On Wednesday September 2nd at 1:22 A.M. EDT at 10 degrees Pisces 12 minutes the Full Moon in Pisces completes. As summer wanes and we see the light shift and the temperature drop our attention begins to turn towards responsibilities and the obligations we pushed aside in the warmth and promise of that endless season that always ends too soon. Pisces has a strong desire to serve, to take care of those in need and to find the balance between what is real and what is illusion. It isn’t the most realistic of signs and can often get lost in a concept of service that isn’t based in truth. But really, how much of life is? Aren’t we all sort of living a falsehood we have agreed to accept? Well, so much for philosophy for now.


This is a time when many issues will come to a head. This is the last sign of the zodiac and will be concerned with the endings of things as we prepare for new beginnings. Yes, Aires is the start of the New Year, and technically a Full Moon is only the peak of the lunar cycle, but 4 times a year as each cardinal sign begins we start a new season and a period with the promise of a fresh beginning and all the hope that entails. The Sun will enter Libra at the end of September and we will begin autumn, a scant 5 weeks before this life-changing election. The time between this Full Moon and then is a period of completions and preparation. Try to bring your projects to fruition, if you can. As we move ever closer to that ominous date in November when our nation will decide on its future path there are so many issues of balance, fairness and need that are being brought up.


Will we continue to turn our backs on the poorer disenfranchised in our society, or will be begin a new era of inclusion and equability? Will we follow this president as he embraces racism, violence, divisiveness and pushes us ever closer to civil war for his own narcissistic needs; a man who defends a teenage killer who crossed state lines to incite chaos and shoot unarmed protesters because it may help him get reelected; or stand up to this unbridled power grab and demand an accounting? While this Full Moon is only a moment in time and its effects limited, its place in time and history implies that it represents a much bigger question regarding how we describe ourselves. The ongoing Mars – Saturn square that will suppress our egos and demand accountability this month will also have an outsized influence on how we are defined. Take a moment over the next few days and try to imagine yourself as one of the less fortunate in our “land of opportunity” struggling to have even the smallest chance at some success for themselves or their children. And think about what it must be like to be a parent of color in America who fears every time their child leaves home that he may not make it back alive. If you can do that and feel the empathy you will understand what this Full Moon represents and possibly be shown a different path that can be of great salvation to your soul. Do that and you will be worthy of a great love whether or not it is ever directly expressed.


“A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others.” Frank Baum.