On Wednesday September 23rd at 6:38 A.M. EDT we have another in this series of Capricorn connections. This square can make it difficult to communicate. There is a tendency towards reticence and you may not be as able to say what’s on your mind. This is a quick moving transit, and while it will be effective the night before and set up the energy for the early part of Wednesday, it is followed tomorrow by Mercury in opposition to Mars, a very different and much more outgoing and boisterous force. Today you should focus your attention on your work. This is a good time to double check your facts and figures and to edit and clean up any presentation you are making. It isn’t by nature terribly sociable and I wouldn’t plan a first date or party. But it can be an affective time for a serious conversation. Just keep in mind that we tend to take things a little too seriously under Saturn’s influence, so try to keep things as light-hearted as you can. If something isn’t pressing and you can wait a day or two to discuss it, you may be better off doing so. We will all be speaking with a sharp and unyielding attitude and that may be akin to walking into an unnecessary argument. This is a potential aspect under which certain jokes may have been written. Have you heard the one about the 2 psychiatrists who meet? One says to the other one “Good morning”. And the other says to himself “I wonder what he meant by that?”

Hi Mitch
Thank you for your insightful posts! I look forward to navigating my life with help from you….
I’m 10/21, if I only had wings for my Sagittarius moon! Love the psychiatrist joke, my 22 year old daughter is a triple Virgo, this joke personal!
Stay safe and smile!