On Thursday October 1st at 5:05 P.M. EDT at 9 degrees Aries 08 minutes the Full Moon will complete bringing to a head much of the Mars energy we have been dealing with this month. With Mars retrograde at the moment and traveling through Aries, the sign it rules, and with all of the aspects that Mars is encountering this month this Full Moon will take on a more important role and will most definitely be a peak of energy and focus. You need to pay heed to Mars’ energy now more so than normally. Usually it is just a few days of some pent up anger or pressure that a careful eye can avoid. But this month we are dealing with a plethora of Mars squares to outer planets, including Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. This Aries lunar peak will bring much of that to the surface. If you pay attention and sidestep any serous encounters you can avoid much of the mayhem. But if you are feeling some irritation and sense your rage rising to a head you must stay aware and find ways of projecting that excessive energy into useful endeavors. Exercise, hard physical labor or concentrated mental activities will help a great deal, although I do find that it’s best to use your muscles and work out the body. Just sitting in front of a computer may not be sufficient to alleviate the stress.
Obviously the recent Trump-Biden debate was a prime example of what Mars can do. There was no holding back, no restraining the anger and frustration once it began. Each of these men has a temper and it was enflamed by the circumstances we are all living through. This pandemic has been making us nuts for months. There have been times this summer when the angst subsided a bit and we could walk through the park, eat outdoors and feel almost normal. But now that the weather is beginning to turn our collective consciousness is again aware of what’s to come, and it probably won’t be pretty. And with the election a scant five weeks away it is all coming to a head. You must be careful, stay alert and don’t take the bait (are you listening, Joe?) Expect more explosive encounters on the world stage and in your own comic-drama.
In our personal lives this can be a time of tension, but also a chance for a fresh start. Because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac many new projects will be tested now. If you are working on a plan that seems to be having some difficulties you must be honest with yourself to see if your goals are compatible with your inner needs and with others who may be involved in the project. Aries energy is known to begin many things but not always to complete them. This is a chance to review your various projects and to decide if you really are willing to commit to them. If not, take this opportunity to change course and set your sights on what you realistically can accomplish. That is what Saturn demands, and with Mars going through a series of squares to that planet we will be closely scrutinizing everything we do. Be honest with yourself. Is this really what you want, and are you truly able to accomplish it? If the answer is “yes” then go ahead. You have a good opportunity to start something new – or find the road less traveled upon. And that might make all the difference. (My thanks to Robert Frost.)