On Friday October 9th at 9:09 A.M. EDT this difficult square will complete. Because Mars is in retrograde this will complete a total of three times. The first was in August and it will return once more on December 23rd. Each pass is offering us an opportunity to work this intense highly pressured energy and to understand the challenge it imposes. As with all transits this can go one of two ways. For one thing disagreements will be continuing the boisterous interaction of the past few days. Pluto demands an unveiling of what is beneath the conscious level and there will be some things that simply must be brought to the surface and expressed once and for all. That can be a cleansing and a relief in some part, but it can also create conflict and there can be long lasting and serious complications if it isn’t handled correctly. If you allow yourself to be bogged down in endless disputes you will not accomplish much and could alienate someone you may need on your side. If you can find the means to see both sides of an argument and are willing to search for common ground this will be a much more productive period. While we can’t avoid all conflicts and some things just have to be fought through to find a solution, pick and choose your battles carefully and don’t waste time on the senseless ones. Aim your attention on those disagreements that seem to have a chance of unwinding. Ask yourself – what is my true goal in this situation and what do I really wish to accomplish? That end is what you should aim your attention towards and not allow distractions or pent up anger to divert you from your purpose. If you use this properly you can dig out some festering problems and clean them up once and for all.