On Monday August 10th at 8:52 A.M. EDT this explosive and argumentative aspect will complete. From Sunday until this wanes in the morning on Monday it’s important to watch your tongue and to avoid any confrontations you can sidestep. This is an argument waiting to happen. It’s up to you to take the bait or ignore it. Under this aspect people will often talk trash and either make stuff up or just ignore common decency. With the political arena heating up we can certainly expect a few tidbits coming out of Washington. I’m more concerned that you don’t let it affect your personal life. If there’s something that needs to be discussed, decide if it’s that important to bring it up now or if it can wait until calmer transits prevail. Chances are pretty good that it can wait a few days. There is really no reason to run head first into a maelstrom. This can also make people nervous and irritable and if you’re feeling some tension or anger you must recognize it and not give it too much power.

This can be an accident prone transit as well, so you need to pay attention to what you’re doing. Most accidents are a matter of misdirection or diversion. If you’re driving, it’s especially important to stay alert and not be distracted. Our minds will be working quickly and without the usual filters, so people will speak and react without hesitation and in an erratic and unpredictable way. An accident can happen during a momentary distraction, so stay alert.

Hi, thank you for the advice with people. It’s been true with me + people being difficult, but listened to your advice + in hindsight- a big argument was stopped. I also listen when you say don’t hold your tongue. Ha thanks. KD