On Wednesday August 19th at 9:30 P.M. EDT until September 5TH AT 3:46 P.M. EDT the planet of thought and communication will travel through this mutable earth sign, one of the two we give it rulership over (the other being Gemini). Virgo has a well-earned reputation as being good with details, fastidious, critical and at times overly picky. These are traits that can be wonderfully exacting and conscientious, or demanding and distracting depending upon how that energy is used. There is this meticulous nature to this sign that is eagerly sought out in certain professions that require such concentration and, for those who feel comfortable with its power, also pursued in relationships. Finding the right partner has to do with what works for you, not what someone else’s ideal or opinion is based on. This transit has a very positive and productive side. It can help us all decipher the underlying meaning of things. This is a very good aspect for dealing with all paperwork and for putting your plans into a constructive and organized fashion. Now we have the ability to use the rules to ensure a fair and balanced result and to keep things on the up and up. Important conversations will be direct and there is a tendency to be very honest and direct. This is one of the traits Virgos are known for.

But there is another potential to this energy. While Mercury is in Virgo we will all be apt to pay more attention to the little things. As the old saying goes “the devil is in the details”. That is truer than many recognize. It’s often difficult to hide a crime of magnitude, but easy to sneak a little here and there. In my years in the arts I have read countless contracts and while the BIG PRINT may give the artist what he or she demands, upon closer scrutiny there are sometimes things in small print that can contradict and ultimately invalidate the agreement in ways that won’t be obvious for a long time. That is why it requires such attention and examination, and why show biz lawyers make so much money.

So what does that say to us now as we are trying to navigate our own lives as well as dealing with this all important election? For one thing you must pay close attention to what you are agreeing to. Just because Mercury is in Virgo and we are all more intent on looking at the details, remember that those you are in contest with are also doing the same thing and in some cases trying to find those little obscure places where they can sneak in a clause that will undermine the very purpose of what you are trying to achieve. This is obvious in our current political situation where there are actors who are finding loopholes to our very laws and institutions as they attempt to redirect our attention while undercutting the foundation of our collective agreements. It is up to each of us and ultimately our more honest elected officials to hunt these down and at least convey what the potential results may mean. This may also be true in your personal lives. It’s vital that you listen to, examine and read everything in a nit-picky manner to ensure that you know what you are agreeing to. It will do you little good down the road to realize that you have made a mistake when it’s too late to change it.

Use this time to go over all of your important work and agreements. Have discussions that will help you direct your energy and projects where they will do the most good. And don’t be afraid to have important conversations even if they may bring some things to the surface that aren’t easy to deal with. As long as you know what’s what you can make knowledgeable decisions.