September – October 2020
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
As I’m preparing this newsletter for publication I heard the news about Ruth Bader Ginsberg. I don’t know what to say. I’m heartbroken to see such a wonderful champion of the little guy leave us. Part of me feels that a big piece of America died today. I know that may seem hyperbole and there are those out there who don’t believe this is a catastrophe. In fact some may be celebrating the end of certain things, including Roe V Wade, women’s rights, animal rights, racial equality, financial equality, need I go on? But no matter what your political perspective, she was a woman of great power and influence who always fought for the rights of those less empowered. And I’m afraid that the fragile balance this nation has always sat upon has been tipped too far to one side. This has been one of the worst years we’ve ever experienced, and today was one of the worst days of that year. There was always the hope that perhaps the coming election would change the course of our nation and help us keep that balance. But that’s not going to happen unless at least 4 moderate Republican Senators vote against any appointee Trump has up his sleeve. But let’s wait and see.
Maybe many of you don’t realize what this means. America is a centralist country and we only feel comfortable when we are a bit to the left or right of center. This is going to throw our nation off kilter even more than it is, and enlarge the chasm between the two sides. And I really wonder if in my lifetime we will ever recover from this era. The coming election is going to be a mess, as we know. Trump will do whatever he can to try and hold on to power. He is already sowing the seeds of distrust by claiming that the only way he could lose is if the election is rigged. He has his eye set on the courts and is planning an extensive and destructive battle to keep power. And now with Ginsberg’s death he knows that he will have the majority of Supreme Court on his side, even if he is blocked from appointment a replacement barely weeks before the coming decision. I pray for my nation and for the rights we have fought so very hard for over the past centuries. I fear they are about to go up in smoke and cloud our judgment and our lungs.
Ruth had the weight of the world on her shoulders and it wasn’t fair. But who ever said life was fair? Rest in peace, dear lady. And for the rest of us, if you don’t like the way things are going, prayers are hardly sufficient. Be prepared for the fight of your life.
One more point before I move on. If your political point of view differs from the current administration then you are most likely feeling sad and angry at the course of events. While blame and looking over your shoulder can both be counter-productive and I believe that looking forward is the best chance for growth, still I wonder at the concept of culpability. There are several ways to look at this. One might say that the choices in 2016 were marred and left many Americans unsettled. But the bottom line is this: Harry Truman said: “In a democracy you get the government you deserve.” About 100 million Americans didn’t even bother to get off their asses and vote in 2016. If you aren’t happy with the way things turned out and blame falls on anyone’s shoulders, it is theirs.
This month will see a series of powerful aspects as the inner planets create hard aspects to those that are still transiting Capricorn; Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto. This is not going to be an easy or light-hearted month. But befitting the time in history that we are experiencing with the all-important national elections on the horizon why should we be surprised? It’s a time when we all must answer to a higher power and take responsibility for what we have done. If you turn your head away in horror at what is happening to our nation, to the planet and to all life you will find yourself in a nightmare of floods, and fire and brimstone. Oops, sorry. Already happening! Is there a way out, a chance for salvation, a new direction or spiritual path we can follow? I believe there is. But not by pretending that nothing is wrong. Only by rolling up our sleeves and standing shoulder to shoulder, unflinchingly against a tide of ignorance and destruction can we salvage our future. We are long past the point of polite conversation and gently edging others to see the light. The fires burning out west are symbolic of the battle we are in, and they are more than enough illumination to light up the darkest night and expose the truth hidden in the shadows.
The New Moon falls on Thursday September 17th at 7:00 A.M. EDT at 25 degrees Virgo 01 minutes.
All New Moons offer us an opportunity to begin a new cycle and to find hope and enthusiasm. This is a chance to explore new ways of achieving your goals and to shrug off the dust of the previous lunar cycle. So while we are facing some rather difficult and stressful issues, try to see past the problems and look towards the future, however uncertain it may seem.
Details, details, details. That is what Virgo likes to focus on and it is an underlying theme to this month’s energy. But it’s not as simple as that. Because this New Moon occurs so late in the sign, the Sun will enter Libra in a few days and we will experience more of the ongoing Cardinal energy that has been so pervasive this past year. Still, the placement of any New Moon has a strong effect on that month’s mood. Virgo and its opposite sign of Pisces rule the healing profession. Pisces controls doctors, and Virgo nurses. There is a lot of healing that is needed right now. The plethora of problems that plague us including the pandemic, wildfires, hurricanes, the economy, and an underlying fear and confusion are all in need of a helping hand. This is a chance to aim our attention towards that and to find some solutions that can perhaps lighten our load and give aid to others where it is needed. Our nation is in pain the likes of which we haven’t experienced in many, many years. Our sense of equilibrium is so off kilter that many people are experiencing various forms of apprehension ranging from insomnia, body cramps, digestive issues, all the way to full blown anxiety attacks. I wish there was a simple solution, but unfortunately there isn’t. Although there are some common techniques that often help. Meditation, physical exercise, message, the company of animals, and maybe watching fewer news programs may all help somewhat. But until our current situation improves and there is a resolution to some of the key issues I think it’s important that we all just find ways to relax and let go of the outer worldly stress. And try your best not to give in to the ongoing battles regarding politics. The division between tribes has grown from a crack to a chasm and it doesn’t seem that there is any easy solution. You might be better off just walking away from conversations that are tempestuous and unsolvable. What will you gain by fighting with someone you know will never agree to your point of view?
I have found that the first aspect that completes closely following a New Moon often indicates what the underlying mood of that lunar cycle will be. There is a Sun-Saturn trine that completes on the afternoon of the 17th and I believe that this implies a month of rather intense and directed saturnine energy. This trine is a useful and productive transit that allows us the ability to make use of Saturn’s force without the usual resistance and uncomfortable limitations that often occur with a hard aspect. But it is very much a reality oriented aspect and it will be difficult to hide from our obligations. There will be little time for frivolous activities. It’s time to get down to work and put many things in order. As we study the transits for the coming weeks you will see that this is quite obvious. Mercury squares Saturn on September 23rd. Saturn goes direct and Mars is in square to it both on September 29th. All of this Saturn energy will push us in the path of fessing up to the reality we face and seeking ways to resolve our problems. This is very much a time of realism and only concrete solutions will help. Start by taking care of your body and soul and don’t allow the stress and frustration from taking a toll on your well-being.
On Thursday September 17th at 5:36 P.M. EDT we have this very useful and positive aspect. This aspect comes right after the New Moon and it will set the mood for this month. This is a good day to get things done. You will be focused on your responsibilities and can accomplish much. It isn’t usually a very outgoing or social energy, although it’s more malleable than the hard aspects to Saturn. Still, this is a day when you won’t have much patience for frolicsome or silly things. Reality is the mood and that is what you should be aiming your attention towards. Honker down for a few days and finish those projects you’ve been working on. Clean off your desk, organize the closets or catch up on your unanswered emails. As I said under the New Moon this is a month of serious responsibilities and we must deal with what is most pressing first. But that doesn’t mean that you have to allow the underlying tension to put undue pressure on your mind or body.
On Monday September 21st at 1:21 A.M. EDT this powerful square begins the pattern of the quicker moving planets of Mercury, Mars & the Sun in hard aspect to the Capricorn stellium. We are certainly going to see intense energy as we head into this election season. This will be a no-holds barred contest the likes of which we have rarely seen before. But then there is so much occurring in our world that is unheard of it’s difficult to know where to begin or what really matters. Mercury rules communications, thoughts, ideas, and the media while Pluto can often mean vengeance and hidden agendas. I don’t think you need an astrologer to tell you that we are going to hear and see some pretty disturbing and underhanded actions taken in the course of this month. What bothers me isn’t the nastiness. We have seen that aplenty in our nation’s political history. It’s the outright lying, the distortion of facts, the cruelty and unbridled attacks. Not since the 1850s when congressmen literally beat each other on the floor of the house with canes have we seen such a violent and derisive divide.
In your personal life this is a day to pay close attention to what you are saying. There could be some very harsh words exchanged and you need to recognize what battles are worth taking on and which should be ignored. Pluto has compulsiveness to it and it may be difficult to extricate yourself from a dispute once it begins. The wise person will only take on those disagreements that have a purpose and a chance for resolution. Fighting an empty war of words with someone who is unlikely to learn from the encounter or to change in any way is often a wasted endeavor. But this can be a moment when you finally reach a place of understanding and uncover what is beneath the surface. Sometimes that is necessary before you can begin the process of healing. So don’t waste your time on frivolous dispute, but look at this aspect as a potentially remedial and restorative event and you can use it to your advantage.
On Tuesday September 22nd at 9:31 A.M. EDT Autumn begins. Cardinal signs are called the initiators of the zodiac, and each season begins as the Sun enters the 4 Cardinal signs. I have been writing a bit about this sign over the past month. It’s a very misunderstood energy. Because Libras do not like direct confrontations it can be mistaken for a passive sign. But that is a misnomer, as those of you with Libra friends will attest. When this sign wants something it figures out how to get it. Granted that will often be done by circumventing the direst approach and circling the wagon train, so to speak. But it is no less assertive in its way than the opposite sign of Aries. In fact I find Libras just as forceful and emphatic in its own way. But then we really are more like our opposite signs than many wish to admit.
Libra rules the 7th house of intimate relationships and they certainly have a strong need and desire for close connections. Where Venus, the ruler of Libra falls in a chart will tell you a great deal about how that person reacts to their relationships. Also what house Libra rules (what cusp sits in that sign) will show the area in life where relationships are most important. For example, if you have Libra ruling your 3rd house you will focus much attention on your siblings and other relative, your neighbors, and how important communication is in all of your most personal contacts. Of course there is so much more to consider when examining natal placements. But as a general rule you can tell much about someone’s personality by how they view their closest relationships. As we go through Libra this month we will all be seeking to strengthen our associations, whether it is a romance, friendship or mutually receptive contact, such as through business, teacher-student or other form of communication.
On Wednesday September 23rd at 6:38 A.M. EDT we have another in this series of Capricorn connections. This square can make it difficult to communicate. There is a tendency towards reticence and you may not be as able to say what’s on your mind. This is a quick moving transit, and while it will be effective the night before and set up the energy for the early part of Wednesday, it is followed tomorrow by Mercury in opposition to Mars, a very different and much more outgoing and boisterous force. Today you should focus your attention on your work. This is a good time to double check your facts and figures and to edit and clean up any presentation you are making. It isn’t by nature terribly sociable and I wouldn’t plan a first date or party. But it can be an affective time for a serious conversation. Just keep in mind that we tend to take things a little too seriously under Saturn’s influence, so try to keep things as light-hearted as you can. If something isn’t pressing and you can wait a day or two to discuss it, you may be better off doing so. We will all be speaking with a sharp and unyielding attitude and that may be akin to walking into an unnecessary argument. This is a potential aspect under which certain jokes may have been written. Have you heard the one about the 2 psychiatrists who meet? One says to the other one “Good morning”. And the other says to himself “I wonder what he meant by that?”
On Thursday September 24th at 6:53 A.M. EDT we will all be looking for an argument, so be prepared to pick and choose your battles carefully. A sharp tongue can cut as deeply as a knife and it may take longer to heal. If you really have something important to say and have found it difficult to express, this may be the time when you will find the chutzpah to say it. That’s fine as long as you are ready to hear the reply. This is a day to use caution especially when traveling. You could easily be distracted and mistakes or accidents are quite possible. If you’re feeling anger you must admit it and stay in touch with those feelings or you could act out in a number of inappropriate ways. If you’re behind the wheel of a car you simply must recognize any pent up rage. You will have a lot of mental energy and if you use it properly you can get a lot done. Stay busy and focus on the important issues. Leave the shouting to others.
On Sunday September 27th at 3:41 A.M. EDT enters this fixed water sign. Because Mercury goes into retrograde motion on October 13th Mercury will go in and out of Scorpio until December 1st when it finally enters Sagittarius. For part of that time it will retrograde back into Libra from October 27th until November 10th. I will discuss that as it approaches.
With Mercury in Scorpio there will be a tendency to seek a deeper meaning and a sense of compulsion in many conversations. Even an attempt at light-hearted humor could be misinterpreted and may offend some. As I’ve said many times in my writings, Scorpio is a very misunderstood sign. While it is at times rather unforgiving and can make a mountain out of a pile of mashed potatoes, it’s a very important and compassionate energy, as are all of the water signs. It’s just that Scorpio sometimes has a problem letting go of things and finding the carefree side of an issue. Some of the phrases astrologers use to describe this sign and its ruler Pluto include: Black or White. All or nothing. Death and rejuvenation. And while all of those descriptions do fit in some ways, the real purpose of this sign is to regenerate those things that have been left for dead. I am a firm believer in reincarnation, though I don’t care if you agree or not. It’s not an important issue or one that I spend too much time focusing on in a reading or in my own personal studies; unless it helps you understand your purpose in this lifetime. But the 8th house, Scorpio’s domain, is the place in the chart where we do rejuvenate and find the strength to continue when some parts of you feel it’s time to give up.
So while Mercury in transit here can be somewhat difficult and perhaps too delving in its attempt to uncover the truth, the underlying theme is to clean out anything that is no longer valid and make space for new growth. Pluto rules the shedding of our skin, something we do every moment of our existence, in order to allow new cells to take hold. Without that process we would not function long in this rather harsh environment we call Earth. So try to see that the real issues being brought up and discussed, at times in a demanding and unyielding fashion, are our attempt to continue to grow and find new and innovative ways of discovering a new path. Letting go is very difficult, and death of any sort, physical, psychological or emotional is very hard. We tend to hold on to things long after they have ceased to be of use to us. Scorpio is here to teach us how to do that.
On Tuesday September 29th at 1:11 A.M. EDT Saturn finally turns around after its long trek backwards. This is an important moment in our story. Saturn has much to do with business and financial matters. It rules the banks, the housing market and the undercurrent of our foundation as a capitalistic society. As it turns around we may see some businesses begin to reopen or take a completely different approach to ensure their survival in this New World. The fact that this occurs on Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement is in itself a rather telling and fortuitous event, as Saturn is known as the planet of karma. And our world has certainly come to a point when we can no longer ignore what we have reaped.
Saturn has much to do with what we call reality. It’s the planet most associated with stability, foundation and in some ways, honesty. As we rapidly approach this election we are all holding our breath no matter which side you are rooting for. Every 4 years we hear that “this is the most important election in history that will decide the direction of our nation”… Often that is hyperbole and while we do swing a bit from one side to another, it often feels as though not much really changes. I don’t think that is true now. This year we can truly say that this is an election that will change our nation and the world for years to come. This is such a Saturn contest that it should be included in astrology books for many years as an example of how important certain decisions can be.
In your personal life this is a time when you will be called upon to examine your obligations and in some cases redress for past discretions. If you have been waiting for some resolution in a professional area that has been bogged down for a long time you may find that things have finally begun to move ahead. This doesn’t mean that all issue will prove successful or that you will suddenly be on top of the world. But it will finally expose those projects and plans that are valid, and some that are not. It’s up to you to be wise and admit that a few things you had counted on were not as realistic as you thought. It may be time to cut your losses and redirect your energy onto a new path. We should begin to see some growth in our economy, although a 2nd wave of coronavirus is most likely. And while there will be growth in some areas, the underlying foundation of our financial markets and our basic economic structure are very shaky. We are standing on quicksand, the exact opposite of what Saturn implies. And as this planet changes direction we will no longer be able to ignore that fact and we will see just how much is holding up and how much is sinking into the mire.
On Tuesday September 29th at 5:50 P.M. EDT this frustrating aspect will demand our attention and force us all to make some serious choices. Mars is in retrograde motion now, which in itself can be somewhat frustrating and repressive. The limitations that Saturn puts upon any planetary body it encounters are perhaps most felt when it is in hard aspect to Mars. (Jupiter is a close second.) It will tend to restrict the ego, lessen our energy and optimism and demand an accounting for things that Mars generally doesn’t give a hoot about. We experienced this August 24th and it will return January 13th. This can be a very exasperating aspect. Mars wants to be able to move in an unrestricted way. If there is anger or passion it tends to express those emotions outwardly and without restraint. But Saturn inhibits whatever it comes in contact with so the energy and feelings that Mars needs to release are kept pent up and bubbling just under the surface. When that happens people carry around a great deal of stress and often can’t find a way to express it. I have noticed in my daily journeys that folks on the streets, in Whole Foods and even on the phone are terse and edgy. Be careful this entire month, but especially for a few days surrounding the completion of this square. You could be an innocent bystander and still get a whiff of the pressure this aspect can produce.
As with all transits this can have a very positive result. If you can focus your force into productive and useful endeavors you may find that you have patience and a stay-to-it attitude that can accomplish much. Just avoid any unnecessary arguments and don’t take things too much to heart. Mars is the ego and when it is repressed it can feel very personal. It’s better to get your anger out in the open where you can expunge it, but Saturn may not let you do so. Breath, relax and stay busy and this will prove to be a productive and positive time. But if you find it difficult to do don’t beat yourself up. The universe will be more than happy to do that for you. LOL
On Thursday October 1st at 5:05 P.M. EDT at 9 degrees Aries 08 minutes the Full Moon will complete bringing to a head much of the Mars energy we have been dealing with this month. With Mars retrograde at the moment and traveling through Aries, the sign it rules, and with all of the aspects that Mars is encountering this this Full Moon will take on a more important role and will most definitely be a peak of energy and focus. You need to pay heed to Mars’ energy this month more so than normally. Usually it is just a few days of some pent up anger or pressure that a careful eye can avoid. But this month we are dealing with a plethora of Mars squares to outer planets, including Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. This Aries lunar peak will bring much of that to the surface. If you pay attention and sidestep any serous encounters you can avoid much of the mayhem. But if you are feeling some irritation and feel your rage rising to a head you must stay aware and find ways of projecting that excessive energy into useful endeavors. Exercise, hard physical labor or concentrated mental activities will help a great deal, although I do find that it’s best to use your muscles and work out the body. Just sitting in front of a computer may not be sufficient to alleviate the stress.
Because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac many new projects will be tested now. If you are working on a plan that seems to be having some difficulties you must be honest with yourself to see if your goals are compatible with your inner self and with others who may be involved in the project. Aries energy is known to begin many things but not always to complete them. This is a chance to review your various projects and to decide if you really are willing to commit to them. If not, take this opportunity to change course and set your sights on what you realistically can accomplish.
On Friday October 2nd at 4:48 P.M. EDT until October 27th at 9:41 P.M. EDT the goddess of love and money will travel through this detailed and somewhat critical mutable earth sign. This placement has a somewhat tarnished reputation in astrology. I don’t happen to agree. (Full disclosure, I have Venus in Virgo in my natal chart.) While it is true that there is a picky side to Virgo and it can at times be overly judgmental, it is also a very loving, protective and healing energy. Virgo rules nurses, and I’ve always said that while doctors, ruled by the opposite sign of Pisces, will cut you open and take out that damaged organ, it’s really the nurses that heal you, feed you, take your temperature and administer medicine, while the doctor is sitting in her golf cart.
On Sunday October 4th at 9:32 A.M. EDT our mini-outer planet turns around and starts to express itself more in the outside world. This will represent a release of some pent up issues that will affect us as individuals and as a collective. We are close to the election. Early voting has already begun and while the results of those votes cannot be made public until the polls close on November 3rd we will have some indicators of what to expect in a few weeks when push comes to shove, as they say. Hidden agendas will be exposed; any buried anger or unresolved battles will come out. This is a time when secrets are revealed and some issues that will be very affective on the body political will demand our attention. If there are underhanded efforts in either your personal life or in world events you should be prepared to hear about them now.
The ensuing battle over the Supreme Court vacancy left by the untimely death of R.B.G. will have Pluto written all over it. This will be a fight to the death; a no-holds barred attempt at power with many casualties along the way. Political careers will be ended and new ones begun. Pluto rules the elimination of waste and our need to clean out the garden, closet, body and soul of what is no longer functional. We cannot see years down the line; even through astrology our abilities are limited, so there’s no way to know what the end results of our current situation will be in 20 or 30 years. When the First World War ended, it was called the Great War, and The War to End All Wars. But of course that wasn’t to be the case. In 20 years another crop of young men and women were raised and prepared to be fodder in yet another world conflict. What will be the results of this melee we are in now? Will there be a sharp decline in American and western influence and the end of democracy? Or will there be a huge populous uprising to upend the fall of our civilization and lead to a great new revolution insuring rights for humans, animals, the environment, equality and justice? Only time will tell. But this reversal of Pluto will give us a good indication of what we can expect in the coming few years.
On Wednesday October 7th at 4:55 P.M. EDT this potentially explosive aspect will complete bringing some arguments to a head. This is a day to watch your tongue. If there is buried anger it will be expressed. If there is opposition to what you think or have to say it will certainly make itself known. But this can also be a day of absolute genius when new ideas and hitherto unconceived solutions can make themselves known. You must keep a positive attitude and stay open-minded. Yes, there will be disagreements and possibly a few loud encounters. But most of them will be useless and may block your ability to recognize something innovative. Aim your attention on how best to resolve something, not on who wins the battle. If you can do that you may discover a unique means to an end.
On Friday October 9th at 9:09 A.M. EDT this difficult square will complete. As always this can go one of two ways. For one thing it’s very possible that disagreements will be encountered continuing the boisterous interaction of the past few days. There may be some things that simply must be brought to the surface and expressed once and for all. But if you allow yourself to be bogged down in endless disputes you will not accomplish much and could alienate someone you may need on your side. If you can find the means to see both sides of an argument and are willing to search for common ground this will be a much more productive day. While we can’t avoid all conflicts and some things just have to be fought through to find a solution, pick and choose your battles carefully and don’t waste time on the senseless ones. Aim your attention on those disagreements that seem to have a chance of unwinding.
On Sunday October 11th at 9:34 A.M. EDT this optimistic aspect will give us all a day of enthusiasm and a positive outlook. This is a time to expand your consciousness and your knowledge in any way you can. Travel is always positive when Jupiter is involved. It’s a way to see the world from a new perspective and to open your mind. This is a good day to develop your projects and look over new ideas and opportunities. But as with all Jupiter transits it’s vital that you keep a realistic attitude and not agree to more than you can handle. Once this transit passes you may find that you have made too many promises and can’t possibly fulfill them all. Being overly optimistic can have a serious backlash and be counter-productive. Keep things real and focused and you will be able to make some important headway in your plans and goals.
On Tuesday October 13th at 7:26 P.M. EDT this high energy aspect demands our attention. This can be a rough day when it seems like a lot of people are looking for a fight. And in fact, they are. But it’s up to you as to whether or not you wish to be the object of their rage. There is no reason to take on everyone’s personal issues or to be the punching bag for someone whose frustration has built to a point of explosion. It’s best to sidestep those arguments that you can, and deal directly and openly with those that you can’t. Because of all of the Mars transits we have been experiencing this month many people are on edge and won’t be apt to back down. Perhaps it’s up to you to be the grownup in the room and to say: “Enough! I won’t let you drag me into another senseless fight.” The Sun will square Pluto in a few days and I don’t think you can separate these two aspects. They are of a piece, and with Mercury about to retrograde in a few hours you can expect some discordance and complications in communications. Try your best to ensure that misunderstandings are cleared up quickly and that you at least know what the hell you’re actually arguing about.
On Tuesday October 13th at 9:05 P.M. EDT until November 3rd at 12:50 P.M. our favorite disruptive transit returns as the winged god starts its backward dance. With our nation in the midst of this all important election season and with so many early votes and mail in ballots I suppose it’s just God playing the comedian and deciding this would be a good time for Mercury, the planet that rules communication and the mail to begin its retrograde motion. Well, this requires a great deal of effort on the part of our society as a whole to ensure an honest and competent election. There are so many issues at stake now, including the unprecedented battle over the Supreme Court vacancy due to the untimely death of the legendary Ruth Bader Ginsberg that will be dealt with while Mercury is in retrograde. And with this retrograde occurring mostly in Pluto-ruled Scorpio we will certainly see some hidden and underhanded dealings that must be brought to the surface and examined in the light of day. With that planet having just come out of retrograde on October 4th it is even more important that we uncover the truth and make informed decisions as a collective. Otherwise we will be living with the results for a long time to come. The fact that Mercury goes direct on Election Day is another example of our collective comedic-tragedy. We may know the results of this election sooner than many believe. But that doesn’t negate the possibility of an ongoing fight. As Mercury turns back around on November 3rd right after noon, there may be a startling discovery, or an equally astonishing claim by one of the candidates that will throw the entire process into disarray. Ah Mercury – that devilish little imp. Hold your breath and hope that it is a revealing truth we hear and not a fiction based declaration.
In our personal lives it is equally important that we discover what is lurking in the shadows and expose it so that we may react in an informed and conscious manner. Just accepting what is being offered will not work now. You must dig deeper into any subject, conflict or plan to truly understand what is at stake. As in every retrograde Mercury period secrets can be revealed and while communication can be a problem, once you get that person on the phone you will be likely to reach an important realization. Just be prepared to hear some things that may be unpleasant or so revealing that they may be hard to accept.
On Thursday October 15th at 6:15 A.M. EDT this powerful square will complete the aspects for this month. And what an interesting month it has been! I won’t go over all of the events and transits we have experienced. They are here within the newsletter for you to review. But I will say that with square occurring at the end of this lunar cycle and as we enter the month that includes our election and its aftermath this implies the end of some things that have been at issue for some time. There are a number of transits that I believe point to a change in government. But the aspects and the mood of this nation also show that this will be a fight to the bitter end.
You should pay attention today to what is going on around you. This isn’t a time to get into useless arguments. You may find them difficult to extricate yourself from them. Pluto can be compulsive and make you obsessive about the slightest issue. Don’t waste your time on frivolous debates. You will not change the other person’s mind and you will just ware yourself out. This is the Dark of the Moon, a very low energy time, so conserve your vitality for more important things. This is a good time to clean up any unfinished messes or to complete something that has been a burden to you. Sweep out the store in preparation for the New Moon.
The next New Moon falls on Friday October 16th at 3:31 P.M. EDT at 23 degrees Libra 53 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
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Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
September 17th 7:42 A.M. – 2:56 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours
September 19th 10:29 A.M. – 2:33 P.M.
September 21st 2:13 P.M. – 3:32 P.M.
September 23rd 1:31 P.M. – 7:16 P.M.
September 25th 11:36 P.M. – September 26th 2:08 A.M.
September 28th 3:18 A.M. – 11:34 A.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
September 30th 1:30 P.M. – 10:47 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
October 3rd 1:47 A.M. – 11:12 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours
October 5th 2:41 P.M. – October 6th 12:03 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
October 7th 9:57 P.M. – October 8th 11:45 A.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours
October 10th 12:04 P.M. – 8:24 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
October 12th 10:29 P.M. – October 13th 12:56 A.M.
October 14th 6:47 P.M. – October 15th 1:54 A.M.
October 16th 6:11 P.M. – October 17th 1:05 A.M.
October 18th 5:34 P.M. – October 19th 12:43 A.M.
October 20th 11:38P.M. – October 21st 2:44 A.M.
September 2020
New York City
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