On Tuesday October 13th at 7:26 P.M. EDT this high energy aspect demands our attention. This can be a rough day when it seems like a lot of people are looking for a fight. And in fact, they are. But it’s up to you as to whether or not you wish to be the object of their rage. There is no reason to take on everyone’s personal issues or to be the punching bag for someone whose frustration has built to a point of explosion. It’s best to sidestep those arguments that you can, and deal directly and openly with those that you can’t. Because of all of the Mars transits we have been experiencing this month many people are on edge and won’t be apt to back down. Perhaps it’s up to you to be the grownup in the room and to say: “Enough! I won’t let you drag me into another senseless fight.” The Sun will square Pluto in a few days and I don’t think you can separate these two aspects. They are of a piece, and with Mercury about to retrograde in a few hours you can expect some discordance and complications in communications. Try your best to ensure that misunderstandings are cleared up quickly and that you at least know what the hell you’re actually arguing about. Use caution in all things, especially when traveling. And be extra careful handling sharp or broken objects. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Mars has much to do with anything that cuts, including the surgeon’s knife. And it can be a healing or a destructive force. Do your best to ensure that it is the former, not the latter.