On Monday July 27th at 12:07 P.M. EDT this important aspect will complete for the 2nd pass. The 3rd and final time we will experience this is in October right before the election. This is a moment when we have the ability to delve deeply into our spiritual self. We give Jupiter ancient rulership over Pisces, while Neptune has modern control. They are two of the most mystical and compassionate of the celestial energies and when they work well together this is a chance to gain a deeper understanding of what our souls are here to learn. While I believe that this sextile has much to do with the expansion of the coronavirus (Neptune rules infectious diseases and Jupiter is all about growth and enlargement) because it is a positive and user-friendly sextile we have the capacity to get a handle on this pandemic. But only if the government and the populous are willing to put in some restrictions on Jupiter’s unbridled attitude. At the moment it doesn’t appear that that will be the case.


Because of the spiritual side of this aspect there are many side-effects to our current problematic year that are very endearing. The best of humanity is emerging as a counter-balance to the worst year we have seen in decades. Sometimes it takes something horrible to remind us of our goodness and true purpose. I believe this sextile has much to do with the demise of Trump and his support as well. Our eyes have been open to the decay and derisiveness within our culture and this aspect is making it more obvious what we need to do. There will be much confusion, lying, and all sorts of twists and turns between now and that fateful Tuesday in November. While a sextile is a positive and useful aspect it still is a mix of the two planetary energies involved. With Neptune and Jupiter in any combination you can expect some hyperbole, miscommunication, distorted legal issues and any number of problems. But don’t worry. We will muddle through and move in the direction our society needs to.


In your personal life this may be a time when you discover a deeper sense of who you are. If Neptune has been pressing on your personal chart, it may exacerbate now, so be careful. But if you can find you centering and breathe into it this can be a very positive and charitable moment. But anyone who takes the selfish road and is only looking out for their personal gain this will not be as easy a transit as you wish. The effects of this aspect will linger and continue to have an influence for some weeks to come, so try to use it properly and in a giving and generous way.