you say. You also should use extra care while traveling. This is a very distracting transit and it only takes a few seconds behind the wheel of a car to change a perfectly fine day into a trauma.
On Thursday October 22nd at 7:00 P.M. EDT we enter the fixed water sign. This is a time of change. The weather is an outward manifestation of that change, but what is going on within us all both personally and collectively is more important. Scorpio and its ruler Pluto have domain over the 8th house in the zodiac. That is where we rejuvenate our energy and make transformative changes. This is Scorpio’s true power and its most effective role in our development. Look for ways to improve yourself and to redirect your steps so you are certain to be on the path that best represents your inner needs and goals. Of course we are on a societal road that is leading to serious changes. The coming election and its aftermath will put us all in a new direction. And the alterations that are being put into place by the outgoing administration will be deep and long lasting. They will not be easily reversed nor will this be a quick fix. But the fact that our elections always fall in the middle of Scorpio show just how important they are and how every few years we have an opportunity to make a huge difference in the direction our nation and the world will take.
On Saturday October 24th at 11:41 A.M. EDT we will all be more realistic about our relationships. There may be a matter in a close association that demands your attention and if you approach it directly and honestly you can make some headway towards working out a solution of a compromise. Remember, Saturn isn’t the devil and it isn’t there to hurt you. It just wants you to be clear about what is possible and to attend to the most important issues. While this isn’t a very exciting or playful transit it has a positive purpose and will help you establish the foundation for future growth. In relationships that is one of the fundamental rules to longevity in a romance or friendship. Follow that rule and you will reap the rewards for many years to come. This is also a day when financial matters will need to be reviewed and while it may be possible to also lay a strong structure underneath your money issues. It’s a good day to create a budget or see places where you can cut back on your expenses.
On Sunday October 25th at 2:23 P.M. EDT this common aspect completes. We see this several time a year and it’s a day or so when many people are quite willful and unbending. We will all have a lot to say and if you allow the other person space to make their point you could easily avoid conflicts or unnecessary disputes. Stay busy today. The worst thing you can do is let your mind wander aimlessly. There is a lot of mental energy being produced and as the saying goes: Idle hands do the devil’s work. That is also true about idle minds.
On Tuesday October 27th at 9:33 P.M. & 9:41 P.M. EDT these two personal planets will enter the sign of relationships. Because Mercury is in retrograde it is entering at the end of Libra, while Venus is entering at the beginning. For the next few weeks much of our personal interaction will have that Libra passive-aggressive energy. People may be apt to avoid direct decisions and tend to hedge their bets. That can be annoying at times and it may be necessary to push a little harder and demand a choice be made. But while these two are traveling through this Venus-ruled sign most people will not want to argue or get into useless disagreements.
On Saturday October 31st at 10:49 A.M. EDT at 8 degrees Taurus 38 minutes the Sun is in opposition to the Moon. Uranus opposes the Sun. at 11:53 A.M. EDT. Well, if ever there was a time for ghosts and goblins to make their appearance, this is it.
These potentially explosive and rather dark aspects complete on Halloween. How much our world has looked like a Kafka novel, or perhaps theatre of the absurd, maybe Beckett? Things have become so surreal it’s hard to tell where reality ends and satire begins. There’s an old joke: “What’s the shortest play ever written? Act 1 Scene 1: Enter Godot.”
I’m not one to be frightened by a Full Moon. We have one every month, after all, and rarely does it result in catastrophe or a foreboding omen. I was on the TV show 20/20 once discussing the effects of Full Moons and my research showed me that there were not more visits to emergency rooms or police reports of violent crimes or other violations during these lunar peaks. But, those who study astrology know that if the Full Moon happens to hit your chart just right it could result in an incident. And with Uranus, the planet of explosive, unpredictable force is involved it would certainly be wise to pay close attention and avoid dangerous situations. With Halloween looming as a cultural flashpoint it’s very possible that some people will choose this as a time to act out in erratic or harmful ways. I, for one, plan on spending the night inside, not roaming the streets of New York City looking for trouble.
Because this is the Taurus Full Moon and that sign rules the 2nd house of money we may hear some important news about a financial matter. With Congress deadlocked on another stimulus bill it’s possible there could be a breakthrough. But it’s also possible that this will be the final nail in the coffin, so to speak, and we are told that there will not be any resolution for weeks, or (god forbid) months to come. It might be a good time to examine your personal finances and see if you are being realistic or if you need to make some serious changes in your budget and your priorities.
On Saturday October 31st at 11:53 A.M. EDT as I mentioned above, we will have this potentially explosive aspect complete only minutes after the Full Moon. This is a few days to be extra careful and not to take chances or go into a dangerous situation. The energy this aspect will produce can be used in a positive way if you are able and willing to take responsibility for your actions and to act in a defensive manner. This is, after all, only energy. How we use it will decide its purpose and results. Stay busy and find things to do with this force. But don’t act out without forethought. Be careful while traveling, working with sharp objects or doing any manual labor. It only takes a moment of distraction to create a ruinous situation. You could drop something on your foot, cut yourself or not pay attention behind the wheel of a car and in an instant your life could be altered. Arguments and all sorts of conflicts are certainly possible. We might see some event on the world stage that could be staggering, but as I like to say we have no control over what anyone else does, only what we do. So enjoy this rather weird holiday and let the child within have its moment of mischievous glee. Let the ghosts and goblins dance their waltz macabre and eat all the candy you want. But try not to let the sugar rush sidetrack and divert you from common sense. Happy Halloween to you all!!! Oh, and Boo!
On Sunday November 1st at 2:06 P.M. EST this sober and reflective square will give us all a few hours of internal contemplation and limit our outward expression. This is a day to reflect and think about what is most important to you. It’s a good day to get some work done and to clean up any unfinished projects. It’s not a particularly good day for socializing or frivolous acts. It’s a day to honker down and put things in order. You won’t find a great deal of active enthusiasm for new ideas and you may feel tired and unable to face challenges. But this passes quickly and your energy will return. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some important lessons being offered and that you should ignore what the universe is telling you. Sometimes a brief aspect will show us the truth about our path and the choices we have been making. And no planet does that better than Saturn. With it in square to the planet of thought and speech you can be certain that some of what it being said has a deeper meaning. So it would be wise to seek the underlying purpose for what you experience today.
On Tuesday November 3rd at 12:50 P.M. EST once more God plays the comedian. How funny that Mercury, the planet of communications, ideas, the mail, and all written items will begin its forward dance once again. I believe we will know the results of this election much sooner than many believe. It doesn’t mean that everyone will accept the information and there may still be a long contested battle, but I don’t think it’s going be an undecided matter for very long. The results of many of the states contests will be known within a day or two and then we shall see how the two sides react.
No matter the outcome this is a moment when our society will begin to move at an accelerated pace and many things will begin to happen so quickly that it will feel like a roller coaster that has just reached the first peak and is about to begin its precipitate drop. Hold on to your hats and your stomach. This going to be one hell of a ride. Secrets will be revealed, on a personal and collective level. Over the next few days we may hear stories about how votes were discarded, confusion and various problems in the process, what some have done to further confuse the election and any number of issues. So take a deep breath and let it play out. In your personal life you may also hear some surprising or possibly upsetting news that forces you to redirect your energy. Try to go with the flow and let things settle down before you overreact. Any time Mercury changes direction is a time of distraction and mix-up. This time I fully expect it to be far more serious and important than usual.
On Friday November 6th at 4:12 A.M. EST because of the reversal of Mercury this aspect will complete once again. We just had this a few days ago, and the same effects will take place, only this time with Mercury going direct. This is when we will begin processing what we considered this past week. Now it’s time to begin to activate the ideas that we thought out. Stay focused and put your priorities in order. Take care of the most important ones first and then deal with the others. This can be a low energy aspect and you may not have the oomph to complete everything.
On Monday November 9th at 11:08 A.M. EST we again face the conflict between the male and female planets. This only implies that there is an internal struggle within us all and within society between the receptive and aggressive sides of our personalities. This can be a difficult few days when it’s hard to find compromise and you may get into some heated discussions, especially with the opposite sex. But if you can remain somewhat neutral and don’t allow your ego too much say you can easily avoid most of the mess. This isn’t an overpowering problem, but rather a common and ongoing issue that we often visit in various forms.
On Tuesday November 10th at 4:55 P.M. EST until December 1st at 2:51 P.M. EST Mercury reenters the fixed water sign. It spent the tail end of September and most of October here as it retrograded and now it has returned to complete the issues it began back then. We will revisit some of the decisions we made in October, so stay open-minded and try to see what has been working out and what hasn’t. This is an opportunity to redirect your energy and to change course if needed.
As Mercury travels here until the beginning of December we will uncover many things that have been hidden. This sign is well known for its need to reveal what is buried and to bring them to light. It may be something in your unconscious or someone else’s agenda that isn’t exposed. The best way to handle this is to be as honest as you can and to push others in the same direction. You may not be able to force them to reveal their true purpose, but by prodding and staying attentive you may recognize what just doesn’t seem real or straightforward. If that person’s response isn’t authentic you might convince them to open up so you can discuss things in a realistic manner.
Because of our political situation and the recent election we can expect that there will be a number of untruths being expressed. It’s up to us as a collective to wade through the mess and try to make some sense of it all. If the results of the election haven’t been confirmed yet, they should be obvious fairly soon. And if there has been an obvious result that one side or the other just isn’t accepting, that too should be resolved in a matter of days.
On Thursday November 12th at 4:39 P.M. EST this all important transit completes for the last time. This has had an ongoing effect on our culture in many ways. Jupiter rules the higher courts and Pluto is all about hidden agendas and power struggles. We have seen the Republican president push through a record number of conservative judges onto the federal bench, and the recent battle over the Supreme Court is a perfect example of this conjunct. Even with the passing of this aspect it will continue to be prominent in our society as we deal with the after effects of this violent swing to the right that has taken place. The fact that the majority of American’s do not agree with this policy will be tested in the next administration. Just what can a Biden presidency do to reverse some of the damage that has been perpetrated on our citizenry and what are the potential powers available when power changes hands? Those are the questions that Jupiter-Pluto brings up. Who has the power, what can we do with it, and what will the long-term effect do to our system of government? Some aspect pass quickly and we move on, while others create an atmosphere that lingers for a long time. This one will have a lasting effect on our society.
On Friday November 13th at 7:36 P.M. EST Mars finally turns around to face the consequences of the past two months while it was lollygagging in the summer breeze. This is a monumental shift in our energy and its effects will have a long lasting wake. Mars rules the ego, the testosterone, the maleness in us all. (We are all made up of male and female, or more correctly, receptive and aggressive energy.)
While Mars was in retrograde it internalized a lot of the force behind our assertive side. Now we will see what could be a staggering reversal in some issues. In our personal lives this could be a time when we must face our convictions and stand up for what we believe in. This can manifest in a number of ways, including a confrontation about some issue that has long lingered in your life. If there are any hidden issues that you have been avoiding, you may not be able to do so for much longer. Mars doesn’t like limitations or boundaries any more than Jupiter does. But where Jupiter may be soothing and in its way diplomatic, Mars has little of that in its personality. So don’t be surprised if others act out and are overly aggressive for a few weeks while we get used to the redirection of that planet’s force. This is a time to get things done, and you will have more oomph and a real desire to move project forward. Take advantage of that while you also protect yourself and your relationships from the potential angst and battles this might imply.
On Saturday November 14th at 2:48 P.M. EST & 10:57 P.M. EST the Sun will create a very positive aspect to this Pluto-Jupiter conjunct. This will set the stage for the coming month and it should be an optimistic and helpful moment as we end this lunar cycle. While this isn’t a powerful enough aspect to make serious transformative changes in the world, it is a trigger that will point us in the direction that the combination of Pluto and Jupiter would like us to go. The power struggles that the conjunct implies will become more obvious and as we head into next month we should have a pretty clear idea of what we need to do in order to put things right.
The next New Moon falls on Sunday November 15th at 12:07 A.M. EST at 23 degrees Scorpio 18 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:
October 16th 6:11 P.M. – October 17th 1:05 A.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours
October 18th 5:43 P.M. – October 19th 12:43 A.M.
October 20th 11:38 P.M. – October 21st 2:44 A.M.
October 23rd 12:35 A.M. – 8:17 A.M.
October 24th 5:54 P.M. – October 25th 5:18 P.M. ***Moon is void 23 hours
October 27th 8:46 P.M. – October 28th 4:45 A.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
October 30th 12:12 P.M. – 5:19 P.M.
November 1st 9:29 P.M. – November 2nd 5:00 A.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours
November 4th 8:49 A.M. – 4:45 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
November 6th 8:27 P.M. – November 7th 2:18 A.M.
November 9th 6:05 A.M. – 8:30 A.M.
November 11th 5:58 A.M. – 11:09 A.M.
November 13th 6:32 A.M. – 11:19 A.M.
November 15th 6:13 A.M. – 10:47 A.M.
November 17th 2:55 A.M. – 11:35 A.M.
November 19th 11:30A.M. – 3:25 P..M.
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