On Tuesday September 29th at 1:11 A.M. EDT Saturn finally turns around after its long trek backwards. This is an important moment in our story. Saturn has much to do with business and financial matters. It rules the banks, the housing market and the undercurrent of our foundation as a capitalistic society. As it turns around we may see some businesses begin to reopen or take a completely different approach to ensure their survival in this New World. The fact that this occurs on Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement is in itself a rather telling and fortuitous event, as Saturn is known as the planet of karma. And our world has certainly come to a point when we can no longer ignore what we have reaped. It’s interesting that Trump’s tax returns were finally revealed just as Saturn was about to turn around. Atonement? We shall see.

Saturn has much to do with what we call reality. It’s the planet most associated with stability, foundation and in some ways, honesty. As we rapidly approach this election we are all holding our breath no matter which side you are rooting for. Every 4 years we hear that “this is the most important election in history that will decide the direction of our nation”… Often that is hyperbole and while we do swing a bit from one side to another, it often feels as though not much really changes. I don’t think that is true now. This year we can truly say that this is an election that will change our nation and the world for years to come. This is such a Saturn contest that it should be included in astrology books for many years as an example of how important certain decisions can be.

In your personal life this is a time when you will be called upon to examine your obligations and in some cases redress for past discretions. If you have been waiting for some resolution in a professional area that has been bogged down for a long time you may find that things have finally begun to move ahead. This doesn’t mean that all issue will prove successful or that you will suddenly be on top of the world. But it will finally expose those projects and plans that are valid, and some that are not. It’s up to you to be wise and admit that a few things you had counted on were not as realistic as you thought. It may be time to cut your losses and redirect your energy onto a new path. We should begin to see some growth in our economy, although a 2nd wave of coronavirus is most likely. And while there will be growth in some areas, the underlying foundation of our financial markets and our basic economic structure are very shaky. We are standing on quicksand, the exact opposite of what Saturn implies. And as this planet changes direction we will no longer be able to ignore that fact and we will see just how much is holding up and how much is sinking into the mire. We are on the verge of a depression and how we deal with the situation will decide just how bad it could be. And as with everything else in our fragile world, this election will have a huge impact on what the economy and the financial equitability looks like in the coming years.