August 2020
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
I want to thank all those who joined in on my election webinar. It was a very nice crowd and we covered a lot of material. The webinar will be available soon on my website so if you missed it or wish to review the information I will announce when it’s up and running. If you paid for the webinar you will not have to pay again to view it.
There is one point that I need to express. Several people were disappointed that I didn’t discuss Joe Biden’s health. My goal was to address the election from many sides and to focus more on the outcome and its potential aftermath. But to be fair and balanced, here is my take on Joe’s health.
He is 77 year old. The fact that we have two septuagenarians running for the highest office is in itself a rather telling prospect and a somewhat shameful point about America. We have a land filled with talented and bright people of all ages. And while I don’t believe that someone should be disregarded just because of age, and I know many in their 70s, 80s and even 90s who are still sharp and capable of amazing things, it would have been interesting if the Democrats had picked someone younger. I do not think that Biden has dementia, as many on the wonderful internet social media have proclaimed. He has a speech impediment dating back to childhood that sometimes makes it difficult for him to find a word. I have watched his interviews and statements carefully and I think he’s clear, sharp and far more ready for the position than many people of any age. But I do think that the stress and pressure of the job has aged much younger men prematurely. No matter who wins this election we will be faced with a leader of advanced age and most likely some ill health.
The current aspects continue to be rather forceful and effective. The ongoing Jupiter-Pluto conjunct has created much tension between the courts (Jupiter) and the desire for unrestricted power (Pluto). With the federal government sending unrequested troops into major U.S. cities and the rather interesting and recent somewhat convoluted decisions by the Supreme Court we can see that there is an undercurrent of pressure that is not about to go away anytime soon. Voter suppression, manipulation and the decaying Voter Rights bill are front and center in our nation’s conversation as we rapidly approach the 2020 decision that will have long lasting effects on the direction our nation is heading. If America is to continue as a democracy and the voice of its people to lead through its representative government, then it’s vital that the right to vote, our most scared tool in this type of political body be preserved at all costs.
The New Moon falls on Monday July 20th at 1:33 P.M. EDT at 28 degrees Cancer 27 minutes. This is the 2nd New Moon in Cancer in a row. This is a rarity that should be noted. We call a 2nd New Moon in a month a “blue Moon”. But since our calendar year is flawed and I follow the celestial calendar I refer to the 2nd New Moon in a zodiac sign as the “Blue Moon”. That’s what we have now. Whatever you call it, what does this mean?
Well, for one thing it is a 2nd chance to make some changes in the areas of life the sign it falls in represents. Cancer is all about emotions, the family, the past; our attachment to things on a deeper level both materialistic and spiritual. Don’t think that Cancers aren’t materialistic. They are, though mostly to fulfill the need for security and stability, not just to accrue wealth. I do know some extremely wealthy Cancers and some who surprisingly are quite selfish in their attitude. But you can’t judge any sign through generalizations. It takes all kinds to make up humanity.
This is a moment in our personal lives and in the collective to look back over decisions we have made and how we view our relationships and express ourselves. This is a complicated process. So much of what we are and we perceive has its origin in the past. We stand upon the shoulders of who we used to be as we attempt to reach a new and higher consciousness. Can we ever truly be objective about ourselves and the decisions we made so long ago? I wonder. But now you have an opportunity to explore what was and perhaps change your attitude and reaction to the events of the past. What was your family really about? How much did you absorb from them and how much of what you are is really an honest representation of what you believe? These are tough questions not easily pushed aside. When they claim your attention you are forced to look back, no matter how much you think you understand or how much therapy you have gone through, and once again visit those dark and lonely times when you wondered why you are here and if you’d be able to achieve what you have set out for yourself. As we grow older what we value is altered and the questions become more complicated and difficult to answer. I see this as a time to reexamine those issues and step back into childhood and stand on the side watching how you interacted with your most important people and whether or not you have taken the proper path. “But second thoughts are a human trait I know that memories can hurt you so. It’s oh so very hard to let them go. And sometimes better not to let it show”.
As we rapidly approach this coming election each New Moon represents a giant step towards that immensely important choice that will decide the direction of our nation for a long time to come. We only have three more after this before that massive happening occurs. Each one will require your close scrutiny and your examination of your role in these events. Look at the world around you and your place in it. And ask yourself – am I being true to myself and my beliefs? Or am I bending to the will of those around me or to my own fears? Only by searching your heart will you know the answer to these questions. Under this New Moon energy many people are trying to decide which direction you believe our nation should be heading. That’s one of the most important issues we will all face this year. Try to answer that question in an open and honest voice. You will have to live with your decision for a long time.
On Monday July 20th at 6:28 P.M. EDT right after the New Moon this opposition completes. This sets the mood for the coming month. This will be, as we already know, a summer of restrictions and limitations. Between the virus and our current economic doldrums most of us already feel the repressive energy of Saturn and the confines that even the summer sun can’t alleviate. As bad as it is to be locked down in the winter when nature has already created its boundaries and restrictions, it’s much worse to feel that home-bound suppression when the weather is shouting for you to come out and play. Much will be written about this time; the bottled up emotions, the repressed activities and the unrequited loves foiled not by the faint of heart or the cruel hand of destiny, but by the inability to share a stolen kiss or a day on the beach and a clandestine Italian dinner with your heart’s desire. But such is life at times.
We have a heavy responsibility right now as a species and custodian of the planet. There are many things we must examine and many decisions we must make to ensure that our society grows and we can once again move forward, hopefully in a more equitable fashion. These things will not be easily done. Our leadership is inept, our history fraught with inequality and self-destruction. With the recent massive build-up of planets in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto) still exerting its influence the world has been throw into a battle for the survival of our bodies and our souls. As we prepare for Saturn’s ultimate entrance into Aquarius this December we are being forced to make some final choices that will have deep and long-term effects on the direction we choose. This Sun-Saturn is normally a short-lived aspect with a day or two of influence. But as each month leads us closer to the coming elections and the powerfully influential decisions we are about to make the daily aspects become much more important. Because today is a New Moon opposed by Saturn, the results of this aspect will be felt for a long time. What occurs over the coming month will set many things in motion that we will be discussing for a long time to come.
In your personal life you must be willing to look honestly and directly at the choices you are making. Have you been true to yourself and your purpose? Or have you skirted some issues in favor of a quick solution without regard for the ultimate conclusion? Saturn will not accept a superficial answer to such questions so try to be as open and realistic as you can be. Only by facing the real obligations you face will you feel any sense of satisfaction and fruition. Anything less will feel hollow and inglorious. Now we are setting the stage for much of the rest of summer. Embrace it, find your solace where you may, and hopefully there will be love in the mix, no matter how we have to express it. But don’t turn your back on your responsibilities to yourself and your fellow man.
Have faith. We are heading out of this mess, although it may not be obvious right now. It’s not just the polls that are showing the potential landslide election. It’s the strength and courage I’m seeing from people all over this great land to stand up to the tyranny, to question what’s right and wrong, and to be willing to battle windmills because we know that in the end it’s our belief in ourselves that will decide our fate.
On Wednesday July 22nd at 4:37 A.M. EDT we enter the most romantic and fun-loving part of summer. As I said above, with the New Moon in opposition to Saturn and the ongoing limitations we are feeling this won’t be like most summers when we run barefoot with the sand between our toes like gray-haired teenagers throwing our cares to the wind as we pretend our bodies are still young and supple. This year we have some serious issues to confront and even the entrance into Leo may feel somewhat repressed. But don’t let all of the fun seep out of the beach ball like so much air in a small puncture. There is still romance and childhood in our souls and it’s important that you find some ways to express that. It may just be a few hours on the beach or a social-distanced dinner on the sidewalk of your city. I see this as a chance to understand the many ways we can show love and romance, friendship and joy. Perhaps this is a way for the universe to remind us that it isn’t the cost or magnitude of a vacation or a summer memory so much as the underlying joy found in the simplicity of an act of kindness and generosity. Our society has grown into this behemoth that judges success and fun by how much you have spent. A simple “I love you – you are my friend” cost nothing and can change someone’s life in an instant; while a ludicrously expensive trip can sometimes result in an insignificant sense of entitlement that is valueless. Find ways to express your creativity, your love and your compassion and this summer may be the most unforgettable memories you make in a long time.
On Wednesday July 22nd at 4:25 P.M. EDT our minds will be moving quickly and we will all be inundated with a lot of communications and ideas. This is a very positive and useful aspect, although it is short-lived. It comes just as the Sun is entering Leo and might help us all find ways of self-expression that we might normally miss. This is a day of open-mindedness and a desire to be released from restrictions and anything that feels confining. Look for something new and innovative and try to expand your consciousness and see things from a different perspective. Travel will be exhilarating and even a short drive to the beach or a lake could have a profound effect on your mood and outlook.
On Monday July 27th at 12:07 P.M. EDT this aspect will complete for the 2nd pass. The 3rd and final time we will experience this is in October. This is a moment when we have the ability to delve deeply into our spiritual self. We give Jupiter ancient rulership over Pisces, while Neptune has modern control. They are two of the most mystical and compassionate of the celestial energies and when they work well together this is a chance to gain a deeper understanding of what our souls are here to learn. While I believe that this sextile has much to do with the expansion of the coronavirus (Neptune rules infectious diseases and Jupiter is all about growth and enlargement) because it is a positive and user-friendly sextile we have the capacity to get a handle on this pandemic. But only if the government and the populous are willing to put in some restrictions on Jupiter’s unbridled attitude. At the moment it doesn’t appear that that will be the case.
Because of the spiritual side of this aspect there are many side-effects to our current problematic ear that are very endearing. The best of humanity is emerging as a counter-balance to the worst year we have seen in decades. Sometimes it takes something horrible to remind us of our goodness and true purpose. I believe this sextile has much to do with the demise of Trump and his support. Our eyes have been open to the decay and derisiveness within our culture and this aspect is making it more obvious and palpable what we need to do.
On Monday July 27th at 1:48 P.M. EDT relationships will take an interesting twist. There is some confusion whenever Neptune is involved and because this is followed by Mercury square Mars, a decidedly harsh and argumentative energy, it’s important to clarify things in order to avoid misunderstandings and irrational behavior. This is especially true in our most intimate connections. A lover, friend or business associate will feel the brunt of this most directly. Try to be careful how you communicate your feelings. It’s easy for misunderstandings with Neptune active and that can lead to difficulties and confusion.
On Monday July 27th at 5:46 P.M. EDT we will all be a bit feisty and argumentative. This rather intense transit will push your thoughts and communications in a forceful and direct manner and it’s most important to think before you speak, though that may be rather difficult at times. This isn’t a gentle or thoughtful transit. It’s more like gumballs falling on your tongue spewing out of your mouth with little regard for where they land. Knowing this possibility it’s up to you to control your ideas, speech and temper. If someone pushes your buttons will you take a step back and a deep breath before responding, or will you let that Martian energy assert itself unfettered? That’s what we call free will astrology.
Caution is called for when traveling. Mercury rules transportation, cars, trains, planes and even walking. If this hits your chart in a sensitive area it could represent some difficulty or tension. Mars can produce anger and even if you aren’t sensing rage within, it’s possible that the guy in the car next to you is. Do what you can to keep a lid on your feelings and put things in perspective. Is it really worth your effort to have that argument about politics, or get upset because someone cuts in front of you in line? Or more to the point, is someone displays their attitude from their car with a hand gesture? Let it go and be the bigger kid in the playground. I would go out of my way to slow down and let that person get as far ahead as they can.
On Thursday July 30th at 10:17 A.M. EDT & 2:45 P.M. EDT this pair of aspects complete. This is followed tomorrow by Mercury opposite Pluto. This will be a rather intense few days when communication will rule everything. This is a time to express yourself and reach out to those you’ve been meaning to contact. Today you have an optimistic and far-sighted point of view. You can see down the line and prepare for the future. Most of us will project a gregarious and sociable persona and this is a good time for any type of gathering or date. Travel is favored and a day trip might be just what you need. Because of tomorrow’s more intense Mercury opposite Pluto you would be wise to make your point now and set a foundation of openness and congeniality. Tomorrow you will be more apt to delve deeply into issues and it may be harder to find compromise. Each aspect has its purpose and it’s up to you to make use of the changing energy.
On Saturday August 1st at 6:52 A.M. EDT we will be apt to act out in compulsive ways, unable to let go of something that is irking. This is a more forceful aspect than the two we experienced yesterday. Now you are more likely to demand some answers to important issues that have been festering. If you used yesterday’s opposition to Jupiter properly you should have been able to state your case without stirring up much resistance or antagonism. If so, you can continue the conversation now and expect that there will be a few things brought out that need to be rehashed, and you can do so comfortably. If you ignored yesterday’s energy or this opposition to Pluto bring up a conflict with someone new, you need to be careful how you express your idea. Don’t be too pig-headed or you may get into quarrels that could just as easily be avoided. There is a tendency to be obsessive when Pluto is active and it’s harder to let things go.
On Sunday August 2nd at 7:19 A.M. EDT this explosive transit comes along. While this completes early in the morning, its effects will be obvious the night before, and throughout the day. This is followed tomorrow by the Full Moon in Uranus-ruled Aquarius. This is a week of surprises and unbounded energy that can produce stress and potential problems. As with all astrological aspects there are several ways this may manifest. It could just be a very forceful energy that is directed can be productive. It can be manageable if you pay close attention to what’s happening around you and how you react to it. If you can handle it, you may be able to get a lot accomplished and to move your projects forward at an accelerated rate.
But it is known as one of the more volatile and dangerous energies. Because it is followed closely by the Aquarius Full Moon, Mercury in opposition to Saturn & Mars square Jupiter this is a few days when it is most important that you act defensively and avoid any harsh or dangerous situation. This could be a few days of some violence or at the very least boisterous and derisive announcements in the political arena and on the streets of your city.
On Monday August 3rd at 11:59 A.M. EDT at 11 degrees Aquarius 46 minutes we have this lunar peak in the explosive sign of Aquarius. As I said above, this is preceded by the difficult Sun square Uranus and followed by Mercury opposite Saturn & Mars square Jupiter. This combination of transits is creating a few days when you must stay alert and pay attention to what’s going on around you. On Last month’s Full Moon eclipse in Capricorn we saw a violent few days on the 4th of July holiday weekend. While this isn’t an eclipse and there is no reason to assume that this will be as volatile as the last lunar peak, it’s still wise to use some caution and sidestep any situations that seem unpredictable or instable. All Full Moons are an opportunity to bring things to a peak and begin the process of unwinding our projects in anticipation of the next New Moon and its new beginning. The reason that Full Moons have the reputation for unnerving events (the Wolf Man not withstanding) is because even in a positive and productive moment the buildup of energy and the focus that can occur at these times pushes us to an edge when limitations are often ignored and the collective force is hell bent on created a crescendo. Most often it is benign and simply heightened excitement. But once in a while world and astrological events coincide and create an atmosphere of unruly power. I’m simply implying that it would be smart to take these few days in stride and use common sense. Aquarius is the sign of genius, and certainly many of the brightest have a prominent Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) in their charts. So perhaps we will see some brilliant discovery or event that puts our current issues in a new and enlightened perspective. One can only hope. In the meantime, protect yourself and your loved ones and have an adventurous and exciting time while still treading lightly and staying aware of your environment.
On Monday August 3rd at 5:00 P.M. EDT this difficult and somewhat dour transit sits in the midst of the more energetic aspects surrounding it. This can be a low energy transit, but with the Sun square Uranus, the Full Moon and Mars in square to Jupiter also in play I think this may manifest as some frustration as we try to express those more animated aspects. This is a time to pay attention to details and to carefully plan your goals and objectives. It’s a good time to clean up paperwork or to complete something that has been bothering you. It can produce feelings of frustration and irritability, so if you are feeling some anger or discontent try to put it in perspective. This is not a good time to lash out at others or to create a rift. It’s best used in its cautionary context and we should all examine things with care and decide what’s worth our efforts and what isn’t. If you use this properly it can help sooth some of the more robust aspects we are experiencing. But if you ignore this or don’t pay attention to its underlying attitude it can add even more irritation to the atmosphere. It’s up to you.
On Tuesday August 4th at 9:07 A.M. EDT this boundless mass of energy will swoop down and draw us all into an ego-fueled moment of grandiosity. This can be the most positive or negative of aspects depending on how you use it. At its worst it can be arrogant and blind to the needs and desires of others. This combination tends to be overbearing and it’s easy to let your ego act from an unconscious place without regard for the results. But if you are someone who is used to this power because you have a similar aspect in your natal chart and have done some valuable work either psychologically or spiritually, you should be able to handle this without any negative effects. At its best this is a very energetic and active day when you can push through restrictions that may have been holding back your plans and projects. If you have something to accomplish you will have the force to do so. Just keep in mind how important it is not to act in a selfish or domineering manner. You may still be able to accomplish things, but you could create some lingering resentment from those you run roughshod over. A gentle voice goes a long way towards smoothing over any resentment that might occur.
On Tuesday August 4th at 11:32 P.M. EDT until Wednesday August 19th at 9:30 P.M. ED. For the next few weeks we will see a lot of theatrics in our interactions. Drama and expressiveness will prevail, and you would be wise not to take everything at face value. While this isn’t normally an aspect of deception, Leos do usually tend to tell the truth, it is a time of exaggeration and vivid performances. You could be expressing something that isn’t quite accurate. Mercury will square Uranus in a week, and that will be a time of amplification and hyperbole. But for the most part this will be a period of direct and open conversations with an undertow of bluster and bravado. I expect to see a lot of swagger and audacity on the world stage. It’s especially important not to take everything you see in the news or on Facebook to heart. The B.S. will fly and once it hits the fan it will be too late to duck.
On Friday August 7th at 11:21 A.M. EDT until September 6th at 3:22 A.M. EDT there will be a lot of emotions in our relationships, even more than usual. This is a very nice placement for Venus. It tends to make us all think about family (however you define that) and it’s a good time to decorate your home, take a cooking class or reach out to loved ones in a pronounced emotional manner. This is a month to enjoy each other and to find common interests and objectives. We’re more interested in ideas and feeling we share than those that differentiate us. Spend time at home or with your closest peeps and you will find much solace in their company.
On Monday August 10th at 8:52 A.M. EDT this explosive and argumentative aspect will complete. From Sunday night until this wanes in the morning it’s important to watch your tongue and to avoid any confrontations you can sidestep. This is an argument waiting to happen. It’s up to you to take the bait or ignore it. This can be an accident prone transit as well, so you need to pay attention to what you’re doing. Most accidents are a matter of misdirection or diversion. If you’re driving it’s especially important to stay alert and not be distracted. Our minds will be working quickly and without the usual filters, so people will speak and react without hesitation and in an erratic and unpredictable way.
On Thursday August 13th at 3:14 A.M. EDT this difficult and demanding square will make many of us irritable and unable to back down from a fight. Mars wants to confront whatever it contacts, and Pluto demands that we uncover what has been hidden. While this isn’t a negative thing and in fact can be very revealing and cleansing, there is little compassion or empathy and it’s easy to be overbearing and demanding in ways that are difficult for others to accept. If you can hold back your anger and look at things in a clear and nonjudgmental way this can be a positive and useful time when you can dig deeply into what makes your ego tick. But if you don’t pay attention and just let your mouth do the thinking for you, you could get into some trouble today.
On Saturday August 15th at 10:25 A.M. EDT until January 13th this erratic and somewhat irrational planet begins its backward motion. Uranus rules government of and by the people. Anyone who is elected is working under its influence. As such when it retrogrades there are often issues about the government that come out in uncontrolled and surprising ways. Because this will be in retrograde for 5 months it’s important to keep that in mind and to research any information that may come to light.
Because Uranus will be retrograde throughout the election and almost until the inauguration, there will be much confusion and misdirection about the candidates and some of the results will be contested. This will be a very nasty election with falsehoods and condemnation rampant. But Uranus goes direct about a week before the next president is put in office, and I believe that implies a change of government. Also Mercury will go direct on Election Day and while there will be some confusion and perhaps a need for recounts in some areas, I think we will know who the winner is by the end of that day. There is a good possibility of some violence and contentious confrontations but I believe in the American system and have high hopes that we can overcome any issues that arise.
In our personal lives this will be a time when we will be prone to seek innovation within. The greatest changes will occur in our inner conversation and be presented to the world in January once this planet reverses direction. Many people will be seeking the answers to their most important questions during the coming months, both on a personal and a collective level. Don’t be afraid to dig deeply into your issues. That’s the only way to solve some of your problems and aim your life on the path it belongs.
On Sunday August 16th at 10:02 A.M. EDT & Monday August 17th at 1:29 A.M. EDT respectively these two planets create a positive trine to Mars. This is a few days of focused energy when you can aim your force where it will do the most good. This occurs at the end of the lunar cycle and represents the end of the matter. Look back. Has this been a good month when you accomplished your goals and feel as though you’ve moved closer to what you wish? Or has it been a sideways dance with no motion forward or backward? While these transits won’t last long enough to have that powerful an effect, they will offer a chance to tie up loose ends and put your projects on the right road. You may not be able to complete something that is ongoing, but you can tweak it and set your sights on what the next lunar cycle can accomplish. This is a good time to discuss all matter. You mind and will are in good shape and you will be able to express yourself succinctly and in a direct and honest manner.
The next New Moon falls on Tuesday August 18th at 10:42 P.M. EDT at 26 degrees Leo 35 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
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Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
July 20th 1:55 P.M. – 4:16 P.M.
July 21st 8:27 P.M. – July 22nd 7:40 P.M. ***Moon is void 23 hours
July 24th 7:08 P.M. – 9:54 P.M.
July 26th 9:09 P.M. – July 27th 12:12 A.M.
July 29th 12:01 A.M. – 3:25 A.M.
July 30th 8:08 P.M. – July 31st 7:58 A.M. ***Mon is void 12 hours
August 2nd 9:59 A.M. – 2:11 P.M.
August 4th 5:45 P.M. – 10:28 P.M.
August 7th 8:53 A.M. – 9:05 A.M.
August 9th 3:50 P.M. – 9:28 P.M.
August 12th 3:55 A.M. – 9:46 A.M.
August 14th 7:19 A.M. – 7:35 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
August 16th 7:59 P.M. – August 17th 1:38 A.M.
August 19th 1:38 A.M. – 4:20 A.M.
August 20th 11:37 P.M. – August 21st 5:16 A.M.
August 23rd 12:20 A.M. – 6:16 A.M.
July 2020
New York City
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Copyright 2020
All Rights Reserved
What a beautifully written newsletter! Thank you, I really needed that extra insight and support! Astrology really helps me stay calm during the storm and excited about the next blue sky.