On Sunday August 2nd at 7:19 A.M. EDT this explosive transit comes along. While this completes early in the morning, its effects will be obvious the night before, and throughout the day. This is followed tomorrow by the Full Moon in Uranus-ruled Aquarius. This is a week of surprises and unbounded energy that can produce stress and potential problems. As with all astrological aspects there are several ways this may manifest. It could just be a very forceful energy that is directed and can be productive. It can be manageable if you pay close attention to what’s happening around you and how you react to it. If you can handle it well, you may be able to get a lot accomplished and to move your projects forward at an accelerated rate.


But it is known as one of the more volatile and dangerous energies. Because it is followed closely by the Aquarius Full Moon, Mercury in opposition to Saturn; & Mars square Jupiter this is a few days when it is most important that you act defensively and avoid any harsh or dangerous situation. This could be a few days of some violence or at the very least boisterous and derisive announcements in the political arena and on the streets of your city. The economic news has been disastrous and I expect that we are going to hear a lot more of the same. The seeds that the Republican run senate is planting now will come to full bloom in November. And this series of harsh and angry transits will add fuel to the fire of change. We will see a massive defection of voters away from Trump and his minions, which will begin a new era that will take a a long time and gigantic effort to repairs the damage they have done.


Continue to use caution in your personal lives. The whole world is on edge but especially America. Don’t take things for granted and step softly on the sand. The wise person knows when it’s time to push forward and when it’s time to step aside. This is a moment to tread lightly and wait for the storm to pass.