On Monday July 27th at 5:46 P.M. EDT we will all be a bit feisty and argumentative. This rather intense transit will push your thoughts and communications in a forceful and direct manner and it’s most important to think before you speak, though that may be rather difficult at times. This isn’t a gentle or thoughtful transit. It’s more like gumballs falling on your tongue spewing out of your mouth with little regard for where they land. Knowing this possibility it’s up to you to control your ideas, speech and temper. If someone pushes your buttons will you take a step back and a deep breath before responding, or will you let that Martian energy assert itself unfettered? That’s what we call free will astrology.


Caution is called for when traveling. Mercury rules transportation, cars, trains, planes and even walking. If this hits your chart in a sensitive area it could represent some difficulty or tension. Mars can produce anger and even if you aren’t sensing rage within, it’s possible that the guy in the car next to you is. Do what you can to keep a lid on your feelings and put things in perspective. Is it really worth your effort to have that argument about politics, or get upset because someone cuts in front of you in line? Or more to the point, is someone displays their attitude from their car with a hand gesture? Let it go and be the bigger kid in the playground. I would go out of my way to slow down and let that person get as far ahead as they can.