On Saturday August 15th at 10:25 A.M. EDT until January 13th this erratic and somewhat irrational planet begins its backward motion. Uranus rules government of and by the people. Anyone who is elected is working under its influence. As such when it retrogrades there are often issues about the government that come out in uncontrolled and surprising ways. Because this will be in retrograde for 5 months it’s important to keep that in mind and to research any information that may come to light. You don’t have to look very far to see the influence of this retrograde. The attack on the postal service has been relentless and distressing. The fact that Trump is doing this in broad daylight just shows how little regard he has for the law, democracy or common decency. I find it amazing that even with this blatant abuse of power still so many Senators, congressmen and Americans are willing to turn a blind eye and pretend everything is normal. It isn’t normal. And it won’t be for a long time, no matter who wins this coming election.


Because Uranus will be retrograde throughout the election and almost until the inauguration, there will be much confusion and misdirection about the candidates and some of the results will be contested. This will be a very nasty election with falsehoods and condemnation rampant. But Uranus goes direct about a week before the next president is put in office, and I believe that implies a change of government. Also Mercury will go direct on Election Day and while there will be some confusion and a need for recounts in some areas I think we will know who the winner is by the end of that day. There probably won’t be a concession for a while, but we will know the truth on November 3rd. On January 20th, Inauguration Day Mars will be conjunct Uranus, a vicious and combative aspect. There is a good possibility of some violence and contentious confrontations throughout this campaign, but I believe in the American system and have high hopes that we can overcome any issues that arise.


In our personal lives this will be a time when we will be prone to seek innovation within ourselves more than in the outside world. The greatest changes will occur in our inner conversation and be presented to the world in January once this planet reverses direction. This is one of many reasons why I believe we are about to change our government. The radical changes that the world is about to see will also go on in our individual psyche. Many people will be seeking the answers to their most important questions during the coming months, both on a personal and a collective level. Don’t be afraid to dig deeply into your issues. That’s the only way to solve some of your problems and aim your life on the path it belongs. Change is often frightening, but rarely a mistake when it’s time has come.

I and many others will benefit from your practical and encouraging words … thanks! Despite the fact that I am fond of astrology from https://horo.io/, I constantly remind myself that the planets continue their cycles, and that we all, I hope, will develop thanks to this experience.