On Saturday August 22nd at 11:45 A.M. EDT the Sun joins Mercury in this mutable earth sign. For the next month we will have this underlying desire to put thing in order. This is a very positive and productive sign, although it doesn’t quite have that devil-may-care attitude of Leo. Now we are preparing for the next season, as we always do during the mutable signs. It’s a time of change, not radical but evolutionary. The weather will begin to get cooler. There will be those hot sticky days, though less frequently. This sign is ruled by Mercury and it is interested in the details and all intellectual pursuits. We begin the school year during Virgo, quite appropriately.

This year, not only because of the pandemic but because of the intensely important and polarizing election we are even more concerned with paying attention to the small issues. Do you have a backup mask, hand sanitizer, did you remember to use it after going to the ATM, did you vote? In world events this will be a most important time leading up to this election. Issues such as the state of the postal service are tremendously important and the battles will be fought not with guns and riots but through laws and focus on what can and can’t be done.

In our personal lives as the Sun transits through this mutable earth sign we must all stay alert and avoid mistakes. For many this will be a year so different from any before. Schools will not open in most areas, and parents will still be faced with the issue of what to do with their children until things return to something resembling normalcy. This is where our imaginations come into play. If we can conceive of a solution we can make it happen. Have faith in our inner selves and in the intelligence of the collective. We will find solutions.