On Monday August 3rd at 11:59 A.M. EDT at 11 degrees Aquarius 46 minutes we have this lunar peak in the explosive sign of Aquarius. As I said above, this is preceded by the difficult Sun square Uranus and followed by Mercury opposite Saturn & Mars square Jupiter. This combination of transits is creating a few days when you must stay alert and pay attention to what’s going on around you. On Last month’s Full Moon eclipse in Capricorn we saw a violent few days on the 4th of July holiday weekend. While this isn’t an eclipse and there is no reason to assume that this will be as volatile as the last lunar peak, it’s still wise to use some caution and sidestep any situations that seem unpredictable or instable. All Full Moons are an opportunity to bring things to a peak and begin the process of unwinding our projects in anticipation of the next New Moon and its new beginning. The reason that Full Moons have the reputation for unnerving events (the Wolf Man not withstanding) is because even in a positive and productive moment the buildup of energy and the focus that can occur at these times pushes us to an edge when limitations are often ignored and the collective force is hell bent on created a crescendo. Most often it is benign and simply heightened excitement. But once in a while world and astrological events coincide and create an atmosphere of unruly power. I’m simply implying that it would be smart to take these few days in stride and use common sense. Aquarius is the sign of genius, and certainly many of the brightest have a prominent Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) in their charts. So perhaps in the coming weeks we will see some brilliant discovery or event that puts our current issues in a new and enlightened perspective. One can only hope. In the meantime, protect yourself and your loved ones and have an adventurous and exciting time while still treading lightly and staying aware of your environment.
This is followed by Mercury opposite Saturn, Mars square Jupiter, Mercury square Uranus, & Mars square Pluto. Take a deep breath and find your center. A long walk, an afternoon in the park, or even a few hours with a good book can help. You remember what a book is, right? This isn’t the easiest week we’ve seen lately, and while it’s possible to get tangled in the web of distraction, if you can focus your attention on the important issues and not fall into the pit of dismay you will be fine. As always I remind you that astrological aspects are just energy. It’s what we do with it that decides how the situation will turn out. There is always a positive way to use the transits. It’s up to you to find it.
We have reached a point of some tension in the economic downturn as the unemployment lifeline is being debated by the opposing parties in congress. If no compromise is reached it will have a devastating effect financially and politically. Trump’s rather interesting reaction to his waning popularity and the Republican Party’s reaction to him are all part of the energy implied this week. Stay tuned.