On Sunday July 12th at 4:26 A.M. EDT at 5 degrees Cancer Mercury begins its forward motion. This has been one doozy of a retrograde. For one thing it took place in emotional Cancer and many personal relationships have felt the brunt of this transit. The interesting thing about Rx Mercury is that while it’s difficult to get in touch with someone, once the conversation begins it usually reaches a deeper place and exposes a lot of the underlying issues that usually aren’t expressed. When it falls in an emotional sign, especially Cancer there are issues that simply must be addressed, and they aren’t usually easy or pleasant. But they do resolve some underlying problems that may have plagued you for some time. Matters involving family and the past have been revealed and how you have dealt with them will decide just what the results will be. Did you face your demons and look deeply within to see what changes you can make to your character, or did you turn away from the light and tiptoe back into the shadows in hopes of avoiding the uncomfortable truth?


As with any reversal of direction of Mercury some secrets will be revealed and discord will undoubtedly be a result. John Bolton’s book is in stores by now. And Trump’s niece’s book is about to be released. Both will send waves of conscious infraction into our collective thoughts. More and more is being revealed about how this administration is running things. Now that Mercury is going direct you can expect more to be uncovered.


In our personal lives this reversal can have an equally powerful effect. Any secrets that are revealed now will demand our attention. For a few days be careful what you write on Facebook or you email at 3 AM after a few glasses of wine. You may be sorry later on and unable to retract what you said. But more important – this is a time when we need to face up to our true desires and goals and to push them forward. While Mercury was Rx it was hard to get the word out, but if you spent that time examining just what you wanted to say, once this planet gets up to speed in a day or two, this is the time to say it. And that will be true on a personal, political and collective level. Hold your breath. A whole lot of stuff is about to come out.