On Tuesday September 29th at 5:50 P.M. EDT this frustrating aspect will demand our attention and force us all to make some serious choices. Mars is in retrograde motion now, which in itself can be somewhat frustrating and repressive. The limitations that Saturn puts upon any planetary body it encounters are perhaps most felt when it is in hard aspect to Mars. (Jupiter is a close second.) It will tend to restrict the ego, lessen our energy and optimism and demand an accounting for things that Mars generally doesn’t give a hoot about. We experienced this August 24th and it will return January 13th. This can be a very exasperating aspect. Mars wants to be able to move in an unrestricted way. If there is anger or passion it tends to express those emotions outwardly and without restraint. But Saturn inhibits whatever it comes in contact with so the energy and feelings that Mars needs to release are kept pent up and bubbling just under the surface. When that happens people carry around a great deal of stress and often can’t find a way to express it. I have noticed in my daily journeys that folks on the streets, in Whole Foods and even on the phone are terse and edgy. Be careful this entire month, but especially for a few days surrounding the completion of this square. You could be an innocent bystander and still get a whiff of the pressure this aspect can produce.

As with all transits this can have a very positive result. If you can focus your force into productive and useful endeavors you may find that you have patience and a stay-to-it attitude that can accomplish much. Just avoid any unnecessary arguments and don’t take things too much to heart. Mars is the ego and when it is repressed it can feel very personal. It’s better to get your anger out in the open where you can expunge it, but Saturn may not let you do so. Breath, relax and stay busy and this will prove to be a productive and positive time. But if you find it difficult to do don’t beat yourself up. The universe will be more than happy to do that for you. LOL