On Friday August 7th at 11:21 A.M. EDT until September 6th at 3:22 A.M. EDT this subtle change of signs may go unnoticed to many. It can be an understated shift in our collective and, while we are all so concerned with the more demanding aspects of our lives – the pandemic, the economy, the election, our place in world events, we still must survive as individuals and find solace and compassion to continue to feed our souls, If we don’t, what’s the point to it all? This entrance of the planet of love into the sign of the home can have a profound influence on our ability to withstand all the mess we find in our world. Over the next month there will be a lot of emotions in our relationships, even more than usual. This is a very nice placement for Venus that in normal times might just make us all a little more sensitive and empathetic. But now for many of us those feelings may be all we have preventing serious distress and loss of confidence and anchoring. We all need someone to love and anything that can stimulate our ability to reach out and connect to each other is a blessing. This aspect occurs every year and, as I said, at times can be overlooked or just be coloring to what’s going on. But now we need it more than we may realize and I hope you all take a moment to experience just what a gift our connection to each is truly is. This placement tends to make us all think about family (however you define that) and it’s a good time to decorate your home, take a cooking class or reach out to loved ones in a pronounced emotional manner. These aren’t usually profound projects, but they may help heal our wounds in their gentle and peaceful way. As always free-will allows us to dictate what we focus our attention and our souls on. You can wallow in the fear and uncertainty or you can aim your attention towards peace and gentility. It’s up to you.This is a month to enjoy each other and to find common interests and objectives. We’re more interested in ideas and feeling we share than those that differentiate us. Spend time at home or with your closest peeps and you will find much solace in their company. This can be a very creative energy as well, so take out that unfinished song, book or painting and get back to work. You may find great comfort in the simplest of things and great joy in the tears of sympathy and kindness this can project. I wish you all much love and happiness, especially during these trying times. Mitch.