On Tuesday October 13th at 9:05 P.M. EDT until November 3rd at 12:50 P.M. our favorite disruptive transit returns as the winged god starts its backward dance. With our nation in the midst of this all important election season and with so many early votes and mail in ballots I suppose it’s just God playing the comedian and deciding this would be a good time for Mercury, the planet that rules communication and the mail, to begin its retrograde motion. Well, this requires a great deal of effort on the part of our society as a whole to ensure an honest and competent election.

There are so many issues at stake now, including the unprecedented battle over the Supreme Court vacancy due to the untimely death of the legendary Ruth Bader Ginsberg, that will be dealt with while Mercury is in retrograde. And with this retrograde occurring mostly in Pluto-ruled Scorpio we will certainly see some hidden and underhanded dealings that must be brought to the surface and examined in the light of day. With Pluto having just come out of retrograde on October 4th it is even more important that we uncover the truth and make informed decisions as a collective. Otherwise we will be living with the results for a long time to come. The fact that Mercury goes direct on Election Day is another example of our collective comedic-tragedy. We may know the results of this election sooner than many believe. But that doesn’t negate the possibility of an ongoing fight. As Mercury turns back around on November 3rd right after noon, there may be a startling discovery, or an equally astonishing claim by one of the candidates that will throw the entire process into disarray. Ah Mercury – that devilish little imp. Hold your breath and hope that it is a revealing truth we hear and not a fiction based declaration.

In our personal lives it is equally important that we discover what is lurking in the shadows and expose it so that we may react in an informed and conscious manner. Just accepting what is being offered will not work now. You must dig deeper into any subject, conflict or plan to truly understand what is at stake. As in every retrograde Mercury period secrets can be revealed and, while communication can be a problem, once you get that person on the phone you will be likely to reach an important realization. Just be prepared to hear some things that may be unpleasant or so revealing that they may be hard to accept.

As always be extra careful while traveling. Leave extra time and double check all plans. If you have to purchase a new devise related to communication or travel (remember these things often break down during Rx Mercury so it’s very possible that you will) make certain that it’s covered by warranty, that it’s the one you want and that it’s set up correctly. Free will is a complicated and, at times, limited concept. We must work within the reality of the universe, which means that there are times when we have to make decisions that are contrary to what the accepted astrological interpretation implies. Be conscious, careful and use all of your resources to ensure a successful transition and you should be fine.