The New Moon falls on Friday October 16th at 3:31 P.M. EDT at 23 degrees Libra 53 minutes. We all know that Libra is about relationships, balance and finding common ground. This is an opportunity for us all to seek a peaceful solution to our problems. While we may be able to accomplish that in some small ways, it’s a little unrealistic to assume that a passing aspect such as a New Moon is sufficient to alter our existence completely or to heal all the wounds we have acquired in the past year. But each October we are given the chance to make some concessions and explore ways to reach out to each other. Remember, Libra lives for relationships and it is one of the driving forces of this sign. And all New Moons are a chance to make new beginnings and to initiate a push in certain directions. This is a time to interact with others. New relationships may bring a fresh attitude and an expansive view of the world. Ongoing ones can be redirected and find original and innovated means of expression. But remember, in order to plant new seeds you must uproot what is decaying and refresh the soil so nutrients will be available for new life to take hold. Don’t be so attached to the past that you can’t see the future.

Libra also rules the lower courts. When there is a lot of energy traveling through this sign there are often issues of minor legal matters that should be settled before the Sun moves into Scorpio. It would be wise to try and resolve them as soon as possible. You don’t want them lingering, especially while Mercury is in retrograde. It’s better to get any little issues out of the way so we can focus on the bigger ones. Remember the scales of justice are supposed to be balanced. But of course that isn’t always true. We are currently dealing with the highest court in the land and the ongoing battle to stack the federal courts and the Supreme Court with an extremely unbalanced right-wing majority and agenda. The higher courts are Jupiter’s (and Sagittarius’) domain. Jupiter tends to look far down the line, while Venus (Libra’s ruler) is usually more concerned with the immediate. And that’s the difference between the lower courts and the higher ones. The decisions that are made on a federal level have a long term effect on our society. With Jupiter still in conservative Capricorn it’s the last chance this administration has to turn the benches all the way to the right. But once Jupiter and Saturn enter Aquarius there will be a major shift in the collective’s attitude and we will see some radical ideas floated, such as adding justices to the court, limiting the length of service so it’s no longer a lifetime appointment, or even changing the way cases are brought before this body.

In any case, we are certainly in a moment of severe power struggles, as America’s Pluto Return implies, and no matter what happens on November 3rd the fight will continue for a long time to come. We as individuals can’t do much to alter the path of history except of course, to vote. “Everyone thinks about changing the world. No one thinks about changing themselves.” Leo Tolstoy. So use this New Moon to settle your personal situations and to clean up any unfinished issues, including legal matters. It’s also time to approach your intimate relationships in a new way and see which ones are still valid and which have outlived their usefulness. I hope you all find a great love with Venus ruled Libra on your side.