On Monday October 19th at 10:53 P.M. EDT this rather explosive transit will begin to build in the afternoon and peak late at night. This combination can actually produce genius ideas and give us insight we couldn’t normally achieve. Use it well and you may discover some new concepts and knowledge. But it comes with a warning. It’s an explosive energy and if handled improperly it can cause all sorts of problems. This is a day to watch what you say and to avoid any conflict you can sidestep. It’s definitely an argument waiting to happen and if you walk into it with your eyes closed you will likely regret your actions. We will all be feeling tense and disputes will be rampant. Emotions are high and thoughts, ideas and words will come quickly and without the usual filters, so you may not have the time to reason something out before reacting to it. This is a guttural and impulsive energy that knows no boundaries and many of us will speak first and think later. That of course can lead to some problems. Do what you can to stop your tongue before it lashes out. You need to be careful about your communications and how you interact with others. Remember, how you say something is often as important as what you say. You also should use extra care while traveling. This is a very distracting transit and it only takes a few seconds behind the wheel of a car to change a perfectly fine day into a trauma.