The New Moon falls on Tuesday August 18th at 10:42 P.M. EDT at 26 degrees Leo 35 minutes. The Leo New Moon brings a lively and effervescent atmosphere. This can be one of the most adventurous signs with a love of the performing arts and a desire to make its presence known. We all love the dramatics, and as long as there is a clear divide between onstage and off it’s a great time to engage in role playing and theatrics. This sign rules; children, games, gambling, creativity, acting, the stage, romance and all things childlike. Leos can be showy and great fun and I have always felt that August is the most romantic month. And though the Sun will leaves this sign and enter Virgo soon, this New Moon offers us an extension of this energy. In summer we are all like children playing and seeking love wherever we can find it. My most vivid memories of romance are in the summer, in the Hamptons, upstate New York at camp, traveling with my buddies and meeting someone new and exciting. And while this year because of our invisible foe, is different from any we have experienced in our lives, and most of us aren’t prepared to jump into a new affair, there is still that magic in the air. It’s the seduction, the come-on, the sly wink as you catch someone’s eye that holds the great promise of what will be. It’s writing poetry or a song about your potential paramour or looking back at one of the great loves of your life, or just feeling the flow of summer’s warmth across your body as you wrangle into your perhaps too small swimsuit and tighten your stomach as you pass that person on the beach who strikes your fancy. Don’t be afraid to look silly or act out in a foolish manner. That’s what children do. They aren’t as aware of their societal position yet, and so can be freer and more honest. Be that child that is still within you and spends most of its time hiding in the shadows of your grownup persona. Let it take control for a little while and remind you that life is filled with potential, and the possibilities are only as limited as your imagination. That is the gift that proud, opinionated, hopelessly romantic and charming Leo has to offer. I think we all need that magic now more than ever. 😍