The New Moon falls on Thursday September 17th at 7:00 A.M. EDT at 25 degrees Virgo 01 minutes.

All New Moons offer us an opportunity to begin a new cycle and to find hope and enthusiasm. This is a chance to explore new ways of achieving your goals and to shrug off the dust of the previous lunar cycle. So while we are facing some rather difficult and stressful issues, try to see past the problems and look towards the future, however uncertain it may seem.
Details, details, details. That is what Virgo likes to focus on and it is an underlying theme to this month’s energy. But it’s not as simple as that. Because this New Moon occurs so late in the sign, the Sun will enter Libra in a few days and we will experience more of the ongoing Cardinal energy that has been so pervasive this past year. Still, the placement of any New Moon has a strong effect on that month’s mood. Virgo and its opposite sign of Pisces rule the healing profession. Pisces controls doctors, and Virgo nurses.

There is a lot of healing that is needed right now. The plethora of problems that plague us including the pandemic, wildfires, hurricanes, the economy, and an underlying fear and confusion are all in need of a helping hand. This is a chance to aim our attention towards that and to find some solutions that can perhaps lighten our load and give aid to others where it is needed. Our nation is in pain the likes of which we haven’t experienced in many, many years. Our sense of equilibrium is so off kilter that many people are experiencing various forms of apprehension ranging from insomnia, body cramps, digestive issues, all the way to full blown anxiety attacks. I wish there was a simple solution, but unfortunately there isn’t. Although there are some common techniques that often help. Meditation, physical exercise, message, the company of animals, and maybe watching fewer news programs may all help somewhat. But until our current situation improves and there is a resolution to some of the key issues I think it’s important that we all just find ways to relax and let go of the outer worldly stress. And try your best not to give in to the ongoing battles regarding politics. The division between tribes has grown from a crack to a chasm and it doesn’t seem that there is any easy solution. You might be better off just walking away from conversations that are tempestuous and unsolvable. What will you gain by fighting with someone you know will never agree to your point of view?

I have found that the first aspect that completes closely following a New Moon often indicates what the underlying mood of that lunar cycle will be. There is a Sun-Saturn trine that completes on the afternoon of the 17th and I believe that this implies a month of rather intense and directed saturnine energy. This trine is a useful and productive transit that allows us the ability to make use of Saturn’s force without the usual resistance and uncomfortable limitations that often occur with a hard aspect. But it is very much a reality oriented aspect and it will be difficult to hide from our obligations. There will be little time for frivolous activities. It’s time to get down to work and put many things in order. As we study the transits for the coming weeks you will see that this is quite obvious. Mercury squares Saturn on September 23rd. Saturn goes direct and Mars is in square to it both on September 29th. All of this Saturn energy will push us in the path of fessing up to the reality we face and seeking ways to resolve our problems. This is very much a time of realism and only concrete solutions will help. Start by taking care of your body and soul and don’t allow the stress and frustration to take a toll on your well-being.