On Sunday September 6th at 3:2 A.M. EDT until Friday October 2nd at 4:48 P.M. EDT romance will take a decidedly theatrical path as many play out their fantasies in the context of real life. Well, isn’t romance really just a play anyway? The feelings and needs that it brings out in us are very real, and may ultimately be one of the only truly important issues in life. But the seduction, the flirting, the half-lies we tell ourselves and each other, and all of the role-playing that goes into our intimate connections are the fodder of playwrights, songsmiths, novelists and poets. While Venus is traveling here you will find that many will be emboldened to speak their minds and make their feelings known. There will be much acting out, and a Shakespearian tone to the simplest of conversations. Dinner may turn into Hamlet, or a drive in the country might evoke thoughts of As You Like It. Comedy and tragedy are, after all, only the two sides of a single coin. So enjoy the show, play your part and have some fun. That’s what Leo wants in the long run. But try not to take everything too seriously. “All the world’s a restaurant, and all the men and women merely entrees”. Mortimer Shakespeare.
So, who are rhe appetizers and desserts according to Mortimer Shakespeare? 😉