The New Moon falls on Monday July 20th at 1:33 P.M. EDT at 28 degrees Cancer 27 minutes. This is the 2nd New Moon in Cancer in a row. This is a rarity that should be noted. We call a 2nd New Moon in a month a “blue Moon”. But since our calendar year is flawed and I follow the celestial calendar I refer to the 2nd New Moon in a zodiac sign as the “Blue Moon”. That’s what we have now. Whatever you call it, what does this mean?

Well, for one thing it is a 2nd chance to make some changes in the areas of life the sign it falls in represents. Cancer is all about emotions, the family, the past; our attachment to things on a deeper level both materialistic and spiritual. Don’t think that Cancers aren’t materialistic. They are, though mostly to fulfill the need for security and stability, not just to accrue wealth. I do know some extremely wealthy Cancers and some who surprisingly are quite selfish in their attitude. But you can’t judge any sign through generalizations. It takes all kinds to make up humanity.


This is a moment in our personal lives and in the collective to look back over decisions we have made and how we view our relationships and express ourselves. This is a complicated process. So much of what we are and we perceive has its origin in the past. We stand upon the shoulders of who we used to be as we attempt to reach a new and higher consciousness. Can we ever truly be objective about ourselves and the decisions we made so long ago? I wonder. But now you have an opportunity to explore what was and perhaps change your attitude and reaction to the events of the past. What was your family really about? How much did you absorb from them and how much of what you are is really an honest representation of what you believe? These are tough questions not easily pushed aside. When they claim your attention you are forced to look back, no matter how much you think you understand or how much therapy you have gone through, and once again visit those dark and lonely times when you wondered why you are here and if you’d be able to achieve what you have set out for yourself. As we grow older what we value is altered and the questions become more complicated and difficult to answer. I see this as a time to reexamine those issues and step back into childhood and stand on the side watching how you interacted with your most important people and whether or not you have taken the proper path. “But second thoughts are a human trait I know that memories can hurt you so. It’s oh so very hard to let them go. And sometimes better not to let it show”.


As we rapidly approach this coming election each New Moon represents a giant step towards that immensely important choice that will decide the direction of our nation for a long time to come. We only have three more after this before that massive happening occurs. Each one will require your close scrutiny and your examination of your role in these events. Look at the world around you and your place in it. And ask yourself – am I being true to myself and my beliefs? Or am I bending to the will of those around me or to my own fears? Only by searching your heart will you know the answer to these questions. Under this New Moon energy many people are trying to decide which direction you believe our nation should be heading. That’s one of the most important issues we will all face this year. Try to answer that question in an open and honest voice. You will have to live with your decision for a long time.